
The role of the forest in nature and human life, its economic use

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The role of the forest in nature and human life, its economic use
The role of the forest in nature and human life, its economic use

Video: The Importance of Forests | How to protect Forests 2024, July

Video: The Importance of Forests | How to protect Forests 2024, July

The significance of the forest in nature and human life can hardly be overestimated; it is huge and multifaceted. People have been using its resources since time immemorial. And only recently has the issue of protecting the forest, its restoration and careful use arose sharply.

Soil-protective and hydroclimatic role

Sometimes a person completely forgets about what the main role of the forest is in nature and people's lives. Ignoring the fact that it has a significant impact not only on the territory where it is located, but also on its neighboring areas, people are witnessing a violation of the natural balance, and this, in turn, can lead to an environmental disaster.


The forest allows improving the hydro regime of all large and small reservoirs, whose pools are located on the territory of the massifs. Soil protection from destruction is carried out both due to species growing in natural conditions, and thanks to special plantings, which have recently been increasingly used by people. Forests help preserve the mineral composition of the soil. Stock water passing through the soil layers are freed from harmful solid impurities.

Preserving the forest or restoring it, a person improves the ecology, positively affects the formation of the climate. The green outfit of the planet is a "laboratory" for the production of oxygen, without which the existence of life on Earth is unthinkable.

Forest - animal habitat

Considering the role of the forest in nature and human life, one cannot but say that it is home to many representatives of the fauna. He is the main storeroom of plant matter on the planet. That is why the community has a large species diversity of herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores that form food chains. Thanks to these bonds, equilibrium is maintained in nature.


Many forest inhabitants are pollinators of plants, participate in the distribution of seeds, helping representatives of the flora multiply and survive. Animals and birds are of commercial importance in the economic activities of people. A man produces valuable fur, meat. Today, hunting for animals is regulated by law, which contributes to the restoration and conservation of certain species.

Due to the planned nature of hunting for animals, humans manage to preserve certain types of forest plants. There are cases when vegetation was destroyed by herbivores or pests.

Forest and its significance for humans

Considering the role of the forest in nature and human life, one cannot ignore the human need for wood. She was always great, not smaller today. Moreover, in modern economic activity, it becomes global.


Forecasts regarding a reduction in the use of wood raw materials are not justified either in Russia or on the world market. The emerging trend may lead to the fact that wood will become scarce raw materials, and this will affect the production of many consumer goods necessary for humans.

The role of the forest in nature and human life is very important during a period of rapid urban growth. The therapeutic effect of green spaces on the human body has been proven by doctors. For this reason, rest houses, sanatoriums, rehabilitation centers are most often located in the forest zone.

People walking through the groves, parks, squares, receive a huge aesthetic pleasure, which leads to an improvement in overall health.

The consequences of human intervention in forest life

Any human activity related to housekeeping has an impact on its environment. Sometimes only after the passage of time people can assess the level of damage caused to the environment by their intervention.


So, for example, the significance of the forest in nature and for humans became clear when coniferous forests were cut down over vast areas. All territories immediately began to be populated by less valuable tree species: birch, aspen. The area of ​​swamps increased significantly, as the forest not only retained moisture, he used it. Changes in the species composition of the plant world are steadily leading to the disappearance of some animal species in these territories and the appearance of other representatives of the fauna.

Instead of a conclusion