
336 Baltic Fleet Marine Corps

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336 Baltic Fleet Marine Corps
336 Baltic Fleet Marine Corps

Video: Naval infatry snipers. Baltic fleet 2024, June

Video: Naval infatry snipers. Baltic fleet 2024, June

336 marine brigade in Baltiysk is located in unit 06017. This is an advanced formation of the coastal units of the Russian Navy. Today it is one of the most combat-ready in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, fully proving its motto: "Where we are, there is victory." 336 separate marine guard brigade, as it should be, is obliged to defeat any enemy, in any area. Her combat ability is not in doubt in any specialist. The actions of the Russian marines in modern conflicts proves that the Russian Navy can keep abreast of the times and gunpowder is always dry.


The beginning of a glorious story

336 Marine Brigade owes its military traditions to the 347th Rifle Regiment, which was part of the 308th Division. In September 1942, a baptism of fire was held in the northwest of Stalingrad, near the Kotluban state farm. Rendering worthy resistance to the violent attack of the enemy, this division retreated to Stalingrad at a position near the Barricade factory. She was later replaced and brought to the rear.

And then it was transferred to the Kalinin and Bryansk fronts. For the liberation of the city of Orel, the 308th division was assigned guard status. The numbering has also changed. The 308th rifle division was called the 120th guards rifle division, and the 347th rifle regiment was designated the 336th guards rifle regiment. Then fierce battles for the liberation of Belarus, the Polish Bialystok, took place, participated in the assault on the town of Ostroleka. This glorious unit also participated in the defeat of the Germans near Berlin.


Service in the BSSR

After a significant victory over fascism, the 336th Guards Rifle Regiment is transferred to Belarus. In the late fifties, according to the plan of the command, this unit was transformed into the 336th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment. During this time period, the role and importance of the naval forces in the conduct of modern warfare was undeservedly underestimated. Preference was given to other units, but the year 1963 was approaching, the events of which (US aggression against Vietnam) were sobering up by the Soviet command, which almost destroyed the Navy. I had to practically recreate and significantly improve the military fleet of the USSR.


From simple to complex

The directive of July 7, 1963 was one of the first steps to re-establish the Marines division, which was thoughtlessly disbanded in 1956. This guards motorized rifle regiment had to transform and reach a qualitatively higher level and perform new tasks. Thus was born the 336th Separate Guards Regiment of the Marine Corps. He was transferred to the Baltic Fleet. The city of Baltiysk became the cradle and hometown of this unit. In 1979, it was decided to increase the regiment to the Marine Brigade. The exercises, military campaigns, and titanic work of Soviet citizens rapidly increased the power of the revived armed forces.


New challenges

The collapse of the Soviet Union greatly affected the combat effectiveness of not only Russia, but also the rest of the former Soviet republics. A new task arose for the military, namely, the 336th Marine Brigade — to maintain power and ensure its defense capability at the proper level. And it was a truly difficult task. And in the Russian Federation itself it was restless. The events in the Chechen Republic in the nineties did not inspire optimism. The Russian armed forces were faced with a difficult exam with bitter and painful experience. The 336th Marine Guards Brigade was no exception. They were faced with a new challenge, which they, as befits the guardsmen, accepted with honor.


Marine Corps in Chechnya

The situation in Chechnya was critical. The incompetent command and the decline in the combat effectiveness of the Armed Forces of Russia forced him to feverishly search for ways to solve the crisis. At all times, the Marine Corps was rightfully considered one of the most effective combat arms. Therefore, the choice fell on her not by chance. On January 7, 879, a separate air assault battalion was ordered to go to the Chechen Republic to make peace. From January 13 to March 4, the Marines took part in the most difficult street battles in the area of ​​the market and the presidential palace, Minutka Square.

Dudaev threw his best forces: a special brigade, Abkhaz and Muslim battalions, hired snipers. In addition, the actions of nomads, Chechen mobile groups who correctly use urban communications, also caused some confusion. I had to change tactics. One of the difficult tests for soldiers is the battle in the city. Therefore, the losses of the dead and wounded were also present in the Marine Corps. 5 Heroes of Russia, 410 soldiers and officers of the battalion were awarded orders and medals. The second mission of representatives of the 336th Marine Brigade took place from early May to late June 1995 in the mountainous regions of Chechnya. Their service and the fulfillment of assigned combat missions were also praised by the command.


Current conditions

The 336th Marine Brigade of the Baltic Fleet is capable of all the same as other types of troops. However, its requirements and tasks are more complex. Therefore, the selection in its ranks is extremely tough. And then begins the monotonous and painstaking work of preparing universal soldiers who feel equally good in any element. Training is conducted according to the principle of “do as I do”. The emphasis is that modern combat is very dynamic and fleeting. Therefore, in addition to physical activity, special attention is paid to psychological preparation. It is no less important than physical data. Command and staff training, which takes place strictly twice a year, involves almost all the personnel and equipment in service: airplanes, helicopters, amphibious tanks and hovercraft. You can add to the romance and service on various seas.

336 separate brigade of the marine corps is distinguished by the excellent training of its attack aircraft and reconnaissance. This is, without exaggeration, the elite of the Russian Navy. These are fighters who are able to think and act outside the box, imposing their own rules even on an enemy superior in numbers. They are taught to fight not by numbers, but by skill.