
Climatic regions of Russia: description, features, zones. Building and climatic regions of Russia

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Climatic regions of Russia: description, features, zones. Building and climatic regions of Russia
Climatic regions of Russia: description, features, zones. Building and climatic regions of Russia

Video: Geography Now! RUSSIA 2024, June

Video: Geography Now! RUSSIA 2024, June

The climatic region is a wide area of ​​the earth's surface, along the entire length of which a homogeneous climate is formed. The weather in most of the country is severe, winters are frosty and long, the change of seasons is clear. Russia is located in 4 climatic zones, each of which we will consider separately.

Arctic climatic region of Russia


This climatic region includes the coastal territories of Siberia and islands in the Arctic Ocean. The Arctic climate prevails year-round. Winter is severe, prolonged, average daily temperature is equal to -30 degrees.

Summer lasts about 2-3 weeks, and the air warms up to about 0 degrees. On the territory of the Arctic belt, a small amount of precipitation is observed, in most areas it snows. The following climatic regions are distinguished:

  1. Siberian.
  2. Intraarctic.
  3. Atlantic.
  4. Pacific.

The harshest climatic region of Russia is the 1st, Siberian, and the mildest is the Atlantic.

Subarctic belt


This is the territory of the Russian plains (West Siberian and Russian) and places along the Arctic Circle, localized to a greater extent in the forest-tundra and tundra. In summer, the air temperature rises to about +10 ° C, and in the south the indicators are higher.

Most precipitation is wet snow with rain. Here are the following types of climatic regions:

  1. Atlantic.
  2. Pacific.
  3. Siberian.

In the Siberian region, record-breaking frost temperatures are recorded, and the climate of other regions is mitigated by cyclones.

Temperate zone


It covers a large territory of the country. In the 3 climatic region of Russia, a strong contrast is observed between hot summers and cold winters.

The seasons have clear boundaries, and solar activity varies by month. The temperate zone is subdivided in Russia into 4 climatic regions:

  1. Continental - has an impact on Western Siberia. The weather here is formed by continental air masses. Cold air moves from the northern regions to the southern, and warm - to the northernmost areas. As a result, approximately 600 mm of precipitation falls annually in the north and less than 400 mm in the south.
  2. The temperate continental climatic region of Russia more captures the western and European parts. The climate here is the most stable. This climatic region is significantly removed from the oceans and seas, as a result of which there is a slight cloud cover, strong wind, a large number of cyclones with precipitation. The temperature in summer is an average of +24 degrees.
  3. The sharply continental climatic region of Russia is inherent in Eastern Siberia. Winters are cold, with little snow, with a minimum air temperature of -40 degrees. In some areas, the soil freezes so much that permafrost persists. In the summer it is warm, the air in the cities warms up to +25 degrees, but there is a lot of rainfall.
  4. Monsoon continental climate. It predominates in the east of the country and in the southern regions of the Far East. Here the weather is highly dependent on the circulation of seasonal winds. In winter, the air is continental, in the summer - marine. Winter is cold, there is little snow, temperature - up to -30 degrees. The summer is wet but warm with plenty of rain. The air warms up to +20 degrees.

Within the temperate climate zone are such climatic regions and subareas of Russia:

  • European Atlantic-continental (forest).
  • Atlantic-Arctic.
  • European Atlantic continental (steppe).
  • West Siberian continental (central and northern).
  • East Siberian (continental).
  • Monsoon Far Eastern.
  • Pacific.
  • Continental Eastern European.
  • Continental West Siberian South.
  • Mountain zones of the Greater Caucasus, Sayan and Altai.

Subtropical climate


This is the 4th climatic region of Russia. It includes the mountains of the Caucasus and the territory of the Black Sea coast. Here are ideal conditions for living, cattle breeding and crop production. The Caucasus Mountains do not allow cold Arctic masses to pass to the coast, which affects the climate of this region.

Natural conditions vary depending on the terrain - from very humid zones (from Anapa to Tuapse) to arid steppes (from Taman to Anapa). Behind Anapa is the territory of the Mediterranean climate, which is characterized by heavy precipitation in winter and an average annual temperature of + 11 … + 14 ° С.

A similar type of climate is found on the coast of Crimea. In this type of climatic region of Russia, the only region that stands out is the Black Sea region.

Climate in the Krasnodar Territory

The lowest temperature in January is 0 degrees. The soil does not freeze at all, and the snow melts rapidly. The maximum amount of precipitation falls in the spring, due to which floods occur.

In summer, the air warms up above +30 degrees, and in the second half of July the driest period begins. Autumn is always warm, lasts long enough.

Climate of Central Russia

Depending on the territory, the temperature in winter is in the range of -12 … -25 ° С. The lowest temperature indicators are in January. February passes with strong winds, and heavy snowfalls come in early March.

The long-awaited heat comes in May, but sometimes even in June there are frosts. Summer lasts about 90 days, accompanied by cyclones with showers and thunderstorms. The first frosts come in late September.

What is the climate in Karelia


Weather conditions are variable throughout the year. In winter, the temperature reaches about -10 degrees, a lot of snow falls. In February, seasons of severe frost give way to a thaw. Spring begins in mid-April.

At this time, the air heats up to +10 degrees. Summer is short, hot days are in July and June. In September, it is dry and sunny, but the first frosts already occur at night. It is getting cold already by October.

Climate of siberia

This is one of the coldest Russian regions. Winter is cold, but there is little snow. In some regions, the air temperature reaches -40 degrees. Wind and snowfall are rare.

Snow begins to melt in April, and in regions with permafrost, the heat becomes only in June. In summer, the air warms up to +20 degrees. Autumn begins in September, and in October the first snow already falls.


The temperature in winter reaches -35 degrees, and in the Verkhoyansk region the air can cool down to -60 ° C. Winter lasts about 7 months, the sun rises only for 4-5 hours. Spring is short, it comes only in May, summer lasts 60 days. In August, it begins to rapidly cool, and in mid-October, water bodies are already binding ice.

Far East


The climate in this territory is diverse, ranging from monsoon to continental. Average temperature in winter: -24 degrees. There is a lot of snow here, and in the spring there is little rainfall.

The summer is hot, in August it often rains heavily. Autumn is usually warm and not rainy. In mid-October, the temperature is set at -14 degrees and below. After 25-30 days, winter comes.

Building and climatic regions of Russia

There are four of them:

  1. A special climatic zone IA is the region of the Far North.
  2. Climatic zone ΙБ - region of the Arctic.
  3. Climatic zones I and II are areas of the temperate zone.
  4. Climatic zone IV - Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

What are the climatic regions of Russia according to SNiP? SNiP - these are building norms and rules of an economic, technical and legal nature that govern engineering surveys, construction, design (current version of SNiP 23-01-99 as amended).

In building climatology, this set of rules and norms sets the climatic parameters used in the design of structures, ventilation, heating systems, water supply, air conditioning, during the planning and development of rural and urban settlements, in the construction of roads. It contains the following information:

  • outdoor temperature;
  • schematic maps of the distribution of geophysical and climatic parameters in Russia;
  • maximum and average daily amplitude of outdoor temperature;
  • outdoor humidity and precipitation;
  • wind speed and direction;
  • solar radiation coming in different months;
  • terminology and method for calculating climatic parameters.