
Anatoly Ivanovich Grigoryev: biography and photos

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Anatoly Ivanovich Grigoryev: biography and photos
Anatoly Ivanovich Grigoryev: biography and photos

Almost legends make up about this man - a herbalist, a medicine man, a miracle healer. He does not make any advertisements for himself, but the rumor that water cannot be stopped. Herbalist Anatoly Grigoriev and his healing fees are known far beyond the borders of Belarus. Go to him from everywhere. In the famous pharmacy in Rubezhevichi every day a rush of crowds. What kind of miracle pharmacy is this?

A bit of history

They founded this very ordinary pharmacy back in 1875, even under sovereign Alexander II. But in 1945, the local resident S. I. Vilkotsky, who graduated from the pharmaceutical school, was in charge of this institution. Stanislav Ivanovich was fond of herbal medicine. He made healing preparations, which he shared mainly with well-known people.


Vilkotsky collected rare books of herbal medicine, wrote down herbal recipes. By the way, his brother led the publishing house “Medical Book”, from there collections of recipes went to Rubezhevichi. In those years, after the advent of antibiotics, herbal medicine was recognized as unpromising. In addition, those who seriously engaged in traditional medicine were accused of quackery.

However, the production of medicines required raw materials. And Vilkotsky made his pharmacy become a center for the procurement of medicinal herbs. He received the head and official permission to manufacture drugs. On the territory of the former Union in the seventies there were only three phyto-pharmacies: in Kiev, Vilnius and Rubezhevichi.

Soon rumors began to spread about Vilkotsky and his pharmacy throughout the country. He prepared recipes even for high-ranking officials, both Belarusian and “from Moscow itself”. In 1975, Stanislav Ivanovich went on a well-deserved rest. New managers here did not stay long. But three years later, a young doctor, Anatoly Ivanovich Grigoryev, came here. And everything has changed.


Pan Apothecary

Anatoly Ivanovich was born in the Gorodok district of the Vitebsk region. Graduated from Vitebsk Medical Institute. There he became interested in medicinal herbs. At the Department of Pharmacognosy, he was engaged in scientific work. The practice was held at the All-Union Institute of Medicinal Herbs in Moscow, where he learned a lot. I got to Senchilo, a wonderful person and academician.

Grigoryev Anatoly Ivanovich was sent for distribution to a pharmacy warehouse in Zaslavl. Soon he was temporarily asked to replace the head of pharmacy No. 128 in Rubezhevichi. He agreed to work here for twelve months. But stayed forever. The young pharmacist liked everything here - a pharmacy, people, and work.


Well-known pharmacist, he could find a job in the capital's clinic. He was repeatedly invited to medical centers, to appear on television, to keep a column in a newspaper. But Anatoly Ivanovich believes that everyone should do what is intended for him. Here Grigoryev in his place. Moreover, the metropolis puts pressure on him. And here - lakes, rivers, fishing.

Anatoly Ivanovich does not like being called a herbalist. Still, he is a certified pharmacist. Locals treat him respectfully - “Pan Apothecary”.

Pharmacy today

Now phyto-pharmacy No. 128 is one of the largest in Eastern Europe. Annually, up to thirteen tons of plants are received from procurers and processed here. They also prepare unique collections according to old recipes, which are more than two hundred years old. Sixty-five herbs enter them.


In the early nineties, they tried to establish the production of fees. Opened two production associations. But they did not survive in difficult market conditions. Nevertheless, Anatoly Ivanovich Grigoriev does not lose hope that someday things will get better.

The pharmacy employs six people. In addition to fees, they make ointments, tinctures. All herbs are harvested on their own, as each of them has its own characteristics and processing conditions. And most importantly, the herbs should be local, Belarusian. The pharmacy in Rubezhevichi is the only one where the pharmacist receives and advises visitors.

How is the reception?

Anatoly Ivanovich says that they prepare many fees according to individual recipes. Prerequisite: he must personally see and hear the visitor. He does not give absentee consultations and advice. As Grigoryev says that he is not a psychic, he does not heal from photos and through relatives.

The pharmacist must get acquainted with the patient’s medical record. It is necessary to see if its purpose and drug treatment are compatible. Moreover, one and the same collection may suit one person, but not another. Herbs are the same medicines, so you need to treat treatment accordingly.

Anatoly Ivanovich Grigoriev honestly tells the patient whether herbal treatment will help him or not. Recommends the collection and tells in detail how to cook, when, how and how much to take.

There are up to several dozen visitors a day. People come from other cities, regions and even countries. Therefore, a preliminary record is made by telephone.


Where do recipes come from?

“Today in the“ golden fund ”of a pharmacy there are about a thousand prescriptions for collections, ointments, tinctures, ” says Anatoly Grigoryev. Rubezhevichi have long been known for their herbal preparations. Something came from the predecessor, including several ancient manuscripts about herbs. For many years he collected recipes himself, and their medical colleagues shared them.

Anatoly Ivanovich says that he trusts only reliable sources. To prepare the fees in their pharmacy, they take prescriptions from collections that have been tested over the years. He trusts books published before 1986. At that time there were special commissions, which included well-known pharmacists. Under each recipe are their signatures.

The pharmacy has standard herbal preparations - vitamin, cold, etc. There are also oncological. A few years ago they tried drug collections in the treatment of benign tumors. Oncologists were interested in the successful results, and they decided to try them in the treatment of malignant tumors. They turned to Anatoly Ivanovich Grigoriev for help.

Herbalist made nine fees for the center of oncology. Herbal treatment is carried out in conjunction with medications. As the observations of doctors showed, herbs relieve the condition of postoperative patients, they noticed that recovery is faster.


What is the strength of herbs?

Herbal medicine has the right to exist, as well as medication, physiotherapy or surgery. Herbs are good because they are not toxic, like drugs. This in no way means that you need to abandon drug treatment, if necessary.

Fees resorb tumors, including with fibroids and mastopathy. With the correct formulation, the treatment efficiency is 75%. Much depends on the time of treatment. If the disease is not started, then in some cases you can do without surgery.

Herbs help well after chemotherapy and surgery. Anatoly Ivanovich Grigoriev is sure that with oncology a comprehensive treatment should be carried out - with medicines and herbs.

Are there any diseases that can not yet be treated with herbs? Grigoriev does not give empty promises and frankly says that he cannot treat lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy in adults. Herbs are ineffective in the treatment of smoking, cerebral palsy, and alcoholism.

Good results in chronic diseases of the kidneys, stomach, liver, heart, weakened immunity and infertility. Anatoly Ivanovich Grigoriev stores photographs of children who appeared after people who desperate to have a child turned to him for help.

Grateful visitors

Many positive reviews from women with infertility. After visiting doctors to no avail, and sometimes after hearing their verdict that “there is no hope, ” many of them did not part with the dream of holding their own child in their arms and went to Rubezhevichi. At women's forums, many thanks are due from those who, after treatment with the St. Grigory fees, had children in the family.

Those who are obese also go to Anatoly Ivanovich Grigoryev in Rubezhevichi. Reviews desperate to win overweight diets are positive. At the consultation, the doctor carefully listened to them, asked questions, figuring out the causes of excess weight. In many cases, problems are caused by diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands.


The recipes shared by visitors in the comments were different. Grigoriev has an individual approach to each person. The results of weight loss were not immediately noticeable. But after two weeks, both complexion and overall health improved. Weight began to go away gradually.

Men naturally share their concerns less readily than women. Their reviews are less common and also mostly positive. They write that "the doctor is just a magician."