
Actress Anastasia Tsvetaeva: roles, personal life and hobbies

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Actress Anastasia Tsvetaeva: roles, personal life and hobbies
Actress Anastasia Tsvetaeva: roles, personal life and hobbies

Everyone found out about this charming actress when the video of the Beast group was released, in which she incendiaryly played the beauty in love. After the collapsed popularity, she is offered the roles of the main characters in numerous series and films. However, several years ago, the name of a smiling girl disappeared from the first pages of the media, and fans are often interested in how her fate turned out. Today's story will be about the leading active lifestyle actress Anastasia Tsvetaeva.

Childhood dreams

Born in 1981, the future conqueror of the stage dreamed of a writing career and even entered journalism courses. But in high school, she attended a performance staged by P. Fomenko with a group of classmates. The girl liked the performance so much that she visited all the productions of the master for more than two years. It was this moment that became a turning point in her fate, determining her future career.


After leaving school, Nastya, who is a distant relative of the famous poetess, begins to dream about her acting future. All her attempts to enter the theater establishments fail, and only after three long years does the girl begin her studies at the RATI. I must say that Tsvetaeva was very disappointed in the profession, believing that there are too many mediocre plays and the average hand of directors in it.

New roles

She is waiting for interesting roles, and unexpectedly a 19-year-old girl is invited to star in the film “Make Love” by D. Evstigneev. After the release of the picture on a wide screen, actress Anastasia Tsvetaeva opens up new horizons for herself, and her cinematic career attracts her. After the roles of “romantic fools, ” as she herself dubbed her role, she is invited to play in the series “Boys of Steel” a woman who is reborn to life after terrible losses.


In the series “Young and Happy, ” the main character attempts to conquer Moscow. She will be cruelly deceived, but she will be able to take place as a creative person on the country's main television. The path from a young girl to an adult, experienced woman talentedly passed in front of the audience Anastasia Tsvetaeva. The actress, whose biography has many roles that are equally valuable to her, was happy about such luck. This allowed her to show her professionalism at a new acting level.


In 2009, Nastya leaves the country. A usual trip to Turkey for a vacation turned out to be a new love for the actress: she meets an Israeli citizen. The feeling that flared up so quickly makes her leave Russia and go to her beloved, who becomes a legitimate husband.

I must say that this was the third, but the most successful attempt to get married. The pretty actress Anastasia Tsvetaeva, whose personal life has always been interested in loyal fans, first fell in love with 16 years. She married a man older than her by 14 years, but this marriage broke up in 2002.

3 years after an affair with the director of one of the films in which she starred, her son Kuzma is born. True, relations with the father of the child begin to deteriorate rapidly, and actress Anastasia Tsvetaeva is left alone again.


The third marriage becomes, in her words, the most conscious and happy. True, in Israel, where Nastya emigrated, mixed marriages are not allowed. And the lovers thought for a long time how to get out of a difficult situation. Their marriage took place in Prague, because the thing is that alliances concluded between a Christian and a Jew in Cyprus or the Czech Republic are recognized in the husband’s homeland. It was a romantic evening just for the two of them. In 2012, the couple had a common daughter Esther, who even more connected loving hearts.

Life in 2 countries

Anastasia Tsvetaeva is an actress living in two countries. She admits that she can no longer without Tel Aviv. “I need to plunge into the quiet life of the city, only with this combination the necessary harmony is achieved, ” she says. Nadav Olgan - the husband of Nastya - gets along well with Kuzma, for whom the move did not become a serious psychological trauma due to her young age. Now the boy speaks excellent Hebrew and English, but his mother cannot study her husband’s native language in any way.

Foreign traditions

Tsvetaeva is glad that her husband is a secular and not very religious person. She was worried, not knowing how the Jewish family of Nadava would accept her. Anastasia suggests that the husband’s mom did not dream of such a wife for her son, but notes that their relationship is very warm. The two families communicate well and celebrate Russian and Jewish holidays together.


She laughs, telling how at first it was difficult for her to get used to the fact that the New Year passes without a traditional Christmas tree, because outside the windows there are palm trees without snow. Nevertheless, the actress Anastasia Tsvetaeva adapts to other people's traditions, no matter how unusual they may seem.

The girl plays in the Tel Aviv theater and continues to work actively in Russia. She is invited to voice cartoons, offer small roles, call for various events. In 2014, Tsvetaeva brought a 13-minute film, which she independently produced, her film tells about religious insanity in Jerusalem.