
Stand-up comedian Ivan Abramov often jokes about his Tatar wife. It turns out she is his beauty (new photos)

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Stand-up comedian Ivan Abramov often jokes about his Tatar wife. It turns out she is his beauty (new photos)
Stand-up comedian Ivan Abramov often jokes about his Tatar wife. It turns out she is his beauty (new photos)

If you like humor and watch the Stand up show on TNT, then you probably know its residents. Third in a row, Ivan Abramov (following Ruslan Bely and Stas and Starovoitov) prepared a big solo program, finding his own niche. Calling himself an "intelligent comedian, " he actively includes playing his guitar and synthesizer in his performances.


Way to the show Stand up

A native of Volgograd, Ivan, as a schoolboy, moved with his parents to Odintsovo, studied at a music school, played in KVN. Deciding to connect his life with the stage, he dreamed of GITIS, but his father insisted that his son graduate from MGIMO. The young man did not dare to disobey, but even here he began to play in KVN, having headed the Parapaparam institute team.

In 2009, the guys managed to break into the Major League. Since then, the team began to gain skill, and in 2011 even reached the final. The best achievement of the Parapaparam team is third place in 2013. The following year, Abramov was already admitted to the Stand up residents. Although he still received the MGIMO diploma, he did not work a day in his specialty.
