the culture

The appearance of the Chuvash, features, characteristic features of character. History of the people

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The appearance of the Chuvash, features, characteristic features of character. History of the people
The appearance of the Chuvash, features, characteristic features of character. History of the people

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The style of existence, life, rituals - all this affects the appearance and behavior. The Chuvash live in the center of the European part of Russia. Character traits are inextricably linked with the traditions of these amazing people.

The origins of the people

At a distance of about 600 kilometers from Moscow is the city of Cheboksary, the center of the Chuvash Republic. Representatives of a colorful ethnic group live on this earth.


There are many versions about the origin of this people. Most likely, the ancestors were Turkic-speaking tribes. These people began to migrate west in the II century BC. e. Seeking a better share, they came to the modern territory of the republic in the 7th-8th centuries and three hundred years later they created a state that was known as the Volga Bulgaria. From here the Chuvashs went. The history of the people could be different, but in 1236 the state was defeated by the Mongol-Tatars. Some people fled from the invaders to the northern lands.

The name of this people is translated from Kyrgyz as "modest", in the old Tatar dialect - "peaceful". Modern dictionaries say that the Chuvash are "quiet", "harmless." The name was first mentioned in 1509.

Religious preferences

The culture of this people is unique. To this day, elements of Western Asia are traced in the rites. The style was also influenced by close communication with Iranian-speaking neighbors (Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans). Not only life and economy, but also the Chuvash adopted the style of dressing. Appearance, features of the costume, character and even their religion are received from neighbors. So, even before joining the Russian state, these people were pagans. The supreme god was called Tour. Later, other faiths began to penetrate the colony, in particular Christianity and Islam. Those who lived on the lands of the republic worshiped Jesus. Allah became the head of those who lived outside the province. In the course of the events, the carriers of Islam have come to an end. Nevertheless, today most of the representatives of this people profess Orthodoxy. But the spirit of paganism is still felt.


Fusion of two types

Various groups influenced the appearance of the Chuvash. Most of all - the Mongoloid and Caucasoid races. That is why almost all representatives of this people can be divided into fair-haired Finnish and representatives of a dark type of face. Blond hair has brown hair, gray eyes, pallor, a wide oval of the face and a small nose, the skin is often covered with freckles. Moreover, in appearance they are somewhat darker than Europeans. The curls of brunettes are often curled, the eyes are dark brown in color, narrow in shape. They have poor cheekbones, a dented nose, and a yellow skin type. It is worth noting that their features are softer than that of the Mongols.

They differ from the neighboring groups of Chuvashs. Characteristic facial features for both types - a small oval of the head, nose bridge low, eyes narrowed, small neat mouth. Growth average, not inclined to fullness.

Casual look

Each nationality is a unique system of customs, traditions and beliefs. The population of the Chuvash Republic was no exception. Since ancient times, these people in each house independently made cloth and canvas. Sewed clothes were made from these materials. Men were supposed to wear a canvas shirt and pants. If it became cool, a caftan and a sheepskin coat were added to their image. They had inherent only patterns of the Chuvash. The woman’s appearance was successfully emphasized by unusual ornaments. All things were decorated with embroidery, including wedged shirts worn by ladies. Later stripes and a cage became fashionable.

In each branch of this group there were and have their own preferences for the color of clothes. So, the south of the republic always preferred saturated shades, and northwestern fashionistas loved light fabrics. In the outfit of every woman there were wide Tatar pants. A mandatory element is an apron with a bib. He was especially diligently decorated.


In general, the appearance of the Chuvash is very interesting. The description of the headgear should be highlighted in a separate section.

The status was determined by the helmet

No representative of the people could walk with their heads uncovered. So a separate flow arose in the direction of fashion. With special imagination and passion, such things as tugha and hushpu were decorated. The first was worn on the head by unmarried girls, the second was only for family women.

At first, the hat served as a talisman, a guard against misfortune. Such an amulet was treated with special respect, decorated with expensive beads, coins. Later, such an object not only adorned the appearance of the Chuvash, he began to talk about the social and marital status of women.

Many researchers believe that the shape of the dress resembles a knight's helmet. Others provide a direct link to understanding the design of the universe. Indeed, according to the ideas of this group, the earth had a quadrangular shape, and in the middle stood the tree of life. The symbol of the latter was a bulge in the center, which distinguished a married woman from a girl. Tukhya was pointed conical in shape, and hushpu was round.

With particular meticulousness, coins were chosen. They should have been melodic. Those that hung from the edges bumped into each other and rang. Such sounds scared away evil spirits - the Chuvash believed in this. The appearance and character of the people are in direct relationship.


Ornament code

Chuvash people are famous not only for spiritual songs, but also for embroidery. Mastery grew with generations and was inherited from mother to daughter. It is in the ornaments that you can read the story of a person, his belonging to a separate group.

The main feature of this embroidery is its clear geometry. The fabric should only be white or gray. Interestingly, the girl’s clothes were decorated only before the wedding. In family life, this was not enough time. Therefore, what they did in their youth was worn for the rest of their lives.

Embroidery on clothes complemented the appearance of the Chuvash. Information about the creation of the world was encrypted in it. So, symbolically depicted the tree of life and eight-pointed stars, sockets or flowers.

After the popularization of factory production, the style, color and quality of the shirt changed. Senior people grieved for a long time and assured that such changes in the wardrobe would bring disaster to their people. And indeed, over the years, the true representatives of this kind are becoming less and less.


World of traditions

Customs say a lot about the people. One of the most colorful rituals is a wedding. The character and appearance of the Chuvash, traditions are still preserved. It is worth noting that in ancient times, priests, shamans, or government officials were not present at the wedding ceremony. The guests of the action witnessed the creation of a family. And everyone who knew about the holiday visited the houses of the parents of the newlyweds. Interestingly, the divorce as such was not perceived. According to the canons, lovers who combined in front of relatives should be faithful to each other until the end of life.

Previously, the bride was supposed to be 5-8 years older than her husband. In the last place when choosing a partner, the Chuvashs put their appearance. The nature and mentality of these people demanded that, first of all, the girl be hardworking. They gave the young lady married after she mastered the household. An adult woman was also instructed to raise a young husband.

Character - In Customs

As previously mentioned, the word itself, from which the name of the people came from, is translated from most languages ​​as "peaceable, " "calm, " "modest." This value is absolutely consistent with the nature and mentality of this people. According to their philosophy, all people, like birds, sit on different branches of a large tree of life, each other is a relative. Therefore, their love for each other is unlimited. Very peaceful and kind people are Chuvashs. The history of the people does not contain information about the attacks of the innocent and arbitrariness against other groups.


The older generation keeps traditions and lives according to the old pattern, which was learned from parents. Lovers are still getting married and swear allegiance to each other in front of relatives. Mass celebrations are often held, in which the Chuvash language sounds loudly and melodiously. People put on the best costumes, embroidered according to all the canons. They cook traditional mutton soup - Shurpa, and drink home-made beer.