
Alexander Prokhorov: biography, photo, family of Prokhorov Alexander Mikhailovich

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Alexander Prokhorov: biography, photo, family of Prokhorov Alexander Mikhailovich
Alexander Prokhorov: biography, photo, family of Prokhorov Alexander Mikhailovich

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Alexander Mikhailovich Prokhorov is a prominent figure in Soviet and Russian physics. He was engaged in one of the most complex and useful developments in the field of quantum electrodynamics. Thanks to his labors, together with his followers, he received the Nobel Prize in 1964. He also taught and studied other areas of science. He was interested in the development of space.

Family of Alexander Mikhailovich Prokhorov

The brilliant scientist was born on July 11, 1916 in a family of revolutionaries - Mikhail Ivanovich and Maria Ivanovna. His parents fled from the repression of the Russian royal family and were forced to emigrate to Australia from Ukraine. The father of Alexander Mikhailovich Prokhorov was a member of the working party since 1902 and was engaged in active political activity. The mother of the scientist did not have an education, but by nature she had a sharp mind and quick wit. She fully supported her husband, because of which she was also subjected to reprisals.


Due to constant persecution, the young family was forced to flee to Vladivostok, after which they went to Australia. There, in the north-west of Queensleek, among the Russian colonists, a young couple of revolutionaries continued their lives.

early years

Biography of Alexander Prokhorov begins in a small house on the outskirts of Australia. From the memoirs of the scientist it is known that he was under the care of his sisters - Claudius, Valentina and Eugenia. He did not have peers with whom he could communicate, and therefore his leisure was brightened up by his family. In a brief biography of Alexander Mikhailovich Prokhorov, it is noted that he grew up a quiet and calm child. The most vivid childhood memory was the story that happened to him for 5 years. The child went to meet his parents, but got lost in the forest. He was found in the early morning - tired, tormented and exhausted. In 1923, after receiving news from the homeland, the family sent to the Soviet Union. The move was not easy; not everyone was able to transfer the acclimatization. Claudia and Valentine died from the disease, which left a sad mark on the heart of young Alexander Mikhailovich.


After moving to Tashkent, Prokhorov began to study hard at his first Russian school. He regularly receives education until the 5th grade, after which he falls in love with physics.

Moving to Leningrad

After successful completion of school, Alexander and his family move. Leningrad meets a young and promising scientist with open arms. His abilities turned out to be enough to easily enter the Leningrad Electrotechnical University named after Lenin - one of the best universities in the Soviet Union. During training, the main interest of Alexander Prokhorov was still physics. But he was engaged in an in-depth study of radio technology.

The university reigned in a special atmosphere of scientific research. It was there that Ioffe opened a fundamentally new branch of the experimental faculty of physics. After receiving his first higher education, Alexander Prokhorov submits documents to the Faculty of Physics. In the learning process, he was able to improve his knowledge of the English language. This factor greatly helped him in the future - while working in other countries.

Active research period

After graduation, the scientist began to do what he loved - studying the effects of radio waves. He developed the world's first phase receiver, which differed from the contemporaries' inventions in the high accuracy of signal transmission. In 1941 he went on an expedition in the suburbs. There he studied the ionosphere using the radio interference method, which he himself developed.

1941 was one of the most difficult years in the history of Soviet Russia, which was reflected in the memoirs of the scientist. He and his followers went on a ski expedition. To one of his studies, he invited his future wife - Galina Alekseevna, who was also interested in the development of science. She graduated from the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University and was an excellent conversationalist for the young inventor.

Alexander Prokhorov was seriously injured after the bombing of Moscow and was forced to withdraw from research activities. The scientist was able to recover from injury only after 2 years - in 1944. After that, he began to develop a theory of stabilization of the lamp frequency.

Post-war years


After graduation, the scientist defended his doctoral dissertation in physics in 1946. By 1948, began research in a new field for the whole world - radio spectroscopy. He discovered the structure of molecules and determined its role in stable power lines, which greatly simplified the transmission of signals over a greater distance. In parallel with this, he was engaged in physical particle accelerators. He conducted various experiments with his own device - a betatron. His research is still continued by many physicists around the world.

Received a Ph.D. for the work "On expanding the scope of the small parameter method." His diploma was personally signed by the head of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Alexander Mikhailovich was also awarded the Mandelstam Prize. Already by the 50s, in his works, a clear and individual handwriting of the scientist was traced. It was important for him not only to open a new field of knowledge, but also to find practical application for it in life. Alexander Prokhorov was engaged in the popularization of science and teaching activities until the end of his days.

Ph.D., Nobel Laureate


November 12, 1951, the scientist became a doctor of sciences, defending another dissertation on the topic of radiation of centimeter radio waves. He not only studied science himself, but also inspired others. Peers and fellow students reached for him and tried to get closer to his result. The scientific laboratory of Alexander Prokhorov became more and more famous and expanded the range of his research.

In the 60s, Alexander Prokhorov was called the most promising and hardworking scientist of our time. He became one of the founders of quantum theory, for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1964.

The scientist was also awarded many awards in his homeland, including the Lenin Prize. Nevertheless, he joined the Academy of Sciences only by 1966.

In the mid-eighties, his research center became part of the Russian Academy of Sciences and was called the Institute of General Physics. To this day, it is recognized around the world. The IOF is considered one of the most advanced and respected scientific organizations.