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Steampunk - what's that style

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Steampunk - what's that style
Steampunk - what's that style

Video: How to Wear Steampunk & Victorian Collars | Ventriloquist Court® 2024, June

Video: How to Wear Steampunk & Victorian Collars | Ventriloquist Court® 2024, June

Steampunk is a new design direction. At the moment, this is not a very well-known style, not very widespread, although the ranks of his fans are growing day by day. The style of steampunk, or rather its features, are traced in the art of the entire twentieth century, although only in the late eighties did it have a name. Further, the characteristics of this current were systematized and determined. He began to pay attention, after which he had a whole army of fans. A new style has appeared. But we all are well aware that everything new is a reincarnation of the well-forgotten old. Thus, the steampunk style was born, reborn, and not born.


This is a retro futuristic style. Some will say: this is a combination of incongruous! Or is it retro with cute pictures of the past, or a look into the future. How can these 2 worlds be one? They can, for which an example is steampunk!

This imitation of reality of the second half of the XIX century, the stylization of the Victorian period. Futurism here lies in thoughts about the development of steam technologies. Imagine what the modern world would look like if the steam engine remained the main one?

Steampunk is, we repeat, imaginary paintings of the future representative of the Victorian era. Contemporaries of the 19th century saw prospects in mechanics, not in electronics. Consequently, their imaginary robots were, in fact, huge clockwork toys. But the means of transportation seemed to be improved airplanes, airships, steam locomotives, as well as high-speed cars with electronic and steam engines.

The main characteristics of the style: urban, sci-fi, combining futurism and retro, industrial.


Sources of inspiration: the revolution of the 19th century, works of science fiction writers of those years, paintings of an industrial city. And, of course, the works of Jules Verne.

Steampunk in materials and details

Materials: copper, steel, bronze, brass, darkened wood, leather, brick.

Key: soot, sepia, smog, smoke.

Details: levers, gears, rollers, springs, cylinders, etc. Items resembling an outline of a car, a steam locomotive, an airship.

Steampunk in art

In works, the time of action can be the 19th century, as well as our days and the distant future. The main thing here is the mechanisms and the characteristic atmosphere.

It is believed that the films “Brazil” and “Metropolis” became the first examples of steampunk. Although whether these films specifically relate to this style is for many an open question. But whatever one may say, the style became more and more popular.

A huge number of modern films reproduce its atmosphere: for example, Prestige, Sherlock Holmes, Around the World in 80 Days, and the League of Outstanding Gentlemen. In some films, steampunk has taken entourage (gloom, urbanism, steam engines, smoke), in others, attention is focused on technologies, including fantastic ones.


Of the many computer games stand out quests that are based on puzzles and riddles with various mechanisms and details. A great representative of this style is the famous game "Siberia", in which much is taken from steampunk: the soot effect, gloomy atmosphere, robots and mechanical toys, a clockwork train. Sokal (artist) in the game combined the styles of steampunk and art nouveau, since art nouveau was in vogue at sunset in the Victorian period. The result of a combination of these styles was a magnificent, exciting and addictive fantasy world.


At the moment, there is no such musical direction as steampunk. The music that stands out for this style by a number of musical groups is actually performed in the genres of dark cabaret, art rock, industrial and dark wave. The “steampunkiness” of these groups is mainly expressed in the corresponding texts, Victorian surroundings, as well as the presence of melodic techniques and modernized motifs inherent in the works of the late 19th century.

Steampunk in fashion

Steampunk and fashion found expression. Many fans of various vintage outfits have become lovers of this style. Corsages, crinolines, cylinder hats, suede and leather pants and jackets, large rivet belts, retro glasses, long gloves - these are all traditional steampunk clothes. Toilets are complemented by many different details, including buttons, rivets, belt fasteners, zippers, pockets, decorative overlays and metal spikes.


How to dress

All this will cost you dearly. Although for those who decided to transform into this retro-futuristic style, there can be no such barrier. So, these things will create the right image for you:

  • raincoats: coats and military trench coats;

  • hats: bowlers, top hats, veil and carnival masks;

  • jackets: double-breasted, as well as suits with pinstriped vests;

  • underwear: crinolines, corsets and bustiers;

  • shirts: chiffon, for men without collars;

  • steampunk dresses: lace, velor and velvet, with a skirt to the knee or to the floor;

  • shoes: lace-up shoes, gaiters;

  • pants: breeches, breeches, etc.;

  • accessories: luxurious pocket watches and brooches, goggles, a USB flash drive and a mobile phone can also be “Victorized”.

Key Secrets and Style Rules

If you don’t know exactly how to choose the right clothes, buy items in Victorian style, and then add high-tech accessories to them. People who consider the main color of this image only black or brown, only dark or light, are very mistaken. Steampunk clothes can be any color. The main thing is to adhere to a combination of technological complex prints and vibrant color.


The main rule of the style is to remain yourself. You do not need to dress like someone else in order to look appropriately within the style. Of course, if you are so interested in steampunk, a master class on the right image selection will not hurt. But if this is not possible - do not be shy. Create your own, original image. Next, we’ll find out what designers have prepared for steampunkers this year.

Fashion collections

Steampunk now occupies a worthy place in the fashion world. Experts even predict the mass production of style elements, while now it is single. Skeptics assure that today's fashion trends are incredibly broad, while steampunk is a rather specific and high-profile image in order to be dominant. In a sense, it is a subculture with a set of different aesthetic norms. Although he is guaranteed a place in fashion collections and a huge number of fans. Although the influence of this style on fashion can already be noted on the catwalks.


This year, many designers in their collections demonstrated various elements of steampunk. Although while they have this style is still too soft. But if you dilute it with characteristic accessories (glasses, cylinders, steampunk bracelets, jewelry from watch gears, lace-up shoes), you get an adequate, bold image.


The most luxurious and extravagant collections can be called Alexander McQueen. But in such dresses you won’t go to a simple party.

Steampunk Jewelry

Such jewelry looks authentic, sometimes reminding museum exhibits. Such paraphernalia expresses very clearly the mechanical nature of the admirer of this style, in addition, the merger of the mechanical past and technological modernity. The image is very harmoniously complemented by such accessories and steampunk jewelry as details of mechanisms, pendants and earrings made of rusted metal, all kinds of measuring instruments, huge umbrellas with wooden handles, goggles.


Goggles are round gas welder goggles, sometimes closed glasses with special hinged glasses, models for skiers, snowboarders or motorcyclists. Most often, goggles use cybergotes. But there are other areas in which these glasses are popular: steampunk and anime.


The specificity of their wearing implies their presence on the head or forehead. Due to this unusual arrangement, nets, colored glasses, coolers, protective grilles, lenses, fragments of electronic circuits, images of signs of chemical and biological danger, etc. are actively used in their design. Also, steampunk glasses suggest the use of all kinds of spikes, tubes, LEDs, screws, rivets and other materials, including those glowing in ultraviolet light.



The watches created in the steampunk style are very expensive, despite the fact that they are not always made of high quality materials. At the same time, they inspire confidence with their original design. Such models seem more versatile due to the large number of gears and other design elements. In principle, the functions are not important … Steampunk watches acquire solely for the sake of design, which is basically absolutely unique. Although they cope with the role of the models familiar to us. Often, the work is done simply by enthusiasts, not professional designers. Some works were made only for decorative purposes. There is no other use from them. Some manufacturers of such models do not sell their work. But you can always agree …


The creation of such watches came to us together with science fiction. The new direction of art inspired watchmakers from all over the world to unusual, “strange” things that would have been inherent in the steampunk style. With their own hands, they began to make watches, while not being afraid of consumer misunderstanding. Masters make almost utopian models, constantly referring to the world of 19-20 centuries. Although many of their watch works are associated with newcomers from the future, they are not without sufficient clear and useful functions.

These characteristics correspond to the Romain Jerome model. The brilliant designer and chief developer Ivan Arpa was able to display a provocative and bold decision, embodied in the brainchild of the company from Switzerland “Haute Horlogerie”. Equipped with an ultra-precise mechanism, this watch with the name “Titanic DNA” seems to “carry” particles of this legendary ship, as it is made from its fragments. Another legend of the company was the “Moon dust” model. Only 1969 people allowed themselves to buy this watch, since they were released in a limited edition in honor of the fortieth anniversary of the conquest of the moon. Their hull was made of real moon dust and parts of the Apollo 11 ship.


The watch company called “HD3 Complication”, which recently announced itself, has created precise watches of the “Luxury” class, while combining them in the “Vulcania” series. The model “Black PearlHD3 Complication” from this Swiss manufacture, inspired by the romance of the sea and the theme of the Black Pearl pirates, is incredibly successful. At the same time, the updated devices are high-tech waterproof chronometers with a 2-axis tourbillon.

It is also impossible not to say about the MB&F company. Only 12 people who have seriousness and a good sense of humor will be able to buy a HM3 FROG watch. The "frog" of this company has a 22K gold rotor and a titanium case.

Also, the watch market was conceived to “blow up” and the company from Switzerland “Cabestan” with its futuristic model “Winch Tourbillion Vertical Watch”, as well as the legendary company “Harry Winston”, introducing the public “Opus Eleven”.

Steampunk in the interior

Such interiors are youth, conceptual, brutal. Steampunk decor is most suitable for creating rooms for boys, apartments for young couples who are passionate about retro fiction, as well as male bachelor chambers.



The style is accompanied by smoke and soot, therefore, mainly the colors are dark: gray, brown, dirty brick, rusty, black. If you choose a steampunk wallpaper, you need to understand that the use of other shades is not forbidden, although it is better that they be different smoky shades: smoky blue, not blue, “maunbatten”, and not pink. Ideally, the presence of the color of copper, steel, bronze or brass.

Finishing materials

The best types of finishes are boards, masonry, preservation of concrete “bare” walls, stone, rough plaster, floor tiles imitating cobblestone pavement. Such an urban set can be diluted with wallpaper in a strip, in a cage, with the image of parts resembling springs and gears or with a damask-like pattern. Steampunk wallpapers with a touch of grunge are also a great opportunity to create an atmosphere of style. Although do not confuse vintage with touching prints of Provence. In this case, do not forget about the shades - slightly chamber and rough, saturated. In addition, one of the most popular drawings is various monograms that perfectly complement steampunk.


How to do the wall decoration in this style? It will be good to choose brick and masonry. She should have a story, a stone with peeling paint, battered. At the same time, classic London brick is considered ideal brickwork.

If steampunk and art nouveau styles are combined, then a luxurious finish with parquet and wood panels is ideal.


Sofas, chairs, chairs in the steampunk style are leather, with riveted models. Elements created in the Victorian style will fit perfectly here, including a wooden bureau, a Chesterfield leather sofa, etc.

Various pieces of furniture can also be wrought: chairs, tables, beds. A metal cabinet will be an excellent acquisition for an interior of this style. It is better to cover the kitchen set with a countertop, which is faced with steel. Futurism of this direction is also emphasized by radial facades.

In such interiors, riveted furniture (wicker, leather or wooden) looks authentic, in addition, items created in the colonial style. In this case, the accessories should be the color of copper, brass, bronze.


If steampunk is connected to Art Nouveau, some of the furniture is made in curved smooth lines that are typical for this decorative style.