
Daughter Eugene Osina Agnia decided to expand the circle of creative activity and took up writing songs

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Daughter Eugene Osina Agnia decided to expand the circle of creative activity and took up writing songs
Daughter Eugene Osina Agnia decided to expand the circle of creative activity and took up writing songs

Agnia’s parents met by chance, the singer saw Natalia in the bank. After it became clear that Eugene was serious, the girl left her husband. The lovers got married, and after some time they had a daughter, Agnia.


Relationship with father

The family life of Eugene and Natalia, unfortunately, did not work out. Aspen's addiction to alcohol has broken a lot in his life, including his family. Natalya left, taking Agnia with her.

For some time, the woman was against the communication of her daughter with her father. Aspen did not stop drinking, and the girl was completely useless to watch the eternally intoxicated dad.

Agnia studied at school number 1287, where Osin got a job as a teacher of additional education. Then the relationship between father and daughter managed to establish. The girl had good vocal skills, and Eugene organized a children's ensemble at school. Agnia became his soloist, the first performances and concerts began, which gave invaluable experience for a future career.

Osin himself recalled this period of his activity with warmth. During his time at school, he studied child psychology in detail, learned to communicate with both kids and adolescents.


Fall 2018

Agnia did not stop talking with her father, they went to visit him together with their mother. On the eve of Aspen's death, the girl met with Eugene, she did not give up hope to discourage him from alcohol. On the last day of the meeting, she tried to pour out the drink found at home. Aspen was not in a quarrel, not so long ago the girl reconciled with her dad, relations began to improve.


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After it became known that the singer’s heart stopped, Agnia did not get in touch for some time. Later, a funeral message appeared on Instagram. The girl wrote a lyric song for her father, regretted that his life was cut short so early. Eugene made plans, was planning to visit Amsterdam with Agnia in December, but life decided otherwise.

The girl notes that the father himself led himself to what happened to him, could not stop in time. 6 months after the death of the singer, her daughter officially entered into the inheritance, and now all the creative heritage of Yevgeny Osin belongs to her.
