
Olga Prokhorova left to conquer the United States and disappeared from the screens: the actress’s life is now

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Olga Prokhorova left to conquer the United States and disappeared from the screens: the actress’s life is now
Olga Prokhorova left to conquer the United States and disappeared from the screens: the actress’s life is now

Olga was born in 1948 in Volgograd. It used to be called Stalingrad. Mother and father performed on the stage of the theater, were operetta artists. Their career went uphill, and the couple got a call to work in Riga, where they moved with their daughter. The early years of Prokhorova passed in the capital of Latvia. She was engaged in creativity since childhood, loved ballet and music. In the movie, fate brought her back at the age of 14. She starred in small episodes at the Riga film studio.


The beginning of an acting career

After graduation, her dream was to enter the theater school. To start her career, she chose VGIK, where she entered without much difficulty. On the same course, Olga studied some of the already famous artists today (Natalya Gvozdikova, Natalya Belokhvostikova, etc.).

After graduation, Olga began working in the movie theater. Her ascent of star Olympus began. The actress starred in several films:

  • "Emelyan Pugachev";

  • “To love a person”;

  • “Wormwood is a bitter grass”;

  • "Siberian";

  • "Confidence".


High-profile novels

During her studies at the theater school, Olga had an affair with Nikolai Eremenko Jr. They watched the whole course. Prokhorova said that once a fellow student sneaked into the room where they were alone with Nikolai and filmed what was happening. The record was selected and destroyed, the fellow student got what he deserved. But they could be expelled for such behavior, it was considered immoral and unworthy of Soviet citizens.

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Later Nikolai offered her a hand and a heart, but she chose another man. Spouse Olga became a film director Alexei Saltykov. He had heard about the novel by Prokhorova and Eremenko, so he often shot them together. That the young man was in sight.

Second marriage

Olga was often invited to diplomatic meetings, where she played musical instruments, sang and talked with foreigners, as she knew the language well. At one of these meetings, she met a Canadian diplomat who became her second husband.

Prokhorova moved to Canada, where she continued her career. Life with the spouse was not long, they divorced some time after the move. But the actress did not leave the country, because things were going well in the cinema. There was even a period when her portrait was printed on T-shirts.