
Actress Zoya Zelinskaya: biography, personal life. Films and TV shows

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Actress Zoya Zelinskaya: biography, personal life. Films and TV shows
Actress Zoya Zelinskaya: biography, personal life. Films and TV shows

Zoya Zelinskaya is a Soviet actress who devoted her life to the theater. The star’s relationship with the cinema also developed successfully. This amazing woman can be seen in the pictures “Carnival Night”, “Tests for Real Men”, “The House where Hearts Break”, “Death Line”, “Little Comedies of the Big House”. The comedy TV show “Zucchini“ 13 Chairs ”brought her special popularity. What else is known about the actress?

Zoya Zelinskaya: the beginning of the road

The actress was born in Moscow, it happened in December 1929. Zoya Zelinskaya was born in a simple family, but as a child began to dream of fame and fans. In school years, a bright girl got a job in the Model House, but her dreams were not connected with the catwalk at all.


On the first attempt, Zelinskaya managed to enter GITIS. The actress received a diploma from this educational institution in 1954. The promising graduate was gladly accepted into the Satire Theater.


Zoya Zelinskaya for the first time declared herself precisely as a theater actress. A talented girl made her debut in the production of "Shadow" by Eugene Schwartz, embodying the image of the Princess. The performance pleased the audience, and Zelinskaya got the first fans.


Beginning actress began to offer the role of sophisticated, romantic heroines. She embodied the image of Rosalia Pavlovna in the play "Bedbug", played in the production of "House where hearts are broken." “Nunnery”, “Intervention”, “Bath”, “Tamed Apostle”, “Ideal husband”, “Three-penny opera” - it is difficult to list all the famous plays with her participation.

Film career

On the set, Zoya Zelinskaya first appeared in 1956. The actress made her debut in the cult film "Carnival Night", playing a secondary role. Then she took part in voicing the short film “Alien Traces”, embodied the image of singer Larisa in the television movie “Little Comedies of a Big House”, and played Ally in “A House Where Heart Breaks”.


What other films with Zelinskaya’s participation are available to her fans? The list of paintings in which the talented actress starred in different years is given below.

  • “Men and women” (short film).

  • "Capercaillie's Nest" (TV movie).

  • "Suicide" (TV movie).

  • "The Shroud of Alexander Nevsky."

  • "Line of death".

  • “Risk without a contract.”

  • "Prediction".

  • "Bee".

  • “We are still funny” (TV movie).

  • "New Times, or Real Estate Exchange."

TV series

Zoya Zelinskaya is an actress who willingly acts in TV shows. She played Maya Dmitrievna in the television project "On the corner near the Patriarchs", played a small role in the "Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky." In the "Death Directory", the star brilliantly embodied the image of a annoying retired neighbor who actively intervenes in other people's affairs.

In the new century, Zelinskaya continued to star in the series. “Provincials”, “Evlampiya Romanova. The investigation is conducted by an amateur ”, “ Detective without a license ”, “ Attention, Moscow says ”, “ Vorotyly ”- telenovelas in which you can see it.

The comedy program “Zucchini“ 13 Chairs ”deserves special mention. Her heroine in this television project was the brilliant Lady Teresa. Zelinskaya invested a lot of time and effort in creating this image. She even had to sacrifice some roles in theater and cinema.