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History of the origin of the surname Kutuzov

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History of the origin of the surname Kutuzov
History of the origin of the surname Kutuzov

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In the world there are a huge variety of different surnames. Some are found a little less often, others a little more often. People sometimes wonder about the origin of their last name. Therefore, they begin to search for information about their ancestors, parents in various sources. Today, the article will consider the meaning and origin of the surname Kutuzov. There are a lot of versions according to which the last name happened. Let's look at each of them.


Version 1. Where did the name Kutuzov come from

The surname comes from the ancestors of the Tatars, namely from the verb "quturmak", which translates as "to become furious, to rage." For Turkish peoples, the surname means the adjective "rabid" or the noun "rabies". In Turkish, it exists as the word kuduz or kudurmak.


Version 2. Origin on behalf of the Sultan

In ancient Egypt, there was a sultan named Kutuz. He was the greatest of the Mamluk sultans. By origin he was from the Kipchak tribe. Kutuz was famous for the fact that he severely and fiercely punished his enemies, and was also a favorite of Egyptian women.

Version 3. Origin of a surname

The word "kutuz" among the Turkic peoples has the meaning of a violent and fiery person. For Russians, it can have several meanings:

  • Firstly, it is a pillow, which is used to weave a variety of lace.
  • Secondly, it is a small pillow made of leather.
  • Thirdly, Kutuz called things that bind into a knot.

If we talk about what kind of people were called "Kutuzov", then these could be personalities of a stout, thorough and full appearance, and sometimes even fisted.


The famous representative of the surname Kutuzov

The most famous bearer of the name is, of course, Kutuzov Mikhail Illarionovich. He was the brightest prince of the Smolensk region, the most famous and talented commander, General Field Marshal.

His military career is filled with the brightest victories and successes in the Austro-French and Turkish confrontations. He is famous for the victories during the assault by Russian troops, and successful ones, of Ishmael in 1805, and then in 1806. and throughout the war against Turkey.

In 1812 he received the appointment and promotion to the post of commander in chief of the army of the Russian Empire. His talent for warfare is confirmed by the fact that he forced the French forces to retreat at the Battle of Borodino in the conditions of numerical superiority of the enemy troops several times. His strategies have always been flexible, which allows them to adapt to rivals. The Battle of Borodino is the most striking example of the genius of Kutuzov.

Kutuzov is one of the few people who bore a triple surname. It sounds like Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Smolensky. And his grandson named Pavel bore the name Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Tolstoy. It is worth noting that composite surnames were given to a person for significant services to his homeland and fatherland.

In honor of the memory of the great commander, some events were held, for example, in the cities obelisks, museums were built, and state awards were established that are awarded to people who have special merits to the state.

In the Russian army, namely in the navy, one of the cruisers was named in honor of Kutuzov. Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, in the distant 1831, dedicated his poem to him, writing it in a letter addressed to Kutuzov’s daughter. He was also devoted to poetry by such famous authors as Derzhavin and Zhukovsky, as well as the most famous fabulist Krylov composed a work about the life of a commander.


How to spell a surname in English

If a person needs to fill out any documents in a foreign language, for example, in English, then the first name is written first, and only then the last name is in Latin letters, for example, Mikhail Kutuzov. In what cases may you need to fill out documents in Latin? This may be required if you are applying for a passport, if you need to place an order in a foreign online store.
