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Monument to "polite people" in Simferopol: address, description

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Monument to "polite people" in Simferopol: address, description
Monument to "polite people" in Simferopol: address, description

In mid-summer, the Russian press reported that a monument to "polite people" was erected in Simferopol. The decision to create it was made back in 2015. The initiators were the deputies of the State Council of Crimea. The monument was supposed to convey the trust and positive with which the Crimeans reacted to the appearance of “polite people” in the peninsula's settlements, or, as they were also called in the Russian media and on Internet forums, “green men”.


Who put the monument

The phrase "polite people" appeared in the media during the days of the "Crimean Spring". It began to be used to designate GRU units, paratroopers and marines, which played a crucial role in maintaining peace and order in the days when the reunification of the peninsula with the Russian Federation took place.

After the rallies of Crimean residents began, during which they supported the idea of ​​holding a referendum on the status of their native land, unknown people appeared in camouflage. They took control of the Supreme Council, the buildings of the government of the republic and the local state broadcasting company, the headquarters of the coastal defense forces, as well as Simferopol and Sevastopol airports. On the ammunition of armed, strong men there were no identification marks, and they did not answer questions regarding their involvement in someone else's troops. However, according to eyewitnesses, the "green men" behaved extremely politely. It was thanks to them that order was ensured in Crimea in the days of the referendum.

Later, President V. Putin admitted that “polite people” were members of the RF Armed Forces. Recall that February 27 was declared Day of Special Operations Forces in Russia.



The monument to “polite people” in the Crimea is an integral single composition consisting of three realistic figures cast in bronze. The first of them, with a height of 2 m 20 cm, depicts a soldier in full combat ammunition and with a “Kalash” behind him. He looks at a fragile girl holding out a bunch of flowers to him. A furry cat rubs at the military’s feet, which, according to the author’s idea, is a symbol of peaceful life.

The monument to "polite people" (address see below) is not installed on a pedestal, but at the sidewalk level. This solution allows anyone to take a picture with a bronze soldier and a young resident of Crimea.

By the way, in Simferopol there is already a tradition to rub the nose of a bronze cat for good luck, therefore it glistens in the sun. In general, as one of the representatives of the peninsula authorities put it, the monument to “polite people” in Crimea should become a place “where the newlyweds will come and important dates will be marked next to it.”



12 works were submitted to the competition for the design of the monument. It was attended by sculptors from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Omsk, Krasnodar and Crimea. The choice of representatives of local authorities and the public of the peninsula fell on the project of the famous master Salavat Shcherbakov. This became known from a message published by the organizing committee of the competition on December 17, 2015.

The monument to “polite people” was created on the voluntary donations of Russians. Residents of different parts of our country managed to collect about 5 million rubles.

By the way, initially the project of the sculptor Shcherbakov had a slightly different look. In particular, it was assumed that the monument would have a different arrangement of figures relative to each other. In particular, according to the original idea of ​​the author, the commandos had to transfer the bronze cat to the Crimean girl.

The author of the monument, S. A. Shcherbakov, is a well-known Soviet and Russian sculptor, professor, teacher, people's artist of the Russian Federation. Salavat Alexandrovich created more than 4 dozen monumental compositions. His most famous works include monuments to Sergey Korolev, Alexander I, Peter Stolypin and Anton Chekhov, decorating the streets, squares and squares of Moscow. In addition, in the near future on the Borovitskaya square of the capital will erect a monument to St. Prince Vladimir. It will have a height of 24 m and a weight of 330 tons.


Monument to "polite people" in Simferopol: the creation of the monument

The prototype of the Russian military was a participant in the events of the "Crimean spring". He posed in the Moscow workshop of Salavat Shcherbakov, where he arrived from the peninsula in uniform and in “armor” that were on him in those days that forever entered the history of Russia. Those who were present at the first meeting of the sculptor and his model claim that the commando forbade photographing his face, as this could interfere with his continued service. The young man was very tall and of a powerful physique. Subsequently, the sculptor was criticized for not portraying a “balaclava”, since it was a distinctive feature of the outfit of “polite people”, as well as for an excessive abundance of details.

To create a girl’s figure, a young Russian gymnast posed for Crimea posed. According to the author of the monument, she was taller and older than required, but it was easier to work with her than in the case of inviting a younger model.



The ceremony took place on June 11, 2016, a few weeks earlier than scheduled. The monument to “polite people” was opened by the head of the Crimea S. Aksyonov and the representative of the president in the Crimean Federal District O. Belaventsev. In addition, militias, a company of the honor guard of the Black Sea Fleet, and soldiers of one of the military units took part in the celebrations. Hundreds of inhabitants of the peninsula and guests of its capital were also present.

As O. Belaventsev noted in his speech, on this day a monument was unveiled to the heir to the glory of Russian soldiers of past eras - the modern Russian soldier.

In addition, the ataman of the Kuban Cossack army N. Doluda added that the words "polite people" should be understood not only as military, but also militias, Cossacks and people who did not let Bandera into Crimea.

Where is the monument to "polite people" in Simferopol

The Crimean monument was erected in the new public garden of the Republic, near the intersection of K. Marx and Serov streets. You can get there from Simferopol Airport by buses No. 98, 112 and 115. Trolleybus route No. 9 is also suitable. Get off at the Tsentr stop.

You can also get from the railway station by buses 3, 25, 11, 50, 36, 47, 60, 112, 52, 57, 99, 73, 98, 115, or by trolley buses 5, 9, 6.11 and 13.

You can also get to the Tsentr stop from the Central Bus Station by bus No. 60.


Republic Square

At the place where today stands the monument to "polite people" in Simferopol, 3 years ago there were the ruins of the Astoria Hotel. Its reconstruction was considered inappropriate, and on this territory they decided to equip the square. The ceremonial opening of a new resting place for citizens took place in 2013. The main decoration of the Republic Square was the original fountain with the image of the globe. It is installed above the surface of the water surface of the pool, in the circle of which the inscription "Prosperity in unity" is visible. There is a playground on the territory of the park, there are benches, flowers and trees are planted. It is always well-groomed and is one of the best places in Simferopol for a walk with children.