
Mono Lake: description. California Salt Lake

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Mono Lake: description. California Salt Lake
Mono Lake: description. California Salt Lake

Video: The Mono Lake Story 2024, July

Video: The Mono Lake Story 2024, July

Mono Lake, the description of which we would like to consider in our publication, is a real pride of the state of California. This picturesque place attracts thousands of tourists every year. In the old days, the lake served as a source of water for nearby settlements. Gradually, the pond began to dry out. Now this area has the status of a conservation area and is protected by law.

Where is the lake located?


Mono Lake is located in eastern California. There is a unique pond just east of Yosemite National Park. The lake lies between the White Mountains and Sierra Nevada mountain ranges. Not far from the south coast is a small town called Lee Vining. A federal highway passes through this settlement, along which tourists coming to the adjacent ski resorts keep their path. You can also get to Mono Lake through the Tioga Pass. However, it is closed in winter and spring due to the likelihood of avalanches converging.

General information


The following figures allow you to get an idea of ​​Mono Lake:

  • age - about 780 thousand years;

  • area - 182.6 km 2;

  • maximum depth - 48 m;

  • length - 21 km;

  • width - 15 km;

  • height above sea level - 1946 m;

  • the concentration of minerals is 78 g / l.

Lake water


It feeds primarily on precipitation. Mountain streams that originate in the upper Sierra Nevada ridge also fill it. In Mono Lake for many years there has been a tendency to a loss in water levels. This leads, as a rule, to abundant evaporation, which is due to the close occurrence of molten magma on the surface of the earth's crust. Gradually, the reservoir becomes similar to the famous Dead Sea, which is located in Israel. By the way, the water in the lake is also salty.

The economic activity of a person affects the reduction of the water level in the lake. So, at the beginning of the last century, the city of Los Angeles badly needed clean water to meet the needs of a growing population. The local government has relied on the most simple and affordable solution. The main part of the reserves began to be supplied by aqueducts from the rivers that fed Lake Mono. Thus, the water here has become much less. The area of ​​a unique reservoir in the 80s has decreased by about a third.

The only river that connects to the lake remains an alpine artery called Owen. The problem is that farmers continue to actively draw water from it for irrigation of agricultural land. In recent years, environmental organizations have been doing everything possible to ensure that Mono Lake is not completely dry.

Mono Lake Islands


On the reservoir, the average depth of which is 17 meters, there are several islands. The largest of them is a hill called Pahoa. It is formed from an original light shade of volcanic rock. Hundreds of years ago, a piece of land appeared on the surface of the lake due to the eruption of lava. The proximity of molten magma even today is evidenced by the emission of steam columns and the presence of hot springs.

The second largest island of a salt lake in California is a piece of land, which was named Negit. The presented formation is also of volcanic origin. According to research, the island arose about 2000 years ago. Due to the sharp decline in the water level on Lake Mono, which has been going on since the middle of the last century, Negit gradually turned into a peninsula, connecting with the coastline.

Mono Lake Columns


Along the shores of the reservoir are concentrated fantastic views of the column, which are formed of limestone and tuff rock. Their outlines become especially mesmerizing at sunset and during sunrise. During this period of the day, columns shimmer with the most incredible shades. Such natural "towers" have a bizarre shape, for which they are often compared with the Gothic man-made creations of the famous architect Antonio Gaudi.

A study of the rock that the columns consist of shows that Lake Mono is a small section of the sea that has survived to our time. It covered the local territories millions of years ago. For this reason, the reservoir has the status of not only a volcanic, but also a relict lake.


Because Mono Lake, California has extremely salty waters, fish do not live here. Repeated attempts were made to settle it. However, such events were unsuccessful.

In the waters of the lake, shelter primitive crustaceans, which are an excellent source of food for local birds. On the islands, located in the middle of a natural formation, wild ducks, lapwings, flippers, American shiloklyuv nest. Other species of birds stop in the surrounding areas during annual migrations.

Salt Lake is of particular interest to biologists. At first glance, it may seem that the pond is completely lifeless. In fact, microscopic algae adapted to conditions of increased salinity. The latter serve as food for local crustaceans.

Researchers who have studied natural education for many years have identified unique bacteria of their kind. Microorganisms are identified by the code name GFAJ-1. They adapted to the use of toxic arsenic, which is concentrated in local waters, in the course of their life. Poisonous to most living organisms, the chemical element such creatures have learned to use as an alternative to phosphorus.