
Sharks are not as dangerous as shown in the films: 13 facts about marine predators

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Sharks are not as dangerous as shown in the films: 13 facts about marine predators
Sharks are not as dangerous as shown in the films: 13 facts about marine predators

Video: Marine Biologist Breaks Down Shark Attack Scenes from Movies | GQ 2024, June

Video: Marine Biologist Breaks Down Shark Attack Scenes from Movies | GQ 2024, June

In films, sharks most often act as bloodthirsty predators that destroy everything in their path. In fact, they rarely attack people. The article will present amazing facts about sharks.

People kill sharks more


And this is a fact - an average of six people die from shark attacks per year. At the same time, people kill millions of these marine predators annually. They do this not only for self-defense, but also for the extraction of valuable shark fin and teeth, as well as for sports purposes.

Only three species of sharks can attack humans


Among more than 400 species of sharks, only three are considered the most dangerous - gray bull, tiger and white. But even for them, cases of attacks on people are more curiosity than hostility. The vast majority of bitten victims survive after meeting with such a dangerous predator.

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Most often, sharks attack people on the US coast


The most dangerous state in terms of shark attacks in the United States is Florida. In 2017, 31 attacks of marine predators were recorded here, but at the same time, not a single person was killed as a result of these attacks. In general, that year, only five people were killed by sharks around the world: two in the Indian Ocean near Madagascar, one each in Australia, Costa Rica, and Cuba.

Shark watchers make beaches safer


On some beaches in Australia, there are specially equipped sea observation points, whose workers use unmanned aerial vehicles and helicopters to check for potentially dangerous sharks. In South Africa, there is also a similar service that, in case of danger, puts special flags on the beaches that encourage swimmers and surfers to get out of the water. With the help of shark observers, it was possible to reduce the chances of predatory fish attacking humans.

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Shark protection often leads to great casualties


In some places, special groups of hunters are used, which exterminate sharks near popular beaches. In addition, gigantic nets are often installed around beach areas. But in addition to predators, other species of marine animals, including dolphins and sea turtles, which are already threatened with complete extinction, fall and die in them.

Sharks kill not only for self-defense


According to the findings of recent studies, people kill sharks in such large numbers that they do not have time to restore their population. And it is not only a matter of self-defense from bloodthirsty predators. A practice is widespread around the world when a shark is caught, its fin is cut off for shark soup, and then released back into the sea, where it simply drowns. They also die in nets intended for other types of fish. One of the most rapidly reducing species is the whale shark, which feeds exclusively on plankton and poses no threat to humans. Over the past 75 years, its number has halved.

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Whale Shark - the largest species in the world.


An adult representative of this species can grow up to 15 meters in length and weigh more than 20 tons. Huge fish have teeth, but do not use them for food. Like whales, they filter water with their two-meter-high mouths, feeding on the plankton and shrimp that are in it. This species of sharks is not at all aggressive towards people; they calmly allow divers not only to swim with them, but to take joint photographs.

Dwarf sharks


In the Caribbean, off the coast of Colombia and Venezuela, Perry dwarf lantern sharks were discovered. They are so tiny that they can easily fit in the human palm. Representatives of this species live at a depth of not more than 300 meters. With the help of special photophores located on the fins and stomach, they can glow, thus masking from predators or attracting prey in darker waters.


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Great White Sharks - Smart Predators


Despite the widespread point of view that sharks do not have high intelligence, some species of these predators are smart enough. So, they are able to deceive even the most cautious fur seals that live off the coast of South Africa.

An important role in the ecological system


Despite the fact that sharks annually exterminate a large number of marine animals, their role in the ecological chain as a predator is difficult to overestimate. Most often, they kill old or weak animals, thereby helping to conduct natural selection. If there were no sharks, other predatory fish would be more likely to hunt fish eating algae, and the latter would begin to multiply more actively and compete with corals, which play a very important role in the ecosystem of the planet.

Big white travelers


Over the past few decades, researchers of great white sharks are trying to find out the reason for the frequent migration of this species. On the west coast of North America, they travel between California and Mexico, stopping for several months in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. At the same time, on the east coast, they move from Newfoundland to the Gulf of Mexico, and then back. In 2005, a great white shark named Nicole sailed from Africa to Australia and back in 9 months, breaking about 20 thousand kilometers.

Not a second without movement


Studies have shown that some species of sharks move all the time. For example, large white sharks constantly descend from the surface of the water to the bottom, and then simply repeat this movement. There is a version that in this way they save their energy and along the way to the bottom they can fall asleep for a while. Such sharks have to constantly swim until their death.