
Rostov-on-Don: the population of the city. The number and composition of the population of Rostov-on-Don

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Rostov-on-Don: the population of the city. The number and composition of the population of Rostov-on-Don
Rostov-on-Don: the population of the city. The number and composition of the population of Rostov-on-Don

Video: FIFA World Cup 2018.Rostov on Don 2024, July

Video: FIFA World Cup 2018.Rostov on Don 2024, July

The population of Rostov-on-Don today is more than 1 million 100 thousand. He confidently takes the tenth position in the list of Russian cities by the number of inhabitants. The millionth resident was born in 1987, thanks to which Rostov transferred to the status of a millionaire city. The population of the city of Rostov-on-Don is about 25% of the population of the entire Rostov region.


Composition of the population

The ethnic composition of the city has always been the focus of attention of the authorities, but the fact that the local newspapers mentioned that the city is multinational has not been clarified. For the first time, city residents were only able to find out about their national composition in 1991 from the census when the information was published.

The population of Rostov-on-Don consists mainly of Russians, of whom about 90%. The remaining residents of the city are of Ukrainian, Armenian, Jewish, Belarusian, Greek, Georgian, Tatar, Korean, Moldavian, Gypsy, Mordovian, Udmurt, German origin. In total, there are about 105 nationalities in Rostov. This includes the nationality of the Scythian, to which 30 residents of the city ranked themselves (according to the latest census), answering the question about nationality.


Natural decline

Today, the population of Rostov-on-Don is constantly increasing due to the following factor: there is a significant increase in migration, which exceeds the natural increase.

However, the natural decline in local residents far exceeds the natural increase. This fact is associated with high mortality, which applies to a generation who has not reached retirement age, especially this affects the male population of the city. Myocardial infarction, strokes, and oncological diseases carry a high mortality rate.

According to these statistics, road accidents and injuries play a significant role. Unhealthy lifestyle of Rostovites - smoking and alcoholism also affects mortality. The reproduction of the population by natural growth is not ensured due to the low birth rate.

Population problems

Why is this happening in the city of Rostov-on-Don? His population is experiencing material difficulties, why can not afford their own housing, and if there is no housing, what kind of children can be? Also, the city lacks a sufficient number of kindergartens, young families do not want to have children at all or want to have no more than one. Therefore, the main reason for the reluctance to have at least two children lies in the difficulties of placing a child in a kindergarten.


But recently there has been an increase in the number of kindergartens, so for sure one problem will be less. In the meantime, Rostov-on-Don, whose population is increasing only due to the influx of immigrants, is a city in which mortality prevails over fertility.

Toward night, the population of the city decreases sharply

Despite the fact that the city is a millionaire, residents of the surrounding rural areas, as well as smaller cities, flock here every day to work. Here are jobs for Aksai, Novocherkassk, Shakhtins, and Batays. Why is that? The fact is that the city of Rostov-on-Don attracts people from nearby neighborhoods with more competitive salaries.


Population growth dynamics table

The following table shows the population growth rate in recent years in the city of Rostov-on-Don. The population of 2014 has an increase of 6 thousand people. In 2015, an increase is also planned, in particular, due to refugees from Ukraine. The table has rounded values.

Year Population Growth
2013 1 million 104 thousand -
2014 1 million 110 thousand 6 thousand
2015 1 million 115 thousand 5 thousand

City districts

Rostov-on-Don is divided into eight districts. Thanks to this, quality service is provided to people and convenient infrastructure is provided. In turn, they are divided into microdistricts, which have unofficial names. New areas are mostly dormitory and continue to be upset. They have everything for a full life of Rostovites: parks, squares, shops, schools, kindergartens. Each courtyard is equipped with a playground, well equipped for children's games.


It is interesting that the Rostov residents have developed informal names of the districts over time. If, for example, you ask a local resident how to get to the Leninsky district, then they will tell you exactly where you need it: to the Center, to the New Settlement or to Nakhalovka? Many names arose in pre-revolutionary times and reflected the characteristics of the inhabitants of the area.

For example, Nakhalovka and the New Settlement arose as a result of self-construction, the city authorities could not do anything about it except to recognize these villages with the workers living there and introduce them to Rostov. And still in these villages the private sector prevails with cozy courtyards, despite the ongoing huge construction in the city. How and how do the districts of the city of Rostov-on-Don live, how many people are in them?


The district is home to 212 thousand inhabitants. In its north there is a car assembly village, where there was previously a plant of the same name. Houses were built and his workers lived here, now their children live. Initially, a summer cottage settlement was conceived for the townspeople, but the families of the workers increased and the youth went to live in apartments that were given to them from production, while the elderly remained in the dachas. Another village in this part of the city is Myasnikovan. It also consists of the private sector, Armenians mainly lived here.

There are six higher educational institutions, ten large industrial enterprises, four sports schools, kindergartens and schools in the district. Voroshilovsky district is central. A one-room apartment here can be bought for 2.7 million rubles. The sleeping neighborhood is Severny, where most of the housing in the district is located.


Located along the river, in this area of ​​the city of Rostov-on-Don, the population is 103 thousand people. There are two stations - Main and Suburban. With the railway, people living nearby work in the depot and workshops. The old village is located a little north and is called Lendvorets. The name comes from the house of culture of the railway workers named after Lenin. The village is still plain, with old houses huddling on a hillside, but nevertheless it is very green and clean.

Two villages, Nizhnegnilovskaya and Verkhnegnilovskaya, located on the right bank, took their name from the village, which was previously located near the city, and then became part of it. This area is considered unpromising, so young people are trying to leave it. One-room apartments cost from 1.9 million rubles.



The second unofficial name is Western, since the district closes the city from the west. It has 170 thousand inhabitants, divided into microdistricts: ZHM, Leventsovka, Zapadny. Leventsovka - the name of the former village, which has turned into a chic sleeping area. Here are shops, clinics, magnificent gardens and parks, as well as schools and kindergartens. Thanks to the latest finds of architects, as well as sunny colors, the houses became an example of the complex development of the city. Industry is developed in the area, there is a chemical plant, a dairy, a cold factory and others. The prices here are as follows: one-room starts at 2.3 million rubles.


This is the old center of Rostov. There are 66 thousand inhabitants and a large number of administrative buildings of city and regional significance are concentrated, as well as the headquarters of large companies, banks, cafes. Outwardly, all buildings look very decent.

The main streets are devoid of greenery, there are sorely lacking trees. It is impossible to move on hot asphalt in summer. Another problem is the condition of old housing. If you enter the courtyard from the main streets, you will notice a big contrast - a bright facade and a shabby rear view of the buildings. The cost of housing in this region is the highest - from 3 million rubles.

October and May Day

The Oktyabrsky district of the city of Rostov-on-Don, with a population of 160, 000 in 2014, was built up in the post-war period and continues to be built up to now. It is divided into Kamenka, Voenved, a working town. Here is the majority of medical institutions and scientific and educational (2 universities and 6 research institutes). Apartments for sale at a price of 1.7 million rubles.

May Day with 176 thousand inhabitants includes the villages of Frunze, Selmash, Ordzhonikidze and two Ordzhonikidze. They grew up after the giant factory Rostselmash started operating. Previously, the private sector prevailed here, but new buildings squeezed it. Here is the city airport, as well as the entrance to the city from Moscow. Housing - from 1.8 million rubles.



Located in the eastern part of the city, it has 122 thousand inhabitants. You can see the names Berberovka and Nakhichevan. In ancient times, Armenians, intelligentsia and wealthy merchants lived here. A contingent of district residents formed a worker, since the Krasny Aksai plant built houses for them here. Aleksandrovka is a village, the name was given to it by a small village, today it is a beautiful microdistrict with high-rise buildings. The cost of housing: in Nakhichevan - 1.3 million, in Aleksandrovka - 1.8 million rubles.