
Eva Ionesco: the "non-child" childhood of the little princess

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Eva Ionesco: the "non-child" childhood of the little princess
Eva Ionesco: the "non-child" childhood of the little princess

Eva Ionesco is a French actress and director known for her baby erotic photographs taken by her mother. In 2011, Eve made the film "My Little Princess", which shows the story of her "childhood" childhood.

Irina and Eve

Eva Ionesco was born on July 18, 1965 in Paris (France). Her mother - Irina Ionesko - a photographer working in the genre of bohemian eroticism, was already quite famous at the time of the birth of her daughter. Her photos sold well and printed on the pages of major publications.


Fascinated exclusively by her work, Irina paid little attention to her little daughter, constantly leaving her for her grandmother or nannies. But when Eve was five years old, Irina noticed how pretty her daughter was - golden hair, a doll face and a gentle figure. But this was not the look of a loving mother, just a photographer noticed an interesting creative object, another beautiful thing that can be immortalized on film.

Scandalous photos

From this began the story of the regular cooperation of mother and daughter. The first photos of Irina with the participation of Eve were just decadent - she shot her daughter in her gloomy studio, crowded with candles, skulls and plastic wreaths. The first photos of five-year-old Eve were not frank - on them she looks more like a animated doll from a horror movie than a slutty nymphet.


But such photos quickly bored Irina. Her imagination all the time worked in an erotic direction, and therefore she soon began to bare her daughter more and more, putting on adult jewelry, stockings, and also using adult makeup. Eve did not care what they were doing to her - at five or six years old she did not understand anything, but was finally happy to spend time with her mother.


The very first exhibitions with the participation of Eve’s photo made a splash - in bohemian circles the pictures were touted, calling high art. Like Irina, her creative colleagues did not see anything terrible in the erotic photos of the little girl, so soon the mother and other photographers took pictures of the little naked Eve.

But this was not enough for Irina - she wanted maximum glory for her "little princess". At ten years old, Eva already starred with Roman Polanski in his film "The Tenant", and at eleven - played one of the main roles in the erotic film "Slutty Childhood". In the same year, at the turn of the Playboy magazine, eleven-year-old Eva Ionesco appeared. The photo in the "Playboy" is presented below.


Deprivation of parental rights

After the release of this magazine (Eva's peers on the pages of Playboy were neither before nor after), a real scandal erupted. The whole public rose against Irina, who achieved a ban on existing photos and on creating new ones. Then Irina Ionesco was completely deprived of parental rights. However, the woman continued to secretly sell photos of the girl - the demand for them only increased.

Since then, the twelve-year-old Eva lived in the family of designer Christian Louboutin. Due to the wide publicity of the scandal surrounding her photo in Playboy, the girl began to be persecuted at school. In this regard, almost without attending classes and continuing to act in films, Eva Ionesco finally parted with her childhood. Films with her participation in adolescence are not very well known and it is difficult to find them to watch.

Future life

When, at the age of twenty, Eve first saw her baby photos taken by her mother, she almost had a nervous breakdown. Since then, she has been suing endlessly with all publications that own the rights to these photos. She is also still trying to achieve the removal of her baby photos from all sites on the Internet, but it is almost impossible to do.


In 2012, Eva Ionesco sued her mother, accusing her of “stealing a happy childhood”. Most of her lawsuit was rejected, but the woman still managed to obtain compensation for moral damage from Irina Ionesco.

In an interview, Eva said: “I can never forgive or justify my mother. Those who consider her work with me to be art are just jesters. Nothing can justify child pornography.”

In 1995, Eve had a son, Luke (the father of the boy is unknown). In 2013, Ionesco got engaged to the French journalist Simon Liberati, they are together to this day.