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Caucasian weddings: features, rites, traditions and interesting facts

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Caucasian weddings: features, rites, traditions and interesting facts
Caucasian weddings: features, rites, traditions and interesting facts

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The Caucasus is a truly unusual and unique place. Here you will meet people of different nationalities who are united by the culture and traditions of their homeland. One of these is the holding of Caucasian weddings. No wonder they say that in this corner of Russia the most beautiful and incendiary celebrations. The Caucasian people are considered one of the most hospitable, so a lot of people always gather at the holidays who are happy to "walk" at the event. The wedding celebration in most cases lasts several days in a row, and all guests tirelessly congratulate the young. The celebration of the union of two hearts in the Caucasus is accompanied by incendiary dances and a chic feast.

Traditions and customs

The peculiarity of Caucasian weddings consists precisely in observing the old rules. One of these is that the bride and groom do not see each other during the celebration. Each of them celebrates separately in the company of his relatives and friends. Only at the end of the wedding, the newlyweds meet. Now this custom has lost its relevance, its meaning is to distinguish between the society of women and men.

The first appearance of the bride in the groom's house should be solemn. From ancient times, the girl covered her face with a scarf to protect herself from the evil eye. It is necessary to enter the house from the right foot, and lay a sheep skin near the door. If these rules are not followed, then the newlyweds will not be able to count on a long and happy family life.


A hug tradition is the cutest. Before the wedding night, the bride should hug all family members, especially the touch of a small child is appreciated, this is considered a good sign.

A beautiful Caucasian wedding is such due to the custom of giving gifts, including. Families of the bride and groom exchange presents to show their location. Girls often give something made by themselves, and guys, in turn, jewelry.


Matchmaking is an essential part of preparing for a wedding. Previously, parents dealt with all issues in this regard, that is, they were the ones who decided the fate of the children. At age 12, the girl already knew who she would marry. Of course, a lot depended on the status of the family, families were not chosen randomly, marriage should be of equal value. Currently, this is considered a relic of the past, as young people themselves choose their bride.

The tradition of matchmaking has been preserved, but not in full. First appoint a date, the first visit of the groom to the bride. He comes with male relatives to visit with the intention of marrying. In turn, the parents of the bride may think for a while before giving an answer. If the decision is positive, the date of the second matchmaking is appointed. It takes place solemnly, with tables, dances, etc. laid. At the end of the evening, the father, who gives his daughter in marriage, voices a positive decision.

Preparation for the celebration

After the consent of the bride, the stage of preparations for the wedding begins. As you know, this is already a lot of trouble, and in the case of the Caucasian holiday, they are doubly more. The bulk of the costs are borne by the groom's family. A huge number of people are invited to the celebration. For comparison: an ordinary Russian wedding - 50 people, a Caucasian wedding - 300 people. And if all distant relatives and friends arrive, the number of guests will exceed the figure of 500 people.


The most controversial and attractive tradition is the theft of the bride. Some people consider this a crime, but for the Caucasian region this action is commonplace. They steal the bride in several cases: when they refuse to matchmaking and a few days before the celebration. In the first case, a guy and a girl prove their love. The Caucasian wedding is also famous for a special manifestation of the feelings of the newlyweds. They do not shout “bitterly”, do not kiss, but in their gaze and movements you can feel the whole power of love that hovers around the bride and groom.

Custom associated with two weddings

It is no secret that the wedding in the Caucasus takes place in several days and in several houses. As already noted, previously men and women celebrated separately. Today, everything has changed a bit, on the wedding day, the newlyweds are together, however, the tradition of celebrating two events has been preserved. The celebration is celebrated both in the house of the groom and in the territory of the bride.


First, the party of the girl receives guests, this happens a few days before the wedding. The lyrical evening, which the girl’s family arranges, is like a farewell to the house and parting with relatives. The event is shrouded in a note of sadness, but this fact does not spoil the overall impression.

All guests gather at the groom immediately after the marriage ceremony. The celebration is bright, noisy and fun. Where without Caucasian dances at weddings? At the event, the groom's friends demonstrate all their skills, making guests enthusiastic.

Caucasian bride

As you know, the eastern culture is significantly different from the western. For people living in the Caucasus, the girl is a model of chastity. If so, then she immediately receives the respect of others. Otherwise, the girl will keep clear, and finding a chosen one is more difficult in such a situation.


The bride at the wedding should behave quietly and modestly, you can not laugh out loud, drink, make noise and have fun. In fact, the girl acts more as a decoration of the celebration than his culprit. As already noted, the kisses of the newlyweds are unacceptable, this is considered an intimate thing. The question arises: what happens at the Russian-Caucasian wedding? Of course, it all depends on the situation. In most cases, Caucasian stubbornness prevails, and the word “bitterly” is not shouted at the event.

Lezginka at Caucasian weddings

There is no such triumph in this corner of Russia, where there will be no incendiary dance. It is safe to say that Lezginka plays at every wedding. This dance is considered one of the most beautiful in the world, it decorates every event. The ability to dance among Caucasians in the blood, they can do it without taking courses and training. A man depicts an eagle, and a woman - a gentle swan.

A stunningly beautiful dance is accompanied by loud music and songs. It is worth noting that the bride can go out in a circle only after an invitation. The rest of the time she sits at the table, modestly dropping her eyes. Caucasian incendiary lezginka at the wedding is the decoration of the celebration. Previously, only such music was played at events, but now everything has changed.


Musicians who perform various songs are now invited to the celebration. Therefore, one can hear both popular modern music and the Armenian hut. But the pearl of the evening was and remains a Lezginka. Due to the popularity of dance in Russia, there are many schools that are designed to educate people. Therefore, each of you can go and learn the art of Lezginka.


The Caucasian celebration has many distinctive features, including beautiful toasts. A short speech can contain both an interesting story and simply kind words. Caucasian wedding toasts make guests open their mouth in amazement and admiration. In the process of congratulations, it is customary to make many compliments. It is valuable for a girl when praising her beauty, modesty and thrift, and for a guy - strength, intelligence and courage.


Toast is an art. The speech of professionals in this matter is insanely eloquent, replete with variety and originality. A person who will attend a Caucasian wedding for the first time can prepare and surprise guests with his congratulations. Now on the Internet there are many examples of toasts, you just need to find the most interesting and beautiful. With this step you will receive additional respect, as well as bring positive to the event.

Cortege of newlyweds

At the celebration, dedicated to the merger of the two hearts, many guests are invited. This means that the tuple must also be appropriate. Often, it includes several dozen cars. Driving is pretty noisy and fun. All cars honk, alerting everyone around a happy event. Young Caucasians are very impulsive, so sometimes you can hear shots. The guys shoot in the air, confirming the news of the upcoming triumph.

Traditionally, one of the cars carries carpets that are laid under the bride’s feet so that she does not touch the ground. This custom is not always respected, but it does occur.

Event duration

We have already said that the Caucasian celebrations are the longest. On average, a wedding is celebrated for two days, and in the Caucasus - three. And all this time, guests do not get tired of singing, dancing, and, of course, praising the newlyweds. Relatives and friends make toasts for the courage and perseverance of the groom, as well as the beauty and humility of the bride. According to ancient tradition, the more fun the celebration took place, the stronger the union of the newlyweds will be. Therefore, guests spare no effort and are happy to celebrate a wonderful holiday.


A person who has not attended such a wedding cannot imagine the beauty of the traditions of this people. In Caucasians, hot temperament is combined with a sense of respect for elders and respect for customs.