
The most unexpected wild animals-hybrids (photo)

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The most unexpected wild animals-hybrids (photo)
The most unexpected wild animals-hybrids (photo)

Video: 15 Amazing Hybrid Animals That Actually Exist 2024, June

Video: 15 Amazing Hybrid Animals That Actually Exist 2024, June

The fauna does not cease to attract our attention and surprise throughout life. It is especially interesting to fantasize on the subject: “What if we cross …”. Of course, it will not work to get two meters of barbed wire by crossing a hedgehog and a viper, but some unexpected hybrids by scientists still turned out.


A cross between a zebra and a horse was first recorded in 1815. This was done not out of curiosity, but with a purely practical purpose - to get a hardy and fast pack animal.

The experiments were interesting, but the zebroids did not produce offspring. But these animals were strong and resistant to disease, and therefore they continued to be bred for current needs. Over time, the acute need for them disappeared, but positive experience remained, and today zebroids can be seen in different zoos.

Tigon or tigrolev


Tigers - a hybrid of a tiger and a lioness. The result is a rather harmonious animal. Although the tigon is smaller in size than any of its parents, it could theoretically survive in the wild. However, only females of tigons could acquire offspring; males are always born sterile.

An interesting fact: big feline hybrids are usually called the first syllables from the name of the parents. Moreover, the first syllable indicates the father, and the second - the mother.

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Descendant of a lion and tigress. These are the largest felids on the planet. The cub grows up to 3.5 meters in length, and can weigh up to 400 kilograms. For comparison: the weight of an adult male lion reaches 190 kilograms on average.

Liger looks very impressive and majestic. He looks like a huge lion with fuzzy blurry stripes on the sides and legs. They are completely deprived of a magnificent lion’s mane, and if, in the rarest cases, it appears, then it will never be the size of a lion’s size - then mom’s genes tried.



Leopon descended from a leopard and a lioness. As in the case of the hybrids discussed above, this species could not appear in the wild. The habitats of these predators are so diverse that random mating is unbelievable. Only in captive conditions can small leoponets appear in the light.

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Upon reaching adulthood, a leopon will look like a leopard with a lion's head. They may even have a mane that grows up to 20 centimeters in length.



But this hybrid was displayed purposefully and promisingly. Breeders set out to breed a cat breed that would be gentle enough and obedient to be kept in the house and, at the same time, take their unique color and size from their wild relatives.

Savannah breed appeared recently. The first kittens were born in April 1986, and official recognition was obtained in 2001.

These are large cats, whose weight can reach 15 kilograms (the weight of an ordinary domestic cat is 3.5-4.5 kg). At the same time, the animal is very fit, and looks rather thin than fat and lazy. By the way, you cannot call them lazy either. The savannah is active and very smart. It can even be taught to execute some commands. True, not very much - it's a cat!

The nature of the savannah is such that it is not afraid of water, gets along well with other domestic animals and is attached to its master. It is not surprising that this breed is recognized as the most expensive in the world.