
Hockey player Sergei Konkov: biography, photo

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Hockey player Sergei Konkov: biography, photo
Hockey player Sergei Konkov: biography, photo

Sergey Alexandrovich Konkov is a Russian professional hockey player playing as an extreme striker. Currently playing for the club "Siberia" (Novosibirsk) from the KHL (Continental Hockey League). The following can be distinguished from Konkov’s sports achievements: silver at the Russian Championship in 2008, two-time championship championship of the Gagarin Cup (in 2012 and 2013, he also won silver in this tournament in 2009), and the championship of the Russian KHL championship in 2012 and 2013. The sports achievements of the hockey player Sergei Konkov also include such awards as the Moscow Mayor's Cup (2012) and the Discovery Cup (2012).

What clubs did S. A. Konkov play in?

Throughout his professional career, the athlete has changed eight clubs, including: “Wings of the Soviets” (Moscow), “HC CSKA” (Moscow), “CSKA” (Moscow), “Hammer-Prikamye” (Perm), “Neftekhimik” (Nizhnekamsk), Lokomotiv (Yaroslavl), Dynamo MSC (Moscow) and Sibir (Novosibirsk).

The most successful and remarkable trophy career was at the Dynamo MSC club.


Sports biography of hockey player Sergei Alexandrovich Konkov

Sergey Konkov was born on May 30, 1982 in the city of Moscow. As a child, he was a mobile and active child, always striving into the yard to play soccer or volleyball. At the age of five, Sergei saw on television how they play hockey. There was no limit to interest and surprise, because no one had told him before that there was such a sport where they drive the puck from goal to goal on ice. Soon, the boy asks his parents to buy him skates so that he learns to ride on ice.

The son’s wishes were fulfilled, and a few years later Sergey signed up for the hockey section. Over the course of several years, he demonstrated good speed, positional orientation, amazing accuracy, as well as high strength indicators (body wrestling, balance, etc.). As a result, Konkov was noticed by the coaches of the Moscow club “Wings of the Soviets” and, accordingly, was invited to join them. Here he played for the farm team (reserve; 3rd squad) and showed good results. The professional career of the player began in 1999, when he moved to the base of the Wings of the Soviets club.

The first transfer crossings

The next game season was marked by the transition of Sergey to the team “HC CSKA”, which played in the Higher Hockey League. Here he played for three seasons. His statistics for this period were as follows: 56 points in the 131st held match. In the 2002/2003 season, Konkov has already moved to the legendary CSKA, however, he has only played two games here and signed a transfer agreement with the new Molot-Prikamye club (Perm).


In 2003, Sergei Konkov (photo above) signed a contract with the Neftekhimik club from the city of Nizhnekamsk (Republic of Tatarstan). Here he became almost the most important player in the team, playing until 2007. During this time, Konkov managed to score 83 points in 214 matches. Sergey was a non-replaceable base player (with the exception of injuries and injuries), who scored in almost every match.

In April 2007, the striker enters into a contract with Yaroslavl “Locomotive”, with whom they win silver in the Super League, and then at the Continental Hockey League championship. As part of the club, Konkov held 174 matches, in which he managed to score 83 points. In early 2010, fans and fans of the hockey community were shocked by the fact that Sergei Konkov was leaving Lokomotiv. The club management considered that it was necessary to return the player back to Nizhnekamsk Neftekhimik, exchanging for the central striker Konstantin Makarov.

Return to the club "Neftekhimik"

Returning to the Nizhnekamsk club, Sergei continued to beat the puck into the opponent’s goal and again quickly gained the authority of the leader in the team (in the 81st held match he earned 48 points). However, he played here until May 2011, after which he signed a two-year agreement with the Moscow hockey club Dynamo. Nevertheless, the story with Neftekhimik does not end there. Konkov will return to Nizhnekamsk in 2016 and will play one season.


Transition to Moscow Dynamo

As part of the "cops" Sergei Konkov twice achieved success at the Gagarin Cup - a victory in 2012 and 2013. The first season in Dynamo spent brilliantly and was considered the best player in the attacking line - 27 points scored in 47 matches. However, the next season, his role in the team changed slightly: the striker mostly sat in the reserve, due to poor-quality indicators of the game. In 23 matches, the striker earned only 2 points, which is disastrously small for the professional level. In the playoff stage of the regular seasons, Konkov was more useful - 6 points in 20 matches.

Speeches for the Yaroslavl “Locomotive”

In 2013, Sergey moved to the well-known Lokomotiv club from Yaroslavl. Here he already played in the period from 2007 to 2010 and was held in high esteem and authority. However, the upcoming season in the “steam locomotive” striker Sergei Konkov, frankly, spent poorly - 9 points in 27 matches. Despite such a misfire, he quickly rehabilitated himself in the matches of the playoff series against Dynamo (Moscow), in which he had recently played. In this match, Konkov scored two goals and became the hero of the match. A sensational victory, “Loco” knocked out the “cops” from the tournament, who were two-time owners of the Gagarin Cup.

The next team in the tournament bracket was SKA, which Sergey Konkov pinned three goals, ensuring a crushing victory for his club. Such triumphs, unconditionally, poured bright colors into the life of the talented striker. He still has much to come, he definitely still has something to show off on ice. Only time will tell how events will develop, however, at present, one can safely assure that this hockey player is capable of much.
