the culture

“You changed my life”: passers-by recalled the brightest compliments in their life

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“You changed my life”: passers-by recalled the brightest compliments in their life
“You changed my life”: passers-by recalled the brightest compliments in their life

Video: Full video: See the memorial service for former Gov. Steve Merrill 2024, June

Video: Full video: See the memorial service for former Gov. Steve Merrill 2024, June

When was the last time you received a really good compliment? Not the standard that any acquaintance can say - “What a cute top, ” but one that expresses sincere feelings that can really excite you. One that you can remember for a very long time and remember when you feel depressed. Several people recalled the most pleasant compliments they received.

"I do not know you, but you are magnificent"

“Once I was at a party with a friend and her colleagues and most of all I danced with one of them. After Beyoncé’s song, he leaned over and said: “I don’t know you, but you are magnificent. Never mess with bad guys because you don't deserve it. ” That was exactly what I needed to hear that evening. I broke up with my boyfriend a few months ago, and I was just beginning to return to normal. But I couldn’t find a suitable person, and I was already thinking about the fact that I needed to lower my expectations. This compliment made me overestimate this and understand that I did not need to meet people who do not care about me, just to fill up my time. I have never seen this man again, but I am still grateful to him, ”Sandra, Brooklyn, New York.

"Sky Angel"


“The man who brings the rings at our wedding, a friend of the family, said that I look like“ an angel came down from heaven ”in my wedding dress. He was very serious, and it moved me. My fiancé was never able to surpass that compliment, ”Audrey, New York.

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“You love yourself, and you can see it”

“One friend of mine once told me that part of the joy of our company is the feelings that I feel for myself. I constantly laugh at my jokes and often spend time alone and enjoy it. This compliment shows that the level of self-love is obvious to others, and I like it, ”Chelsea, Chicago, Illinois.

“Your art means a lot to me”


“After the concert, a guy came up to me and said that my words were consonant with him. He paid enough attention to parse the text of one of my songs on a crowded show, and asked me about it. He said the verses perfectly describe what he went through. I think making someone feel less lonely is one of the main reasons I write songs, ”Brandon, Portland, Oregon.

“You changed my life”

“One of the most enjoyable compliments I have ever received was from my best friend. She said that friendship with me helped her open up and become herself in college, because I never condemned and always supported her. She made me feel like I really influenced her, just being sincere and being myself, ”Natalie, Cleveland, Ohio.


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“You are so sociable!”


“More than 20 years ago, a neighbor told me that I was so open and sociable. This compliment touched me to the core. When I returned to my apartment, I cried. At that time, I was struggling with anxiety and low self-esteem, and I had just moved to another country. I decided to take this opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and tried my best to reach out to people, despite my anxiety. Her words proved that my efforts were productive ”, Lott, Copenhagen, Denmark.

“Are you really listening?”


“I was so moved when a colleague told me that I was a good listener. She said that when I talk, I take part, she knows that I pay attention to her. It was something that I never noticed in myself, and I really like it, ”Jenna, New York.