
Doctor Ekaterina Bezvershenko: biography, activities and interesting facts

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Doctor Ekaterina Bezvershenko: biography, activities and interesting facts
Doctor Ekaterina Bezvershenko: biography, activities and interesting facts

Ekaterina Ivanovna Bezvershenko is one of the leaders of the project "I am shy of my body." Other experts of the program are V. Oslavsky and L. Shupenyuk. This project demonstrates surgical interventions and medical manipulations, and its participants are people with serious pathologies that make their life difficult. Therefore, the transmission should not be watched by persons with an unstable nervous system.

Ekaterina Bezvershenko is a project doctor helping people cope with serious illnesses.

The basics of the famous physician

About Ekaterina Bezvershenko, a biography of this wonderful doctor, is described in the article. This woman is a highly qualified specialist in the field of medicine, she was awarded the degree of candidate of sciences.


Ekaterina Bezvershenko was born in the capital of Ukraine. Her mother and father worked in the field of medicine. Therefore, it is not surprising that Catherine chose this particular specialization. She always dreamed of helping people solve health problems and believed that the profession of a doctor is one of the most popular in society. In 1995, Catherine became a student at the National Medical University in the capital of Ukraine. She graduated from this institution, received a diploma with honors. By specialty, Catherine is a dermatovenerologist. After graduating from a medical university, she went through practice and gained invaluable experience in medical practice. She was an employee of the Institute of Clinical Medicine. Then Catherine worked in a hospital for patients with skin pathologies.

Now she works in the clinic "Clinic Nova." Every day, many patients come for a consultation with Catherine. They try to sign up for it in advance, as any person wants to receive highly qualified medical care of this specialist with an excellent reputation. As for the age of Ekaterina Bezvershenko, the biography shows the woman’s birth year 1979. Therefore, she is currently thirty-eight years old.

Significance of participation in a television project

Those who are interested in the professional activities of Ekaterina Bezvershenko, the biography of this famous woman, are concerned about the question of what inspired her to shoot in the famous program. The host of the TV show herself says that she decided to take part in this project so that the residents of Ukraine trust the medical institutions and their employees more. Unfortunately, today many patients believe that good medical care and effective treatment are possible only in clinics of other countries. The presenters of the TV show “I'm Shy of My Body” show them that this opinion is erroneous.


Ukrainians can receive effective medical care in the institutions of their hometown. The doctor Ekaterina Bezvershenko and her colleagues, who act in film on a television project, diagnose and treat patients with even the most advanced and serious pathologies. And the vast majority of people manage to defeat the disease, thanks to the efforts of doctors.

Difficulties faced by a specialist

The professional activities of Ekaterina Bezvershenko, the biography of this famous woman, indicate that she devotes a lot of time and energy to helping people suffering from serious pathologies.


Such patients turn to the program in a difficult physical and emotional state, share their difficulties and misfortunes with specialists. Naturally, Catherine can be very difficult to maintain self-control in such difficult conditions. She claims that she sometimes has to show tremendous willpower so as not to cry during the shooting.

Catherine says that she does not cease to be surprised at the solid nature of some patients. For example, she really remembered the stories of a cancer patient woman and a girl with a serious nail pathology, which, despite these difficulties, retained a positive attitude towards life and a desire to fight the disease. Catherine was also impressed by the case of one patient who was diagnosed with breast cancer in the last stage. The woman constantly postponed a visit to a specialist and brought her health to a catastrophic state. However, thanks to the help of Catherine, the patient successfully coped with the tumor. Bezvershenko claims that disease prevention should be timely, and medical examinations should be done regularly.

A family

Many people know about the professional activities of the doctor Ekaterina Bezvershenko and biography. Personal life is a topic that this famous woman prefers not to discuss. She keeps most of the information about her family secretly from journalists and media sources. Therefore, from time to time, various gossip about the personal life of Catherine appears in the press. For example, in some media there is evidence that a woman lives in a happy marriage with her husband. According to another version, she had already divorced her husband for a long time. Despite the fact that a woman does not like to provide personal information about herself, about Ekaterina Bezvershenko’s personal life, her family’s biography, something is still known. A famous doctor has a daughter. Last year, the girl turned thirteen years old.


Catherine loves spending time with her daughter, makes joint photos with her.

Character features of a famous woman

As already mentioned, Catherine does not like to talk about her family life. A celebrity seeks to preserve personal space and keep personal information about his relatives a secret. However, Catherine can not be called an introverted person. She always manages to establish trusting relationships with her patients.


Bezvershenko claims that one of the main tasks of a physician is to find an individual approach to each patient. This is what helps patients to feel comfortable during therapy and trust a doctor.

Catherine says that she sincerely empathizes with her patients who have to face and deal with the most serious pathologies. Sometimes Bezvershenko cannot hold back tears when he hears about the suffering of sick people. However, emotionality does not interfere with Catherine. On the contrary, empathizing with patients, she makes every effort to help them get rid of suffering and lead a normal lifestyle.