
Natalya Fateeva 84 years old. She did not love her children, today they pay her the same

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Natalya Fateeva 84 years old. She did not love her children, today they pay her the same
Natalya Fateeva 84 years old. She did not love her children, today they pay her the same

We bring to your attention a rather instructive story from the series “Fathers and Sons”, which is currently happening with one of the most beloved actresses of the USSR - Natalia Fateeva. Once she was incredibly beautiful and loved by millions, she needed fame, not family. She chose not to give them due attention and not give love. Today she is 84 years old and the children, remembering past grievances, decided to pay her back with the same coin.


At 25, Natalia was not ready to become a mother

It so happened that the first marriage of Natalya Fateeva with Vladimir Basov was at the time of the beginning of her career as an actress. At that time, things began to go uphill and the head of a young girl was turned upset by the popularity that fell on her.


The child, who was named Vladimir in honor of his father, constantly spent time with the nanny, since his own mother was busy with herself and filming. In the conditions of eternal employment of a woman and her relationship with her husband, they began to burst at the seams. So, at the age of 28, Natalya realized that her relationship with Vladimir had already exhausted herself, as a result of which she invited him to divorce, he agreed.

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After the parents divorced, the child remained with his mother, but she was still not ready to raise him and took her son to Kharkov, where her mother and father lived.


Later, Natalia had to pick up the child back

For several years, the child Fateeva was brought up with her grandparents. During this time, Natalya came to him several times in order to visit, but then left back.


After 4 years, when Volodya turned 7 years old, Natalya decided to take him to her. At that time, the already successful actress lived in the capital, she managed to arrange her personal life, becoming the wife of cosmonaut Boris Yegorov.

It is worth noting that, having moved to Moscow, the boy again failed to fully live with his mother: Fateeva sent him to a boarding school for a five-day period. Later, the guy recalled how on the weekend his mother was in no hurry to pick him up, and he had to spend days alone, without children in the neighborhood. At that time Volodya really missed his grandfather and grandmother, who constantly paid him a lot of attention. Even the boy’s father didn’t visit him; he had a new family, to which he devoted all his time and attention. Only when Vova grew up did he learn that the mother in every way prevented the father from communicating with his son.

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When Volodya grew up, he regained his communication with his father

Unfortunately, the marriage with Boris also crashed. After a divorce from her husband, Fateeva decided to still pick up the child from the boarding school and entrust his upbringing to the housekeeper. It is worth noting that the guy did not cause the woman any problems, he was a smart enough and obedient child.

When Volodya grew up, he decided to resume communication with his father, which he was only glad.


Around the same time, he fell in love with a girl and decided to marry her. The guy decided to bring her to live in her mother’s large five-room apartment, which Natalya Fateeva was not very happy about. Moreover, she was categorically against her son’s marriage, indicating that it was too early for him to start a family.

At that moment, his father helped him with housing. The couple lived in a one-room apartment for a long time. Here they had a child, the newly made grandmother reacted to this event rather coldly.

About the daughter of Natalya Fateeva

In marriage with Yegorov, Natalia has another child - her daughter Natalya. Initially, it seemed that the actress was very good with her daughter, but then there was one very unpleasant situation, which put everything in its place.

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When the girl was 15 years old, an unpleasant event happened for any mother - she became pregnant. Natalya was terribly upset by the news she received, because she imagined her daughter's future like this: first she will grow up, get an education, become a wife and only then a mother. The actress even tried to solve this issue in a medical way, but all the doctors refused to meet her - the term was long. When this baby was born, Natalya forced her daughter to write a waiver on the child and leave him in the hospital, which she did.
