
Actors who died in an accident: Leonid Bykov, Marina Golub, Yuri Stepanov, Eugene Dvorzhetsky, Alexander Dedyushko

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Actors who died in an accident: Leonid Bykov, Marina Golub, Yuri Stepanov, Eugene Dvorzhetsky, Alexander Dedyushko
Actors who died in an accident: Leonid Bykov, Marina Golub, Yuri Stepanov, Eugene Dvorzhetsky, Alexander Dedyushko

They could please the audience for many years with their roles, but their life was tragically cut short. The actors who died in the accident were still young, and the whole country mourned their departure. Learn about the circumstances of the death of these talented artists, so as not to repeat their mistakes.

Suicidal overtaking

Wonderful actor Leonid Bykov is familiar to the audience with his roles in films such as "Only the elderly go into battle", "Maxim Perepelitsa", "Bunny", "The Fate of Marina". A curly-haired guy with kind radiant eyes and a sonorous voice knew how to conquer others with his responsiveness and hard work. However, in family life, everything was very ambiguous: many acquaintances and friends said that relatives did not like the artist.

In 1976, he had a heart attack - this led him to the idea that death was walking nearby. He wrote a letter to Emilia Kasnichuk, in which he admitted that he was tired of living and wants to die. Two years later, this message pops up. Then rumors spread that in such a strange way the actor committed suicide. How Leonid Bykov died was reported in the newspapers, and public opinion was divided into two camps.



On April 11, 1979, the actor was driving his car along the Minsk-Kiev highway. He was in no hurry, so it’s still not clear why he decided to overtake. A tractor was driving ahead of him, and Leonid, hoping to get around him, jumped into the oncoming lane and crashed into a truck. Death was instant. The only organ that was not injured is the heart. This is the irony of fate: he survived two heart attacks and thought that he would die after the third, but it turned out quite differently. The actor was 51 years old.

The Bykov family tried for a long time to prove that this was not a tragic accident. The truck driver went through all the circles of hell before he was fully acquitted. The guy lost his job and in the eyes of Soviet citizens was the killer of the legendary actor. The young man was sure that he would be given a death sentence and executed. Fortunately, all experts agreed that the actor was to blame for the collision, and the boy was released.

How Marina Golub died

Charming blonde with a wide smile and open heart - this is how fans and friends will remember this talented actress. She went to fame for a very long time and managed to get married three times. All her marriages were exclusively for love, although they had a very short time. The fourth husband could be Mikhail Kravchenko, but an influential businessman was shot dead right at the entrance of his own house. In the first marriage, the daughter Anastasia was born. After a divorce with all her husbands, the actress maintained friendly and warm relations.


Car accident

October 9, 2012, the artist replenished the list of actors who died in an accident. On an autumn evening, Marina and her driver headed for her house in southwestern Moscow. At full speed, a Cadillac crashed into them, driving Aleksey Rusakov. The driver hastened to escape from the scene of the accident, but was later detained and sentenced to 6.5 years. Prior to that, he managed to visit ten accidents and appeared in more than 50 traffic violation protocols. The driver and Marina Golub died in a collision. The next day a performance was to take place with her participation. The performance was canceled, and the audience saw on the doors of the building an announcement about the tragic death of a popularly beloved actress. She was only 54 years old.

Rear kick

The favorite of millions of Russians, Yuri Stepanov, played in such famous films as “The Blind Man”, “The First After God”, “War”. I especially want to note the fateful role in the film "Walk" in which he played a participant in the accident. A father of two children and a wonderful husband, he did not live to see his third son just a few weeks. The wife named him in honor of his father - Yuri. The actor starred in the movie and was involved in several performances. His career was in full bloom and offers rained like cornucopia. He died when he was 43 years old.


On a cold March night of 2010, the actor was returning home after the performance. He was a man, unpretentious in everyday life, and that night he caught a ride. When the driver stopped at the intersection, a Mazda crashed into it at full speed from behind. From the impact, the car pushed into the oncoming lane and a VAZ 2112 crashed into it at full speed. The blow fell on the passenger’s seat, and Yuri Stepanov received many injuries incompatible with life.

Tragic coincidences

The face of this person cannot be forgotten. Deep dark eyes and a mop of brown hair gave him the image of a sad knight. Actor Eugene Dvorzhetsky was one of the most popular artists, he managed to play many roles in cinema and theater. Nina’s wife gave him two children - daughter Nina and son Michael. Together with her husband, she played in several performances - there were no more beautiful couples on the stage of the School of the Modern Play. In 1999, he began his career as a TV presenter, and viewers remember him on the program "Seven Troubles - One Answer", "Understand Me."

Eugene had no less famous brother Vladislav. He was also an actor and played in many films. His life ended at 39 years old. An attack of acute heart failure occurred suddenly, they could not bring the artist back to life. The man was incredibly handsome and all the girls of the Soviet Union were in love with him. At the time of his death, Eugene was 18 years old, and he hard suffered the loss of his brother.


The Irony of Fate

December 1, 1999, the actor returned home in his car. He was incredibly happy because the clinic refuted his suspicions of asthma. Eugene was in a hurry to tell his wife this good news and was distracted by dialing a number on a mobile phone. The collision with the truck ended tragically: the actor died on the spot. He was 39 years old, like his brother at the time of death. Among our list of actors who died in traffic accidents, he was the most prolific on roles in films.

Young star

Young, but already well-known actor Yegor Klinaev in "Fizruk" played one of the main roles. Before that, there were already several roles in the movies. The real fame came after the release of the popular sitcom on the screens. He was only 18 years old, but his philosophical thoughts were shocking with their depth. He regularly posted on social networks his thoughts on various topics of life.


On September 27, 2017, he was riding his Toyota Mark 2 in the Moscow Ring Road at night. Ahead, he saw an accident and stopped to help the victims. Together with three other drivers, he stood on the road and waited for the inspectors to arrive. Their conversation was interrupted by the Honda Accord. The driver did not notice the accident and hit people, and then rammed their cars. Yegor died on the spot from his injuries. The remaining drivers were lucky - they managed to deliver them to the hospital and provide the necessary assistance. Kindness and responsiveness played a fatal role in the life of the star of Fizruka, Yegor Klinaev. If he remained indifferent to what was happening and drove by, he could continue to act in films and live a long life. But at 18, he was a man with an open heart and a good soul, which did not allow him to close his eyes to the misfortune of another person.

Family tragedy

“Taras Bulba”, “Team”, “Driver for Vera”, “Thief” - this is only a small part of the films in which Alexander Dedyushko starred. A tall athletic blond has always been a welcome actor for any director. The actor’s career went uphill when in the 1990s they began to actively shoot series about special forces and the police. Textured Alexander was simply created for such roles and managed to star in several popular multi-part films.


In his personal life, too, everything turned out perfectly. After a divorce from his first wife, he met a young Svetlana Chernyshova. Three years later they got married, and the girl gave birth to him the long-awaited son Dmitry. On November 3, 2007, the family returned home from the guests. They were driving their car, and for some unknown reason, he suddenly jumped out into the oncoming lane and collided with a truck. The huge iron colossus literally moved Toyota Picnic. Alexander Dedyushko, his wife and eight-year-old son died on the spot. It was later established that the actor was still alive for some time, but did not hold out until the ambulance arrived. The bodies of Alexander and Svetlana were so mutilated that they were buried in closed coffins. A black granite stele with engraved portraits of all three family members was installed at the site of the death of the family.

American Beauty

This girl was a sex symbol of the 1950s. and competed with Marilyn Monroe. A charming blonde with blue eyes appeared on the pages of Playboy and drove millions of men crazy. However, do not take it as a frivolous nymphet. Jane Mansfield managed to achieve unprecedented heights in his acting career in a very short time. Among her awards there is even a Golden Globe. She managed to star in thirty films and conquer the whole world with her talent.


Despite such a busy schedule, she became the mother of five children and was married three times. On June 28, 1967, Jane, her boyfriend, driver, and two children went to New Orleans to visit the girl’s parents. On the way, they had to cross the railway crossing, and they did not have time to slip in time. The train crushed the front of the car. Three adults died instantly. Children in the back seat escaped with minor bruises. Mansfield was only 34 years old when her life was so tragically cut short.