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Education in France: system, levels, features and reviews

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Education in France: system, levels, features and reviews
Education in France: system, levels, features and reviews

Video: Educational Media for Children 2024, June

Video: Educational Media for Children 2024, June

Many young people dream of getting an education in France. If you are among them or are just interested in this issue, then pay attention to this article. In it we will tell you how the education system in France works and what levels students need to master.


A bit of history

Currently, many schoolchildren and students prefer to receive an education in France. The states in Europe offer all interested persons high-quality and, what is very important, completely affordable education. To get high marks, the state has come a long way, which lasted more than a hundred years. The well-known “Ferry laws”, published at the end of the 19th century, ordered citizens to study without fail from six to twelve years. The next stage in the development of the system was the sixties of the 20th century. It was then that the government took decisive measures that helped the country achieve the desired results in the age of education. France had to introduce compulsory education for children under 16 years old, to establish primary and secondary schools (college, lyceum or technical college). Further, we propose a closer look at all levels of education in France.

Preschool education

French kindergartens are waiting in their walls for kids from two to five years. Most modern parents prefer to let their kids go to preschool from the age of three, although staying there is not compulsory. Here I would like to tell a little more about the development of education in France. The first kindergarten in this country appeared at the end of the 18th century, and already at the beginning of 19 a whole system appeared and was actively functioning. In large industrial cities, kindergartens for the poor and for children of workers worked. Famous educator Pauline Kergomar has made a great contribution to early childhood education in France. It was she who proposed to educate preschoolers by playing methods and abolish corporal punishment. Thanks to her, “Mom’s School”, which was formed at the beginning of the 19th century, has become very popular and still operates in all cities of the country. This analogue of Russian kindergartens has the following levels of education:

  • Until four years old, children only play.

  • Up to five years, they learn to draw, sculpt, improve oral speech and interpersonal communication.

  • The last age group is up to six years. Here the kids get ready for school, master the score, reading and writing.

Sometimes you can hear criticisms of maternal schools that state that the rules here are too strict. However, most experts believe that French kindergartens provide children with decent preparation for school - one of the best in Europe.


Primary education in France

Children who have reached the age of six are sent to college, where they study according to the same program for everyone. Without fail, children improve their skills in counting, writing and reading. Also, they all learn a foreign language and improve their spoken language in their native language. In the third grade, students take exams and receive a diploma.

Secondary education

At 11 years old, children can choose their future path - to enter a regular lyceum, technical or professional. The latter option involves two years of training in the chosen profession (like vocational schools in our country), after which a certificate of completion is issued. However, in this case, the student is not eligible for higher education, unlike the first two cases. The graduation from the general lyceum allows you to enter any university, after technical, continue your studies in your specialty.

The country has not only public, but also private schools. There are also boarding schools. In state institutions, training is absolutely free (only textbooks will need to be purchased independently) and you can go there not only to French citizens, but also to foreigners. True, you will have to pass an exam on knowledge of the language, pass an oral interview and write a motivation letter. Foreigners are admitted to private schools without problems if they speak French at a basic level.


Higher Education in France

Anyone can get a higher education, but a prospective student must have a bachelor’s diploma, which every graduate of the lyceum receives. Then he has to choose what type of education he wants to receive. You can go the short way and in two years become a certified specialist in the service sector or industry. The advantage of this path is saving time and the possibility of quick employment. Anyone who prefers long-term studies (from five to eight years), after graduation, can apply for a well-paid job in a prestigious company.



The education system in France is designed in such a way that anyone can get a profession for free. Even a foreigner can enter these educational institutions if they pass a language proficiency test and pass an interview. It should be noted that the most prestigious universities are those that teach the profession of a doctor, lawyer, teacher and journalist. In most universities, the state pays 30% of the places, and the rest of the students will have to pay an entrance fee (from 150 to 500 euros). However, many are happy with such conditions, since students are entitled to a scholarship, which is approximately 100 euros per month. Private universities take from students for a fee of 10, 000 to 20, 000 euros per year (depending on the chosen specialty).


High schools

Higher education in France can be obtained at prestigious higher schools, however, to get this opportunity, you will have to pass a serious exam. Some of them accept only students who have completed basic courses at the university. Studying at such a school is considered more prestigious, since graduates are guaranteed employment and high earnings. Some students receive a scholarship from the state, as they are future teachers, military, librarians and even politicians.

Language schools

If you decide to learn French, the so-called language schools will help you with this. You can arrive for training in a period of seven days, but the average duration of the course is from two to four weeks. Here people with any level of language proficiency can study - beginner, basic or advanced. Immersion in the language environment guarantees high results for both. Courses are also provided for such specialized specialists as doctors, lawyers, travel agency employees. Many students combine this peculiar education in France with culinary courses, a riding school and many other attractions. Typically, students spend from 20 to 30 hours per week on tuition, and the average cost per week is 300 euros.


Reviews of Russian students

Every year, many foreign students come to the country to receive a quoted and prestigious French education worldwide. France, by and large, doesn’t care who becomes a student - a foreigner or a local citizen. Therefore, Russians enthusiastically prepare for exams, learn the language and apply for training at once in several schools. Our compatriots are delighted that education in France can be obtained for free or find sponsors in the face of private firms. Thus, it is possible to secure not only a diploma of a highly regarded university, but also promising work with a good salary.