
Production activity is Organization of production activity

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Production activity is Organization of production activity
Production activity is Organization of production activity

Video: MIS404-06.3-Production activities with SAP_production organization 2024, June

Video: MIS404-06.3-Production activities with SAP_production organization 2024, June

The production and economic activities of the company should be focused on achieving the maximum effect with minimal losses. In the planned conduct of business operations on the basis of appropriate calculations, it requires the physical movement of various goods inside and outside the enterprise. Let us further consider how the organization of production activity is carried out.


general characteristics

Production and financial activities are presented in the form of a complex and multifaceted structure. She is in a state of continuous development and change. In this regard, the initial analysis of the production activities of the company should be based on general indicators of the plan. Management at the enterprise is built on the principle of unity of command. The rights that belong to the company are exercised by its director. In the circumstances provided for by law, management is carried out jointly with the trade union committee.


Production activity is a process that encompasses technology, equipment, and the specifics of operations introduced by an enterprise. To assess the performance of the company, the controls established by the management are used. The functioning of the company is accompanied by various expenses of one or another significance. Cost accounting is carried out in accordance with the adopted chart of accounts. The implementation of this task is possible in two ways. The first is considered traditional for the Russian economic sphere. It provides for the calculation of the cost of products by grouping the costs of indirect and direct. The latter are attributed directly to the original price of the product. Indirect costs are distributed by type of product in accordance with the methodology adopted at the enterprise.


Additional Tasks

Production activity is an area within which not only the direct release of goods is carried out. It also includes the payment of new items of labor, raw materials, materials and other things. Due to these processes, continuous production activity is ensured. This, in turn, has a direct impact on company profits. Payment of raw materials and other necessary items is possible with the appropriate working capital. They consist of money, funds in settlement transactions and products.

Enterprise Interactions

Production activity is work that requires serious and stable support. The functioning and execution of tasks by company officials is regulated by the relevant regulatory documents. Among them, in particular, various instructions and recommendations. The functions of production management - control over the process of processing materials into products - are closely related to other administrative tasks. At an industrial enterprise, rather complicated relationships are established between departments of different levels.


Guide Features

Management and control of production activities are carried out by the head. He is in charge of the relevant dispatch department. The tasks of this unit include:

  • Development of production plans.

  • Control over the execution of tasks.

  • Timely provision of workshops with materials.

Production divisions that carry out certain operations are led by chiefs, who, in turn, are subordinate to engineering and technical personnel. The director of the entire enterprise controls the work through the chief engineer. Workshops, technical and other units directly involved in the production of products are subordinate to him.


Main tasks

As part of production activities, several critical functions are performed. Among them:

  1. Marketing.

  2. Sales

  3. Financial security.

  4. Output.

  5. Logistics support.

  6. Control.

  7. Personnel and innovative support.

Of all these tasks, production is considered the main one. The next most important is sales.


Planning and Forecasting

These activities are related to the assessment and anticipation of upcoming actions. Forecasting helps to identify trends and directions in the development of processes, the possible time frame for the onset of certain events. For example, it could be a calculation of the time taken to complete tasks. With the help of planning, a dynamic, focused and proportional development of the company's production work is established and ensured.

Probable errors

In practice, there are cases when the results of production activity were extremely low. This is due to various reasons. The main errors of the manual include:

  • Incorrect application of the planning system and organization of the production process.

  • Insufficiently clear wage bill formation.

As a result of this, the development of capacities at the enterprise takes place extremely slowly, the number of defective products increases, the cost and labor intensity of the products increase. In some cases, those forms of organization of the salary, labor and production system that are characteristic of mass-flow or automated and hardware processes are practically unreasonably transferred to enterprises engaged in serial production of products. Reverse situations also occur in practice.


Ongoing planning and evaluation

They consist of researching the possibilities of selling the manufactured products, assessing existing capacities, establishing suppliers, determining the conditions under which the enterprise can consistently receive the resources it needs. The potential and current state of the company are assessed on the basis of a qualified audit, a thorough inventory of funds, staff qualifications and so on.