
The 8-year-old son complained that he suffers mockery at school. Father did not deal with the bully, but offered help

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The 8-year-old son complained that he suffers mockery at school. Father did not deal with the bully, but offered help
The 8-year-old son complained that he suffers mockery at school. Father did not deal with the bully, but offered help

Video: Jim Riswold | Irreverence Justified 2024, July

Video: Jim Riswold | Irreverence Justified 2024, July

8-year-old son Jordan complained to his father that one bully offends him at school. Usually, after this, dad should go to school and deal with the offender. But father Aubrey Fontenot decided to do completely different. Now the former bully and son are the best friends.


Difficult situation

It would seem that school is a place where they should only study and gain knowledge. For something else, it would seem, is not intended. But there are also unpleasant cases associated with this educational institution. In our case, there was a bully Tamarion. He mocked his son Aubrey Fonteno Jordan. It would seem that the father should go and deal without fail with the offender.


But not everything is so simple in this situation. And the decision to go to school to clarify the circumstances seems correct only at first glance. It turns out there are alternative ways to fix this problem. One of them chose Aubrey Fonteno.

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Correct solution

Father went to school. After he saw the offender, he realized that he was also a victim. He was dressed disgustingly. And during the conversation it turned out that he was homeless. That is, Tamarion also suffered. Well, what decision in this situation had to be made? Aubrey Fontenau walked with him, fed.


After that, he even organized a fundraiser for the offender of his son. As a result, more than $ 24, 000 was raised for the needs of Tamarion. He also gave him the opportunity to play with his son on the console. After that, they became best friends. This wise approach allowed us to solve this difficult situation.
