
The largest crocodiles in the world

The largest crocodiles in the world
The largest crocodiles in the world

Video: TOP 10 LARGEST CROCODILES In The World 2024, June

Video: TOP 10 LARGEST CROCODILES In The World 2024, June

Most representatives of this species of reptiles cause the most conflicting feelings in people: horror, disgust, delight, surprise. Someone likes these beautiful and terrible creatures at the same time, someone would like not to see them at all, but they do not leave anyone indifferent. Various species of crocodiles can be seen not only in the natural habitat, nature reserve or zoo, but also at home with a lover of exotic animals.


Even the smallest representative of this species evokes fear, let alone large specimens. The largest crocodiles are crested, they have a fairly wide habitat and although they prefer to settle in fresh water, they can withstand salt and sea water. They are found near Sri Lanka, the islands of Indonesia, the northern coast of Australia, the eastern coast of India, the Solomon Islands and the Philippines.

Adult combed crocodiles-males grow up to 7 m, their weight can reach tons, females are usually less than half. The average size of males is half a ton of weight and 5 m in length. Young individuals are distinguished by a light yellow color, dark stripes and spots pass along the body. With age, the largest crocodiles darken, but the belly still remains light - white or yellow.


If we consider specific representatives of this species, then we should distinguish the three most huge reptiles. In an honorable third place is an Australian named Brutus. Its length is 5.5 m, the crocodile is known for its love to jump for meat, which is kindly offered to him from tourist boats. A lot of travelers are going to watch amazing jumps. Many did not believe in its existence, claiming that such crocodiles could not live in nature. Photos taken by employees of the travel company, dispelled all doubts. You can recognize Brut from thousands of people like him, because he has no front leg, they say he lost it during a fight with a shark.

The second place is taken by a reptile named Lolong, he hails from the Philippines. Its length is 6 m 19 cm, and its weight is more than a ton. About 500 people come to watch this miracle of nature. Many researchers agree that the largest crocodiles live near the coast of the Philippines. Recently caught giant 6.5 m long only confirms this point of view. But nevertheless, the Nile crocodile by the name of Gustav won the palm, its length is about 7 m. According to local legends, the giant is already about 60 years old, during his long century he managed to eat one huge hippopotamus and about 300 people. Gustav kept the whole district in awe; they tried to catch him since 1998. Now the giant lives in a protected area, where he is closely watched.


The largest crocodiles include in their diet not only small animals such as birds, snakes, turtles, monitor lizards, fish, but also livestock, wild pigs, antelopes, monkeys, and buffalos. A reptile is hunting for a prey near a watering hole: when an animal comes too close, its predator grabs its face, and knocks it down with its tail. Then the crocodile drags its prey under water to choke. In the afternoon, he basks in the sun in the water or on the shore, but he does not need to get too close to the reptile, he can attack a person.