
Mark Kaufman: biography and photos

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Mark Kaufman: biography and photos
Mark Kaufman: biography and photos

Video: Dr. I. Kaufman-Arenberg, author of Killing van Gogh 2024, June

Video: Dr. I. Kaufman-Arenberg, author of Killing van Gogh 2024, June

If you still think that the beauty industry belongs to women, then you are deeply mistaken. Sometimes men understand the fair sex better, subtly feeling its sexuality, femininity and mystery. Today we will discuss the famous makeup artist Mark Kaufman, who is sure that only men should advertise goods and products for women. Let's find out if this is really so and what works have glorified the makeup artist throughout Russia.


Caution, you may get confused!

There are two famous Mark Kaufman in the world. Those who are just learning the fashion industry can easily get confused. A wine expert, taster and distributor of alcoholic beverages, Mark Arnoldovich Kaufman, who became the founder of the famous brand of vodka - Kauffman, lives in Russia. It should be noted that namesake namesakes are radically different both in age and in sphere of activity.


Our hero is a blogger who broadcasts to his public about the secrets of beauty. Among all Russian bloggers of international video hosting YouTube, Mark is one of the few male representatives who talks about how to properly care for yourself and how to achieve perfect makeup.

short biography

Now for those who are familiar with the beauty industry, Mark Kaufman is not just a makeup artist-blogger, but also a stylist, journalist, presenter, image maker and just an attractive young man. He went from a simple guy to the famous "star stylist."

Unfortunately, in Russia, the fashion industry is far behind competing foreign countries, so many were surprised and discouraged that the guy was promoting himself. We are all so accustomed that only American or Japanese male bloggers can turn into a girl with makeup, use tonal products and even out eyebrows. Thanks to this phenomenon, Mark quickly gained a millionth audience in Russia, conducts training courses and collaborates with many secular lionesses (and lions).


Brief theses defining a makeup artist

Spectators Mark divided into two teams. The first is ready to listen to the blogger for hours, and follow all the recommendations, and attend master classes. The second, on the contrary, actively expanding its resources, seeks to force the famous makeup artist to leave video hosting. After all, a guy who teaches girls how to care for themselves and even speaks with symmetrical eyebrows and perfectly laid hair is blasphemy in Russia and an insult to the entire male sex. Let's look at a few short points to help you figure out who Mark Kaufman really is:

  1. He is a makeup artist in the first place. His channel is watched by more than 2 million viewers, and the number of subscribers is constantly growing.

  2. The blogger is actively promoting the idea that women should advertise women's products.

  3. The core of each blog video in a review of personal care products. Mark rarely does makeup on himself, most often on his models.

  4. Despite the fact that the activities of the makeup artist are condemned and criticized in Russia, he was able to prove that the man is obliged to take care of himself.

  5. Repeatedly performs master classes, participates in the “Battle of stylists” (television show).

Personal life

Unfortunately, the famous beauty blogger hides his personal life from the public. As you know, Mark Kaufman has no wife, and he devotes his free time to unleashing his creative potential and creating his favorite video reviews.

By the way, the craving for creativity has always been observed among the star stylist. So, in one interview, the guy admitted that in his youth he graduated from the Gnesins Music Academy with a degree in Choral Singing. The leader of the folk choir. " Later, Mark learned the basics of PR management, after which he became one of the talented and promising students of Vladimir Kalinichev, who is the owner and teacher of the makeup school.


With fans with a frantic desire to know the ins and outs of his idol, Mark Kaufman shared the information that his heart is already occupied forever by a soul mate. The makeup artist appreciates the beauty and enjoys reading books, starting from Russian classics and ending with current bestsellers.

What is the “Battle of the stylists"?

“The battle of stylists (makeup artists)” is a reality show where aces and newcomers in the profession fight for the title of best. To prove their professionalism, participants in the show are required to complete all tasks, and since this is a creative program, the main task is to transform the model. Such a program helps to discover new talents and announce them throughout Russia. Due to the fact that all reality series are broadcast on large television channels, the chances of taking their own path increase significantly.

As a rule, such a reality is carried out in shopping centers, where each participant in the show is obliged to create an image of his model, based on the proposed brand items and cosmetic products.