the culture

Beloruchka is a gentleman, a gentleman or a smelly

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Beloruchka is a gentleman, a gentleman or a smelly
Beloruchka is a gentleman, a gentleman or a smelly

Beloruchka is a person who eschews physical labor, any dirty or rude activities. The definition of the word is applicable to both the male and female gender, bearing a colloquial and disapproving context.

Beloruchka - meaning

Such a person, if you look at the meaning of the word according to Ephraim, has a slightly different meaning. According to her interpretation, the white fox is a person who avoids hard, rough and dirty work by any means.


Based on the dictionary of synonyms, you can also find a couple of words that are meaningful. So, a white-breasted one is a gentleman, a gentleman or a purebred.

Also, relying on information taken from Russian folklore and everyday habitual speech, the white fox called those who are against hard work and do not like hard work, shying away from "low" physical labor. The word "Beloruchka" and in modern usage takes a hint of condemnation. Assuming that the Beloruchka is a person with a character trait that reflects his attitude to work and work. However, it is worth noting that in the Russian language such a phrase was used as “Belarusian work”, implying subtle works that required skill, patience and perseverance.

These include the following activities: embroidery with ribbons, threads, beads or weaving of fine lace. And the fair sex involved in felting work was called nothing more than seamstresses.
