
Actors in "Pig and Shepherd." Biography of V. Zeldin, M. Ladynina, N. Kryuchkov

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Actors in "Pig and Shepherd." Biography of V. Zeldin, M. Ladynina, N. Kryuchkov
Actors in "Pig and Shepherd." Biography of V. Zeldin, M. Ladynina, N. Kryuchkov

The Soviet-made film "Pig and Shepherd" was released at the very beginning of 1941. The film was shot at Mosfilm, and the main roles were played by Nikolai Kryuchkov, Marina Ladynina and Vladimir Zeldin. The film is highly praised by critics and is still popular with viewers for its humor, love line and reflection of the life of people of that time. "Pig and Shepherd" filmed in the form of a musical comedy in black and white.

Let's talk about the film "Pig and Shepherd." The actors who took part in the filming will be described later. The film itself aims to show the viewer not only human fidelity and the girl’s ability to remain loved and desired through years and distances, but also to point out some points of patriotic education. The picture shows a lot of frames, which show the abundance and prosperity of not only society, but of everything around. It is worth noting that the veracity of these cadres was difficult to achieve, since the pre-war reality was different - more severe for the people. The plot of the film “Pig and Shepherd”, actors and roles will be described in this article.


Plot of the film

Glasha and Musaib are the main characters in the film "Pig and Shepherd." Actors Marina Ladynina and Vladimir Zeldin embodied these images on the screen. Glafira Novikova is a young girl who was born and spent her entire youth in a small village on the outskirts of Vologda.

Having decided to conquer a big city, Glasha comes to Moscow and goes to an agricultural exhibition to get acquainted with new equipment. There she meets Musaib working as a shepherd. Young people fall in love, but because of the circumstances they part. Glasha at this time returns to his native land. To her comes the local groom Kuzma. Many girls look after him, but only Glafira attracts him. Despite the whole series of setbacks and incredible adventures, Musaib and Glasha reunite and never part. Photos of the pig and shepherd actors are presented in the article along with biographies of these personalities.

Marina Ladynina - Glafira

The beautiful and young actress played the main role of the mediocre and rustic village girl Glafira.


Marina was born near Smolensk on June 24, 1908. The girl was developed beyond her years, in her teens she taught literacy to her peers and fellow villagers, and later decided to perform on stage. In 1929 she entered GITIS, graduated with honors and was enrolled in the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater.

She starred in more than fifteen films, but the career of the actress ended too soon. All this happened due to a painful divorce from the director Ivan Pyryev. Marina died in March 2003 at the age of 95.

Vladimir Zeldin - Musaib

Zeldin - actor of the film “Pig and Shepherd”, was born in the small town of Michurinsk in the Tambov Region in the family of a conductor and teacher. Youth and childhood passed in Tver. It was these years that Vladimir remembered most of all. At the age of fourteen, Zeldin first loses his father, and two years later his mother. Despite the fact that at a young age Vladimir remained an orphan, he continued his studies and began to actively engage in sports.


Due to poor vision, his career in the navy was closed. Returning home in the evening, Vladimir saw an advertisement for recruitment at a theater school and decided to try his luck in this field.

The first wife of the actor was Lyudmila Martynova, from her Zeldin had a son. The marriage lasted only a year, and in 1941 the child died. The second wife was Henrietta Ostrovskaya, with whom Vladimir lived for more than ten years.

Vladimir Zeldin died in October 2016 at the age of 102.

Nikolay Kryuchkov - groom Kuzma

The actor was born in December 1910 in the capital. My father was a simple worker, managed to go through the First World War, and died when Kolya was 14 years old. Then the young man had to study at the engraver-knurler. During the famine, of the seven children in the family, only two survived, including the artist himself.


He began to play on stage from childhood, making his debut in the role of Senka the shoemaker in Boris Barnet's picture “Outskirts”.

During the Second World War, the actor continued his work in the cinema, although he was eager to enlist in the ranks of the Soviet Army. The military registration and enlistment office deferred Nikolai, deciding that he would bring much more benefit in the rear. The actor got the main role in “Pig and Shepherd” thanks to his talent and approach to work.

Kryuchkov was married four times. The first two marriages did not last long, but in each of them one child was born. The third wife died in tragic circumstances, and with the last wife, the artist lived for more than 15 years, raising his daughter Elvira.

He died in April 1994 at the age of 83.