
Andrey Vorobyov. Biography: life and work

Andrey Vorobyov. Biography: life and work
Andrey Vorobyov. Biography: life and work

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Andrei Vorobyov, whose biography is very characteristic of the modern Russian statesman, is a completely illustrative example. Youth in the conditions of the last years of the Soviet regime, business in the troubled years after the collapse of the Soviet state, and, finally, a rapid career in the party in the 2000s.

Early biography of Andrei Vorobyov


The future deputy was born in 1970 in the city of Krasnoyarsk. Both parents were engineers. Father - Yuri Vorobyov - subsequently Hero of the Russian Federation, a ministerial official, as well as a close ally and friend of Sergei Shoigu. After graduating from school in his hometown, Andrey enters the service of the Red Banner Motorized Rifle Division at the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. The future deputy has military operations to maintain order in Baku, Ferghana and Yerevan, which were troubled at that time. In the early years of independence, Andrei Vorobyov studies at the Vladikavkaz State University, which he graduates in 1995. Three years later, his asset is replenished with a diploma from the Russian Academy of Foreign Trade Relations, as well as from the Higher School of Economics. The Ph.D. thesis was also defended here.

Andrey Vorobiev: biography and business

Active entrepreneurial activity develops already in the first post-Soviet years. Andrei Vorobiev, whose biography, of course, is not limited to family and state affairs, made the first attempts to build his own business in the mid-1990s. From 1991 to 1998, he was involved in the organization of the company "Russian Sea", engaged in the resale of fish and various seafood in the domestic market. In 2002, his brother Maxim became the CEO of the concern. Actually, the latter leads it today.


Political activity

In the same 2002, Andrei Vorobyov was appointed senator of the Adyghe Republic in the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. And a year later, he was included in the list of deputies of the fourth convocation of the State Duma. The deputy cadet policy is extended in 2007 and in 2011.

Andrey Vorobyov - Governor. Biography

At the end of 2012, the politician is appointed by the presidential decree the acting governor in the Moscow region. In this position, a freshly baked official replaces the long-time paternal ally Sergei Shoigu, who, in turn, was transferred to the post of Minister of Defense of the state.


Media scandal

Andrei Vorobyov, whose biography, like many deputies of the Russian State Duma, is heard by many compatriots, could not do without scandals in his personal life. So, two years ago information leaked to the media that the author’s thesis for the candidate’s degree, which the deputy defended in 2004, literally used text from other, earlier publications. Moreover, in the dissertation there were no references to the material used. Actually, in addition to scandals in the media, this did not entail any significant consequences for the state official. And indeed this is not the only such episode with the “scientific” works of domestic statesmen. It is enough to recall that even President Vladimir Putin was convicted of the same sin several years ago.