
Actor Evgeny Volovenko: biography, work in the cinema and personal life

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Actor Evgeny Volovenko: biography, work in the cinema and personal life
Actor Evgeny Volovenko: biography, work in the cinema and personal life

Volovenko Evgeny is a Russian artist who starred in the films “His Alien Son”, “Suspicion”, “Nakhalka”, “Dead Heart” and dozens of others. For a long time he worked in the modeling business, namely in the Agency "President". In theatrical performances Volovenko does not play.


The actor was born in 1972, on April 4, in Kaliningrad. The professions of his family were not related to cinema. Eugene’s childhood proceeded like most people. In school, he liked to play sports. The Volovenko family moved to Moscow after Eugene received secondary education.

Before deciding on the work of a lifetime, the future artist served in the Navy. After the army, he met E. Dubovskaya, who is the manager of the Moscow modeling agency. Thanks to this meeting, Yevgeny Volovenko began acting in commercials.

Then he decided to try himself as an actor, attending various castings and acting in episodic roles. Eugene does not have a theatrical education, but this does not prevent him from being a sought-after artist who plays many interesting protagonists.


Movie career

Volovenko starred in films since 2004. His career began with minor characters in the popular films “Kulagin and Partners”, “Bear Hunt”, “December 32nd”, “Heat”, “Airport” and “Theft”. In 2006, Eugene managed to get one of the key roles in the melodrama "Women's Stories." The novice actor played Boris. Then he appeared in the image of Andrei in the lyric-comedy series “Matchmaker”.

In 2008, Volovenko Yevgeny played Vladimir Tsarev in the detective story “The Crime Will Be Revealed” and the journalist Sergey Badarin in the melodrama “The Engagement Ring”. In the series "Lawyer", "Basic Version", "Joker", "Maroussia" and "Uliki", the actor again played episodic roles. In 2011, Eugene was lucky to play one of the main characters (Tolmachev Maxim) in the mystical comedy “Cupid”. In parallel, he starred in the second season of the series “Wild”, the humorous melodrama “The Diary of Doctor Zaitseva” (role - transplantologist Samovalov), detectives “Lecturer” (Oleg Vasiliev), “Profile of the killer” (Revda Konstantin), “Reflection” (Kozyrev Egor) and “Save Her Husband” (businessman Kuklin).


In 2013, the filmography of Evgeny Volovenko was replenished with Ukrainian paintings “Nakhalka” (Titov Maxim) and “Kiss!” (doctor Maxim Leonidovich) in which he played the main characters. Then he again got the key roles in the crime series Dead Heart, Suspicion and The Batagami Affair, which made him one of the most sought-after Russian actors.

In the melodrama Remedy for Separation and His Alien Son, Volovenko again played key characters. Despite the fact that the artist began to receive a large number of proposals for the execution of the main roles, he continues to appear in episodes of various series and full-length films. In 2017, Eugene Volovenko starred in the image of the key character Nikolai in the melodrama “Hold My Hand” and Sergey in the dramatic thriller “Quiet People”. At the moment, the actor is working on mini-series "According to the laws of the war 2" and "Love in Japanese."
