
Water protection.

Water protection.
Water protection.

Video: Protecting Water Quality for People and the Environment 2024, July

Video: Protecting Water Quality for People and the Environment 2024, July

Legal protection of waters is a large system of legislatively fixed measures aimed at comprehensive regulation of the protection of waters from various kinds of pollution, depletion and clogging. Water pollution is the deterioration of their quality as a result of discharges into them, or the receipt therein of any other way of various harmful substances, and clogging as a result of the ingress of suspended matter or objects into them. Depletion is a steady decrease in their volume.

Water protection requires the development and implementation of national programs, regular monitoring of water bodies, the organization of state registration of all surface and underground waters, and cadastral registration of water resources. In order to ensure strict compliance, both by legal entities and individual citizens of the Russian Federation, with the norms, rules and standards when using and protecting water resources, water protection zones and any other requirements of laws on water protection, the executive authorities of all subjects of the country, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Natural Resources Those who exercise control over the protection of our environment must conduct constant state control over them.

The law provides that any use of any water resources should be carried out with minimal harm to them. Water protection in nature should be carried out during any reclamation, agricultural, technical, hydraulic, technological, sanitary and other events.

Maintenance in such a state, which fully complies with all environmental requirements of both surface water and groundwater, is ensured by installation and strict observance of the MPE standards (maximum permissible concentration) on any water bodies.

Full protection of water is based on the following standards:

1) The maximum permissible anthropogenic load, which in the long term by its magnitude will not bring to a change in the ecological system of a given water body.

2) The maximum permissible mass of harmful substances, which, when it enters the body of water or the area of ​​its catchment, it can neutralize without harming itself. Water protection, as well as ensuring the safety and health of the population using it, requires compliance with the established standards for the content of both harmful and polluting substances, their maximum permissible concentrations in water. To support water quality that complies with such regulations, directed legislative norms governing the negative impact on them, economic activity. Water protection is also aimed at identifying real and potential sources of its pollution. Such sources are recognized as objects that discharge or any other type of input of harmful substances to water bodies that impair the quality of both surface and groundwater.

Water protection from pollution is carried out by regulating the activities of stationary and other sources of such pollution. All legal entities and individuals who operate any facilities that affect the state of water are required to take all measures to prevent clogging, pollution and depletion of water resources.

To discharge wastewater that contains any harmful substances, you need to obtain a special license, which is issued by the Office for the Use and Protection of the Water Fund. But it will be issued only if their release into water bodies does not exceed the maximum permissible concentration for any of the harmful substances contained in these effluents.