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What is a saying? This is exactly the word that both alpha and omega

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What is a saying? This is exactly the word that both alpha and omega
What is a saying? This is exactly the word that both alpha and omega

Video: The Meaning of the Alpha and Omega Symbols in the Bible 2024, July

Video: The Meaning of the Alpha and Omega Symbols in the Bible 2024, July

“What is the word that flows from the mouth of men into the world? Asked the Belozersky poet Seryozha Raspopov, and he himself answered: “Is it alpha, I started with my omega.” And in another work: “It, the cornerstone of our Russian life, is put into sayings indelibly, in songs, and fills our being with meaning …” “It’s a pity that this word is capable of killing talkative, insignificant nothing …” And it didn’t us chrysostom in 22 (!) years.

War of villainy and rascals with sayings

Generations of people are replaced one after another, and the people live and are filled with experience, which they don’t bring in instructions for official use, but in large phrases from which it is impossible to pull out letters so as not to spoil the very meaning of what was said. Here is what the saying is.


It was primordial as follows: “Together it’s good to beat the father, and he himself has to complete a good deed.” When the time for collective irresponsibility came, the second half of the saying began to interfere with the villains, and they tried to destroy it. But this is impossible to do. Because … "the truth does not win, it remains." World evil pays close attention to the word, because the bullet only kills, but the word of the shelf leads behind it. And people who are not able to grind words and wave them in the wind, but speak the Word, they are “under the hood of Mueller, ” a servant of obscurantism who knows well what a saying is.

The word, not the word, is indestructible

But the Word itself, which carries the true codes of the body of the people, is strange, illogical survivability. Seven-time winners of all kinds of prizes, who wrote 30 volumes, disappear without a trace after one generation, and the said phrase by an unknown sage becomes a proverb and receives immortality.


"How to harvest rye, it’s hot, how to feel women, it’s not cold either." It is unknown by whom it is said when and why, but it is possible to write volumes of research on this phrase and add nothing substantial to it. And it is transparently clear even to those who today cannot distinguish between beans and rye. And under the light of this saying it was not lazy people at all, namely, villains. For lazy people, there are other, ironic and milder sayings, because there is a conscience in the lazy person, and he is not a missing person. His sayings are sparing Russian. They do not spare a liar, deprived of the slightest idea of ​​morality, to whom spit in his eyes, and he will answer - God's dew.

Apt word is not invented

At one time, Leo Tolstoy claimed in a private conversation that he would give his famous epic “War and Peace” for one saying he said.


But he is not able to give birth to her, because he does not live a popular life and does not know what a saying is. There is a definition, said Tolstoy, but it is meaningless. But it’s true. "To whom is war, and to whom is mother native, " said someone. And you can not read the famous epic, because it is about what is expressed in seven words. Some unknown Karataev, suffering from the war, having watched it from the very inside, said these 7 words and embodied in them the whole truth about the collective murders that organize for the peoples of the state.

Shakespeare and Gogol

Many writers tried to give birth to a saying, thinking that they understand what it is. But this was rarely possible for anyone, because for every sage there is an abundance of simplicity. Shakespeare, as we see, succeeded. Many of his words are used to express their thoughts, but often they have not heard of him.


And if they heard, then they didn’t understand it. And if they understand, then they’re not doing what they say. This is exactly what happens when they take on the writing of well-aimed winged expressions, because they do not know what a saying is. In literature they want to leave her when her place in the life of the people. But sometimes a literary word breaks out of the text of a work and begins to be its being. As it happened with the words of Gogol: “Quiet Ukrainian night. Transparent air trembles a little … ”The rest of the great text is no longer a saying, but clarification, expansion of the topic and so on and so forth. A phrase only becomes a proverb when it is saturated with multiple meanings, symbols, and not a statement of facts or drawing anything. Shakespeare and Gogol did not know, but felt what a saying was. There are examples in their works, not many, but enough to assert that they did not invent them, but gave birth. Gogol even managed to give birth to sayings from one word - Plyushkin, Nozdrev …