
Alexander Klimenko: biography, career, photo

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Alexander Klimenko: biography, career, photo
Alexander Klimenko: biography, career, photo

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Undoubtedly, this person can be considered a colorful figure on the political Olympus of Ukraine. Still, in the past he held a responsible post in the Cabinet of Ministers, heading the Ministry of Revenue and Duties in a fraternal country. Alexander Klimenko, which will be discussed in our article, was the initiator of national reconciliation in Ukraine, believing that his native state should develop exclusively according to its scenario. Was this official able to do something useful for Ukraine? How was Alexander Klimenko able to occupy the most important post in the government apparatus? Consider these issues in more detail.

Curriculum Vitae

Klimenko Alexander Viktorovich - a native of Makeevka, located in the Donetsk region. He was born on November 16, 1980. Ever since childhood, the future Minister of Revenue and Duties wanted to be like his father, who was a competent organizer, an experienced leader and a caring head of the family.


Having received a certificate of maturity, Alexander Klimenko goes to study at Donetsk State University, choosing a financial faculty. Subsequently, one higher education will not seem enough to him, and he will receive a diploma from the National Academy of Management under the President of Ukraine.

First steps in business

Knowing full well that it is quite difficult to live on a student scholarship, Alexander Klimenko in the early 2000s decides to engage in entrepreneurial activity on an equal footing with his brother. After some time, he turned into a successful businessman, heading a number of commercial structures, which in 2005 were merged into a large holding.

First steps in politics

Alexander Klimenko was first noticed in politics during the Orange Revolution, when he joined the ranks of the Our Ukraine Party.


In the capital of the Donetsk region, he once headed the “orange” election headquarters.

State service

Alexander Klimenko, whose biography is certainly interesting and noteworthy, in 2005 changed his priorities in his professional career. He goes to work at the state tax inspectorate. Over the next five years, he heads the department for work with large tax payers in Donetsk. In this post, he manages to introduce strategic management and risk-oriented system into the work of tax inspectors. These innovations made it possible to obtain maximum rates for “tax collection” in 2010.

Career goes uphill

The successes achieved by Alexander Klimenko did not go unnoticed: he soon receives an offer to take the post of first deputy chairman of the state tax administration in the Donetsk region, and he accepts it.


In 2011, at the initiative of the then head of state, Viktor Yanukovych, a promising official was transferred to the post of head of the Ukrainian State Tax Service, and a few months later the Ministry of Revenue and Duties was established.

What could Alexander Klimenko be able to do, the photo of which often began to flicker on the front pages of local newspapers, as the head of the STS and the head of the new department?

Firstly, he was able to create favorable conditions for the development of the investment climate.

Secondly, the official gave entrepreneurs the opportunity to do business more freely, simplifying the process of paying taxes.

Thirdly, Alexander Klimenko weakened the influence of the shadow economy through the introduction of innovative schemes in the work of the tax apparatus.

Career achievements

In 2012-2013, a Ukrainian politician took an active part in negotiations on economic issues as part of Ukraine’s accession to the European Association.


Klimenko made a lot of efforts to settle trade disagreements with Russia.

Over the course of his career, Alexander Viktorovich was awarded the scientific degree of candidate of economic sciences and the Executive MBA degree in the program “Strategic Management in the Context of Changes”. As an experienced businessman and manager, he made a huge contribution to the development of a large-scale program to create a new economic policy in Ukraine.

In 2013, the head of the Ministry of Taxes and Levies insisted on the adoption of the most important economic law, which regulated in detail the issues of transfer pricing. Klimenko wanted to end once and for all the withdrawal of capital to offshore.

Sunset political career

After the coup in late February 2014, Alexander Klimenko was removed from his post, and his department was abolished. The political ambitions of Alexander Viktorovich were disagreeable to the new government, so he was removed from public affairs.

In May 2014, the policy was officially put on the wanted list. However, no attacks by ill-wishers do not stop the politician from striving to serve the interests of his homeland. Alexander Viktorovich has repeatedly started litigation to protect his own reputation, honor and dignity.

Despite the fact that it is located many kilometers from Ukraine, Klimenko considered it his duty to create a public structure called “Restoring Donbass”, the purpose of which is to help adapt temporary migrants and find solutions to problems that have arisen in eastern Ukraine.

Flight from the country

When the regime of Yanukovych fell, Alexander Viktorovich was forced to leave Ukraine. During the investigation, which was organized at the initiative of the new authorities, law enforcement authorities found a number of criminal violations. Detectives said that during the tenure of the ministerial post of Alexander Klimenko, the state treasury suffered tremendous losses. True, evidence, as such, was never presented.

Representatives of the new regime also accused the politician of allegedly financing the organization of the riots in Odessa in early May last year.



Among the hobbies of the former head of the Ministry of Taxes and Levies is collecting brand-name watches.