
What to do if a dog attacks you: simple defense techniques

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What to do if a dog attacks you: simple defense techniques
What to do if a dog attacks you: simple defense techniques

Video: How to Defend against Dog Attack - Self Defence 2024, June

Video: How to Defend against Dog Attack - Self Defence 2024, June

There are many animal lovers in the world, especially dogs. And at the same time, there are people who are trying to avoid communicating with them. The reason for this may be a negative experience, for example, an animal attack that could lead to injury. Each of them has its own story.

There are several fairly effective recommendations on how to act if you encounter an aggressive dog, whether it is a domestic or stray dog. As a rule, an animal does not attack if it is not threatened: the dog can pounce if you scared it, invaded its territory or offended puppies. Although in reality, cases can be very different. Therefore, you need to be careful while walking, especially in the evening, and it is better not to try to pet another's dog, even if the owner of this wolfhound tells you that he is good. Animal behavior can be unpredictable.



If you have the opportunity to throw aside a bag, plastic bag, gloves or any other item, do it. This way you can distract the dog, and these seconds can give you enough time to evaluate the situation.

Don't run

If the dog is aggressive, stand still, do not try to run with your back to the animal. This will only worsen the situation. If you see a shelter, slowly back away and keep your dog in sight.


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Do not make sudden movements

Irregular and sudden hand movements can either make the dog angry or scare her, leading to an attack. If you have a sound tool that can scare away the dog, slowly take a step back, taking it out of the bag or pocket.


Confident speech

Pull yourself together and say to the dog in a quiet and firm voice: “Go home!” or "Sit!". Animals can feel the tone of your voice. Therefore, the more confident you say, the more likely the dog will back down.

Protect your neck

This is a very important point of protection. Just in case, pull the bent arm forward, wrapping it with a cloth (jacket, shirt, etc.). You must close your neck, as this is the most vulnerable spot with many vital arteries and veins. If the dog nevertheless rushed at you, put your outstretched arm and try to push it further into the mouth. This will make the dog let you go and back off.
