
Recycling children's goods, focusing on second-hand clothing: how an adult can help Earth

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Recycling children's goods, focusing on second-hand clothing: how an adult can help Earth
Recycling children's goods, focusing on second-hand clothing: how an adult can help Earth

Video: Oxford dictionary | Lesson 35: Cleaning Supplies | Learn English | Oxford picture dictionary 2024, July

Video: Oxford dictionary | Lesson 35: Cleaning Supplies | Learn English | Oxford picture dictionary 2024, July

The ever-increasing level of global pollution on the planet today forces us to look for ways to lead a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. In addition to the fact that more and more models of cars with a hybrid engine are gradually appearing on the market or someone sometimes refuses to use modern networks, many people over forty still vaguely imagine the possibility of preserving nature. Several decades ago, environmental protection was not only part of the compulsory educational program, but was also part of the lifestyle. World experts in the field of sustainable development have given a number of tips for those who are already over forty.

Reusable food containers

This may be the first step in the right direction. The use of reusable recyclable containers for various food products and special utensils will definitely help with time to fix the ecology on the planet. Accustom yourself to the new order is not so difficult. For starters, you can drink water from purchased bottles, and not take a new plastic cup each time. If the restaurant didn’t manage to finish everything and you want to take a couple of pieces home, you should have your own prepared container.


Eco-friendly holiday supplies

It is not so important what is celebrated: the next anniversary, the birthday of children or the entry into a new position. For any of these holidays, use crackers with biodegradable confetti or rice paper inside.


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Attention to the lawn

In the long run, you should consider planting trees or a small garden. A trimmed lawn certainly looks good, but the environment will not be so useful in the future. In contrast, planted local trees, shrubs and flowering plants will be able to absorb raindrops and soak the soil with them. In addition, in this way, some animals, birds and butterflies get into a more natural habitat.


Outdoor Lighting

There is nothing wrong with decorating your house or windows in the apartment on holidays. However, doing this all year round is not worth it. External lights can also negatively impact the environment. The same LED lamps last longer and consume less energy, which means it's time to think about their acquisition. Together, all these steps can reduce emissions of carbon and pollutants into the atmosphere.


No chemical herbicides

An experienced person will immediately ask how then to cope with parasites and pests that will rapidly attack plants in the garden. The answer is quite simple: you need to use ordinary fencing and old-fashioned reliable weeding by hand. Herbicides are toxic to a number of living organisms, including beneficial bacteria, plants and some animals.

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Recycling Baby Products

Many kids once loved to draw with crayons. Over the years, children switch to paints and pencils, and old appliances remain lying around unnecessarily. Exactly the same situation occurs with dried markers and felt-tip pens. But do not throw them in the bin. Some organizations, for example, the American company Crayola ColorCycle collects used crayons and felt-tip pens for further processing. In fact, many businesses are involved in such activities. These include some non-profit organizations.

Water conservation

Reducing consumption is simple enough. For example, in the process of brushing your teeth, you can simply turn off the faucet. There is also special plumbing equipment, including toilets and faucets, which reduces liquid consumption. A more efficient toilet mechanism will allow you to save a significant amount of water every day.


Recyclable plastic wash

In fact, throwing away trash cans with food leftovers is not too environmentally friendly. Such actions can cause significant harm to the environment in the future. Sometimes, due to contamination of plastic containers, recycling companies throw entire batches out of the process.

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Second Hand Shopping

Many ecologists note the growth of such a problem as the storage of tons of discarded wardrobe items in landfills. The Swedish fashion giant H&M decided to deal with this environmental hazard in a fairly simple and effective way. If a person brings his old clothes of any brand, then in return he can get a 15 percent discount on the purchase. The fashion industry itself never stands still, but not everyone can afford super-expensive designer items. Second-hand now partially solves this issue, satisfying the needs of customers and helping the environment.


Separation of compostable goods

Throwing such special containers in the bin creates more environmental problems than it solves. Michael Martin, general manager of composting company Effect Partners and r.Cup, reports that such plastic only plays its part if its contents are sorted by hand and sent to processing plants.

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Energy recalculation

At times, electricity consumption may be excessive. This, of course, does not in any way benefit the ecology of the planet. A local energy company can help to conduct an audit as soon as possible and reduce consumption and costs. An expert on the profitability of green business, Shel Horowitz, says that today, electricity companies in many countries are confidently cooperating and receive special instructions to help preserve the environment.
