
Metro station "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" (Moscow). History of creation, interesting facts, photo

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Metro station "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" (Moscow). History of creation, interesting facts, photo
Metro station "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" (Moscow). History of creation, interesting facts, photo

The metro is considered the most convenient and fastest public transport for large cities. The idea of ​​building a metropolitan network arose at the beginning of the 20th century. However, the direct construction of the first lines was begun much later.


Initial stages of development

With the increase in the number of residents of the capital, by the beginning of the thirties of the last century, the question arose of creating transport, by which it would be possible to solve the problems of cheap and fast transportation of passengers. The idea of ​​building a subway in Moscow was discussed back in 1902. However, at that time, due to lack of funding, the project was not developed. They returned to him only in the early thirties. On June 15, 1931, at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, a decision was made to begin construction. Work on the construction of the first lines was started in the autumn of the same year. The first mine was laid on Rusakovskaya street. The design of the stations was done by famous architects of that time. Work on the construction of the first stage was carried out with genuine enthusiasm. The main volume was completed by 1934. The subway was put into operation on May 15, 1935. Preparatory work for the construction of the first line was carried out for about two years. Moreover, the construction of the branch itself was carried out in record time. So, in 1934, 85% of the total volume of planned earthworks and about 90% of concrete work was completed. Moreover, the construction took place in the most difficult conditions. The problem also was the selection of suitable material that could withstand the pressure of groundwater and earth pressure.

Current state

Today, the Moscow Metro has many stations connecting the most remote parts of the capital. The projects of many sites were drawn up with the prospect of further expansion. Today, construction works are being carried out on various branches, and new mines are being laid. At the moment, the farthest section from the center is the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station. Its total passenger flow is about one hundred thousand people daily, at the entrance - 87, and at the exit - 85 thousand.


Moscow: metro station "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya"

The depth of this site is 61 meters. The Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station starts at 5.25 and ends at 1.00. The first trains were launched on March 1, 1991. Station "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" - 146 stopping points in a row. It is part of the Savelovskaya - Otradnoye section and is located on the Serpukhov-Timiryazevskaya line, between the Timiryazevskaya and Vladykino. Currently, work is underway on the construction of the second hall. At their end, a cross-platform transplant to the Lublin-Dmitrov line will be launched.


In Russia in the past century, many outstanding architects and sculptors worked. For most of them, Moscow was the main place of business. The metro station "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" is one of many sections where you can see the work of the famous sculptor and artist Zurab Tsereteli. Its stained-glass windows are located above the escalator tunnel, as well as in the windows of the external lobby in the modern hall. Track walls and columns are faced with gray and white marble. In the decoration of these elements was also used datolite-wollastonite hedenbergite skarn. The lining of the walls of the lobby is made of red brick. At the end of the hall are decorative gypsum vases with flowers. The floor is faced with dark granite. Columns supporting, through the wedge-shaped lintels, the arches of Art. "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" are located at a distance of 6.5 meters. On one of them, marble forms an intricate pattern. Passengers call it a "portrait of an alien."


Transplants and Lobbies

Art. Petrovsko-Razumovskaya enters the eponymous clothing market. It has one lobby on the north side. It is located on Dmitrovskoye Shosse, not far from Lokomotivny Passage. In addition, Art. "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" is located next to the platform of the same name October Railway. The distance to it is about 1000 meters. Many guests of the capital are interested in how to get from Petrovsko-Razumovskaya to the railway platform? You can take buses No. 204, 179, 123 or 114.

Moscow: Petrovsko-Razumovskaya, attractions

There are several museums nearby. Of particular interest to tourists are:

  1. Manor Ostrovsky.

  2. Historical Museum Cond. film "Red October".

  3. "House on the waterfront."

  4. Literary Museum of Tolstoy.

There are no theaters nearby, but residents and guests can visit theaters. There are three of them:

  1. "Komsomolets".

  2. "KinoMax - XL"

  3. Baikal Atlantis.


In addition, the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya station is surrounded by various small shops and shopping centers. As mentioned above, next to it is a large clothing market. For some time it did not work, since work was underway to expand the existing lobby of the metro. "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" is located next to the equestrian center of the Moscow Artists Academy. Timiryazev. Relatively close are three pools. In general, the infrastructure of the district is well developed.


In the near future, it is planned to extend the Lublin-Dmitrov branch to the north. In this case, a second hall with a cross-platform transplant will be built. One way the existing old hall according to the project accepts trains from the Serpukhov-Timiryazevskaya line that go to the center, and the other - the Lublin-Dmitrov line. They will go in the same direction (to the station "Fonvizinskaya"). A second hall will be built in parallel with the existing one. From it, trains will follow in a northerly direction to the station. "Vladykino" and "District". Currently, the future route of the Lublin-Dmitrov section is used for trains moving from the center along the Serpukhov-Timiryazevskaya branch.

In Art. Metro "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" upon arrival and departure, you can see the groundwork for future tunnels. Because of them, the train noticeably slows down. This is noticeable when approaching a stop from the side of Timiryazevskaya and departing towards Vladykino. Pilot tunnels of the Lublin-Dmitrov branch were built back in the 1980s. They are located on the site of the side halls of the future station. In addition, about a hundred meters distillation tunnel was built on the left side in the direction of "District". Since mid-July 2011, the construction of tunnels with the drilling and blasting method was begun. Subsequently, Art. m. "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" will be expanded with negotiable dead ends for trains following the Lublin-Dmitrov branch. A new lobby is also planned. He will lead to the second hall. It is assumed that the exit will be towards the south end, and not the north. So, Art. m. "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" will open on the other side of the October railway, in the previously constructed underground passage under Dmitrovsky highway.


Features of work

By March 2013, the construction of horizontal tunnels was renewed: distillation for trains and station. In addition, work is underway on escalator slopes. Art. Petrovsko-Razumovskaya is expanding in the immediate vicinity of the Serpukhov-Timiryazevskaya line: a thin wall less than a meter separates the new branch from the existing one. In this regard, you can not use a shield that causes strong vibrations. Almost all the work has to be done almost manually. In November 2013, a bridge was laid, through which Art. Petrovsko-Razumovskaya will be connected to the new platform. Several gaps in the center between the columns are fenced. According to the project, the bridge is located in the middle of the platform through the path that today leads towards the station. "Vladykino" along the Serpukhov-Timiryazevskaya branch, and in the future - to Art. "Fonvizinskaya" along the Lublin-Dmitrov line. In January 2015, finishing work began in the second hall. As mentioned above, construction began in 2011. In accordance with the project, the opening of the second hall was supposed to be held in September 2015. But the launch dates have shifted somewhat. Now the opening is scheduled for 2016.


History reference

Petrovsko-Razumovskoye used to be a village, and now it belongs to the urban territory of Moscow. The first mention of this area dates back to the year 1584. Then a record was written in the scribal book about the wasteland of Semchino, which was attributed to s. Toporkovo. The owner of the village was Boyarin Shuisky. In 1623, the sources no longer mention the wasteland, but the village of Semchino. The area developed quite quickly and in 15 years passed to Prozorovsky - Shuisky’s nephew. In 1676, the village was bought by Naryshkin. Two years later, a census was carried out, according to which the area was renamed Petrovsky. In 1746, in the form of a dowry of Naryshkin’s granddaughter, the village passed to the new owner. They became Count Razumovsky. During its management, the area reached its peak. After the death of the count, the estate passed to his fourth son Leo. At the beginning of the war of 1812, Razumovsky and his wife were forced to leave the village. During the war, the estate was looted, forests were cut down, and the church was desecrated. After the death of Leo Razumovsky, the area passed into the possession of Dolgorukov, then for a while the counts Uvarov and the princes Gorchakov.

Manor Separation

In 1828, the estate was bought by Moscow pharmacist von Schulz. In 1847, Petrovskaya Dacha, together with the part of the estate of the village attached to the north. Vladykino and the village of Likhobor were divided into 10 sections. Of these, the two largest were left to Schultz, and the rest to other persons. But the boundary office did not approve the section. On November 14, 1860, all Schultz ownership was transferred to the treasury. In January next year, the entire estate was bought for 250 thousand. In October, all peasants were evicted. Some of them settled on neighboring lands with. Vladykino. A new settlement was formed there - Petrovsky settlements. The remaining free land was divided into 110 plots for subsequent lease for 96 years. In 1865, the Petrovsky Forestry and Agricultural Academy was opened. Today it is called the Russian Agrarian State University - Moscow Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev. In 1917, the area was included in the territory of the capital. Since 1954, it has been a district of mass residential construction, and in 1991, Art. m. "" Petrovsko-Razumovskaya "".
