
Actress Galina Figlovskaya: biography, creativity

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Actress Galina Figlovskaya: biography, creativity
Actress Galina Figlovskaya: biography, creativity

Galina Figlovskaya is an actress of the Soviet school, who revealed her potential in the movie novel "Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha." The touching, gentle image of Zhenechka Zemlyanikina became the hallmark of Galina Viktorovna, and the picture itself became a springboard to the world of theater and cinema.



Figlovskaya Galina was born on 05/19/1938 in Korolev, near Moscow. The early years fell on hard wartime. Despite the hardships, the girl was attracted to art. Back in school years, she took an active part in all the performances, although she never dreamed of an actress career.

After graduating from school, the girl entered the Moscow Art Institute named after D. I. Mendeleev, comprehending the wisdom of science at the Faculty of Chemical Technology. But I didn’t forget about my hobby. In her free time, the future actress hurried to the folk theater troupe at the Officers House and, in the end, entered the acting evening department at the Boris Schukin Theater School.


Theatrical stage

Galina Figlovskaya was a good student of professor Cecilia Mansurova, who taught at the school in those years. She successfully completed her studies in 1965 and graduated from an actress.

In the play “After the Fall” by A. Miller, staged on the stage of the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, Figlovskaya played a major role. This is a story about an unsuccessful marriage of an author with an actress. This play was created after the death of Marilyn Monroe. As the sister of the artist Irina recalls, this role was the most beloved for Galina in the theater. True, the audience did not have to enjoy her game in this performance for long. The author’s view was too different from the well-established public opinion about the great actress. The author portrayed her rather critically, showing nervousness and instability in character. Therefore, the audience met the production ambiguously, sometimes booing and literally throwing eggs. As a result, by order of Miller, the play was withdrawn from the production.


And Galina Figlovskaya is already offering a role in the film "Destiny Turkey." But she refuses. And decides to leave the stage. She came in handy for the profession that she received at the Moscow Art Theater. Returning to her native Korolev, the girl gets a job as an engineer at a large Khimmash enterprise.


Star role

But still, Galina was destined to return to the stage. In the famous tragicomedy by Vladimir Motyl “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha”, she played a major role, after which she gained great fame. The director did not immediately find the actress for this role. Vladimir Motyl was looking for a very attractive woman for the image of the main character. Employees of Lenfilm advised him to take actress Natalia Kustinskaya. But, according to the director, she did not fit. After a very long search, he found that actress, who, in his opinion, was to play a major role. And it was Galina Figlovskaya.

He found her through friends. Since the girl worked at the strategic enterprise Khimmash, access to which was closed, their meeting did not take place immediately, but still took place. The famous director and actress talked about the new role.

True, Galina Viktorovna took this role no more than a joke. But soon a meeting took place with Oleg Dal, the performer of the main male role. Figlovskaya was very nice to this brilliant artist, since he helped her in difficult times. As for Dahl himself, with a characteristic irony, he made fun of Galya and even came up with the nickname “Fig.”

Critics were not very friendly about the project. But the audience took the picture with admiration and waited for the continuation, as well as other interesting roles of Galina Figlovskaya. Photos of the beauty began to be published in various newspapers and magazines. The role of Zhenya really liked the actress, she became her favorite.


Further career

Although Galya became quite famous thanks to the cinema, she was not in a hurry to change her lifestyle and leave her previous job. She was the author of the youth magazine "Spectrum", and also took an active part in the production life of the team.

The turning point was the flattering offer of director Georgy Tovstonogov, who urgently invited an employee of a chemical enterprise to the legendary troupe of the Leningrad Theater. Ultimately, Figlovskaya surrendered.

The play “Once Again About Love” can be called the debut of Galina Viktorovna in the BDT. But a career in the theater at Galina Viktorovna did not work out for two reasons. Firstly, there was great competition in the troupe, which was encouraged by Georgy Tovstonogov. Secondly, it was hard for Gale to change the measured factory rhythm of life to a nervous, emotionally difficult work in the theater. She was hated by the intrigues, gossip, and hostility of her colleagues.

Figlovskaya also had film roles. The film, entitled "Marina", where she played a major role, did not bring success. The actress later starred in six films, but in secondary roles.


Figlovskaya played in three dozen paintings and theatrical productions. The most famous films are:

  • "Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha."

  • "Police Sergeant."

  • "Marina".

  • "Charlotte's necklace."

  • "Confrontation."