
Political scientist Dmitry Oreshkin. Biography and family of Dmitry Borisovich Oreshkin

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Political scientist Dmitry Oreshkin. Biography and family of Dmitry Borisovich Oreshkin
Political scientist Dmitry Oreshkin. Biography and family of Dmitry Borisovich Oreshkin

Analyst Dmitry Oreshkin is well known to everyone who follows the development of the political situation in Russia. This man managed to get the public to listen to his opinion. Let's find out how his career in the media evolved.

Facts from the biography

Oreshkin Dmitry Borisovich was born in June 1953 in Moscow. After graduating from high school in 1970, he continued his education at the geographical faculty of Moscow State University. Later, he entered graduate school there and defended his thesis. Since 1979, Dmitry Oreshkin has been engaged in scientific work, participates in international geographic expeditions in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Studies of a young scientist in the field of studying the consequences of continental glaciation have been noticed in the scientific world.


However, the promising Moscow researcher was not destined to continue the development of a scientific career. He never defended his doctoral dissertation. Ahead, more interesting things awaited him.

Perestroika and subsequent years

The biography of Dmitry Oreshkin made a sharp turn in the second half of the eighties. Big changes at this time took place not only in the fate of the young explorer of ancient glaciers. Global changes have been outlined in the life of the whole country. Suddenly, people who are not members of the official ruling nomenclature and are not indifferent to the future of their country became in demand. Oreshkin Dmitry Borisovich was clearly one of them. But the first years of perestroika, he was not engaged in political journalism. Dmitry Oreshkin worked in the field of providing information technologies for the socio-political transformations taking place in society. In this short historical period of the late eighties and early nineties, computers were just beginning to enter widely into various spheres of social life and economic activity.


As part of the Mercator analytical group that he founded, Dmitry Oreshkin created an information system for monitoring the economic, social and environmental problems of Russian regions. Developed a system of vote counting in local and regional elections with a synthesis of voting results in election commissions of various levels. He participated in the design of analytical reviews of Yevgeny Kiselyov on the NTV channel in the nineties. In the 2007 State Duma election, political analyst Dmitry Oreshkin ran for the Union of Right Forces party.

On the Echo of Moscow

Almost from the day of the founding of the popular Moscow radio station, Dmitry Oreshkin has appeared on its air with analytical reviews of situations in the country and the world. His opinion sounds on very different occasions and in different programs, but it is always bright and figurative. Often his programs have significant public outcry. Dmitry Oreshkin, a political scientist with consistent liberal convictions, knows how to be interesting to millions of listeners of Echo of Moscow. This is evidenced by the large numbers of ratings of programs with his participation.


It should be noted a simple fact - to gain popularity and respect among the audience of "Echo of Moscow" is very difficult. As a rule, discerning people listen to this radio station, who are not satisfied with the level of other media. And the materials of the political scientist, not included in the programs of the radio station, find numerous readers in the virtual space.

Public position

In the modern Russian political establishment, Dmitry Oreshkin has long and firmly gained a reputation as a person with consistent democratic and liberal positions. Even those who do not share his political convictions are used to respecting his principles. Dmitry Oreshkin has been opposed to the existing political regime since the mid-nineties. Since then, he had no reason to change his point of view. And he always defends her convincingly and reasonably.


On June 2, 2012, political analyst Dmitry Oreshkin addressed a wide audience at an opposition rally on Bolotnaya Square in Moscow, outlining his vision of the political situation in Russia. And, judging by the reaction of those gathered in the square, his understanding of the prevailing political realities in the country finds a positive response from the thinking part of the urban population.

Future forecasts

Forecasting the development of the political situation in the country is part of the immediate responsibilities of any political analyst. In his conclusions, political analyst Dmitry Oreshkin states that the attitude to the conflict in Ukraine sharply divided Russian society. Not all Russians unanimously approved the annexation of Crimea and the outbreak of war in the Donbass. A sharp criticism of the position of the Russian leadership on the Ukrainian issue was made by political analyst Dmitry Oreshkin. Predicting the development of the political situation, the journalist claims that the course chosen by the country's leadership leads nowhere. In the context of international isolation and economic sanctions, Russia will face the inevitable socio-political impasse.


This situation is greatly aggravated by falling oil prices. As you know, the welfare and standard of living of the widest sections of the population in the Russian Federation most directly depends on the value of this most important export product. And without a radical change in the existing development model, it is already impossible to cope with the growing crisis. If the political course is not changed, then Russia can expect large socio-economic consequences with unpredictable results.