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Rams: what are rams and why are they confused?

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Rams: what are rams and why are they confused?
Rams: what are rams and why are they confused?

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Video: Does Ram Speed REALLY matter? You might be surprised 2024, July

Slang expressions can lead to bewilderment, especially if their meaning escapes, and you need to urgently figure out what is at stake. In addition, there are situations where it would not be out of place to confirm that you are not completely a stranger in some kind of social group. For example, how to react if someone is very aggressively asking about whether you got the rams wrong? What are these mysterious rams? Why not confuse them?


Ramsa. What is ramming?

There are several versions of the origin of the word "rams", converging in the main thing: this is a card game. Perhaps once in this way the name of the game was reduced preference, or there is a separate game, which was originally called "rams". However, in most cases, any card game is meant, so "ramming up" is playing cards, and most often for money or some other valuable material bets.

In widespread use, the word spilled out of criminal jargon, as well as the solid part of other slang expressions, and is an integral part of the so-called “thieves feni”. So, we are talking about a card game, and the cards themselves are sometimes also called the word "rams". What happens if you confuse them? And why is it recommended to quickly lose ground if you have been convicted of confusing them?


What does "confuse rams" mean?

A card game in the thieves world is inextricably linked to fraud, and professional gamblers can clean up the thread of a gullible player. Naturally, all participants try to ensure that their rivals do not confuse the rams, which means they do not cheat, do not “distort the cards”.

Like many slang expressions, this phrase quickly migrated to the wider world and acquired a somewhat expanded meaning. If earlier this accusation of intentional cheating was conveyed with this expression, now they are more likely to clarify that the person has climbed into the wrong business, has understood something very wrong, and it would be better for him to stop insisting on his own and to stop confusing rams. What is so special about this phrase in a conversation and with what intonations are usually pronounced? We have to admit that in most cases this is an aggressive statement, but giving the interlocutor time to give up positions before the aggressor applies physical force.


Is it appropriate to "confuse rams" in a conversation?

In almost all walks of life, going beyond the boundaries that are exhibited by the hierarchy on any basis is not welcome. It can be official subordination, any vertical of power or belonging to circles of different affluence. If someone from a lower position suddenly allows himself disrespectful behavior or familiarity, he can be pulled back. And yank politely, rudely or even sarcastically, indicating the inadmissibility of such behavior and even warning about the consequences.

Someone does not get into their own business or not in their circle, which means rams are messed up, it's time to backtrack. Now the broad meaning of the expression is used more, meaning precisely the violation of the hierarchy, but intentional intrusion can also be attributed to this, which brings it closer to the original value: to cheat, distort, impersonate a more significant person in search of some kind of benefit. This happens politely or not, but if someone points out the rams involvement, it’s better to backtrack. The exception is the situation if your rams, that is, the cards, are not messed up, correspond to reality, and you can prove it.
