
The newspaper "Capital Fair" (Zelenograd) is pleased to offer you new opportunities

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The newspaper "Capital Fair" (Zelenograd) is pleased to offer you new opportunities
The newspaper "Capital Fair" (Zelenograd) is pleased to offer you new opportunities

It is no secret that in any city there are print publications that publish various advertisements. One such publication is the Stolichnaya Yarmarka newspaper. Zelenograd has been releasing it since 1992. During this time, it became the most popular print publication in the advertising field. On its pages you can find advertisements from both individuals and legal entities. There are also always available offers to purchase goods and services at competitive prices.


Publication format

Weekly on sale there is a fresh issue of the publication "Capital Fair". Zelenograd supplies fresh circulation to all areas of the city and suburbs. The newspaper has a convenient and familiar A4 format, is published in black and white, on 16 pages, in the amount of 80 thousand copies.

For the convenience of readers, ads are divided into thematic sections. They can be either formatted (highlighted), to ensure the greatest audience coverage, or ordinary, lowercase.

Main sections of the publication

For readers' convenience, there are thematic subsections into which the publication “Capital Fair” is divided. Zelenograd constantly places a ton of ads here, so the publication has convenient navigation that allows you not to waste time re-reading unnecessary ads, but quickly and easily find what you need in the section of interest. The newspaper has the following thematic sections:

  • Autoworld. In this section, announcements of the sale of various vehicles, spare parts and necessary equipment are published. Transportation services, car repair and maintenance services, and the sale of garages are offered.

  • Products. This category is the largest, includes the following subsections: trade row; furniture; things for children; mobile and computer equipment; Home Appliances; clothes.

  • The property. In this section, "Capital Fair" (Zelenograd) publishes an announcement on the purchase, sale, rental, exchange of residential and commercial real estate.

  • Services This category is also divided into subsections, in which it will not be difficult to find an advertisement of interest:

    - Travel and leisure.

    - Domestic services.

    - Educational services.

    - Beauty and health.

    - Transportation.

    - Computer Repair.

  • The Employment section will help you navigate the open job market and find the right job for yourself.

  • Construction and repair. The section contains subcategories that will help you find everything you need for construction and repair, from the necessary tools and materials to services in this area.