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In which city is the Monument to the Discoverers installed? Find out all about this interesting monument.

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In which city is the Monument to the Discoverers installed? Find out all about this interesting monument.
In which city is the Monument to the Discoverers installed? Find out all about this interesting monument.

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The Portuguese city of Lisbon is a real magnet for inveterate tourists and travelers. The capital is located in a picturesque mountainous area. The famous river Tagus flows in the city. The attention of tourists is attracted by magnificent monasteries and Gothic temples.

Monument to the Discoverers - a magnificent building


It would be a mistake to stay in this fabulous city and not dive headlong into its history. After all, there are attractions here that are ready to tell a curious traveler a lot of interesting things. You can see, for example, the amazing Monument to the Discoveries in Lisbon. But this is not his only name. Many know it as the Monument to the Discoveries. This is an impressive monument, created in memory of the famous sailors and researchers who lived during the period of the Great geographical discoveries. It would seem that Portugal is a very small country, but how much it means for world history!

What does the monument look like?

The bright monument, made of reinforced concrete and limestone, attracts the enthusiastic glances of tourists. How beautiful he looks against the blue sky and water! The monument is made in the form of a caravel - an old sailing ship. The monument is very high, looking at it, an impressionable tourist may feel a little dizzy, and his heart will tremble before such greatness. Perhaps more recently he was looking for information about in which city the Monument to the Discoverers was erected, and today he is facing this amazing composition and is looking at it with delight.

A bit of history


What you need to know about the monument? It was opened in the summer of 1960. At that time, people remembered the Portuguese prince Enrique the Navigator, since he died 500 years ago. This man has done a lot for science, in particular for geography. His figure is located in front of the caravel, and behind him are other famous sailors. An amazing monument was erected in Belem: this place has been famous for centuries, it was from here in the summer of 1497 that the traveler Vasco da Gama went to the open sea, intending to sail to India. Each erudite person should know not only about the city in which the Monument to the Discoverers is installed, but also the name of the area in which it was erected.

Immortalized Travelers

Enrique the Navigator, the main figure of the monument, is holding a small sailing vessel and looking into the distance with hope. Behind him are another 32 people, 16 left and right. They all contributed to the development of geography, some more, some less. Here are Vasco da Gama proudly able to swim to India; Fernando Magellan is a famous explorer who has traveled around the world, thanks to which it became known that the earth has the shape of a ball; Bartolomeu Diash, who discovered the Cape of Good Hope; clergy, inventors and artists who influenced the history of the country at that time. The only woman here is Don Philippe of Lancashire, Queen of Portugal. Looking at all these people, you realize how much they believed in success and how desperately they went to their goal. Their views read determination, hope and faith. Many are interested in which city the Monument to the Discoverers is installed, because they have already heard stories about it, and this information impressed them.