
Alexey Temnikov: biography, photo

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Alexey Temnikov: biography, photo
Alexey Temnikov: biography, photo

Video: Alexei Nikolaevitch Romanov- His life in pictures 2024, July

Video: Alexei Nikolaevitch Romanov- His life in pictures 2024, July

The appearance on the screens of the picture “After You” caused interest in the biography of Alexei Germanovich Temnikov. Most of those who saw this picture began to search on the Internet for at least some information about this person. This article will help you to find out who Alexey Temnikov is, the biography of the artist and what relationship the couple of Anna Matison and Sergey Bezrukov have to him.


And was there ….

Without prolonging the intrigue, I want to say right away that there is no Alexei Germanovich Temnikov.

In 2016, the director Anna Matison began filming a picture about the fate of a man who is selflessly devoted to art, for which he doomed himself to loneliness.

The film starred:

  • Sergey Bezrukov;

  • Alena Babenko;

  • Anastasia Bezrukova;

  • Karina Andolenko;

  • Tamara Akulova;

  • Vladimir Menshov;

  • Galina Bokashevskaya;

  • Stepan Kulikov;

  • Maria Smolnikova;

  • Sergey Vershinin.

The film was released in March 2017. In the credits of the picture was the phrase "Dedicated to Alexei Temnikov (1976-2016)." She then caused confusion. Fans of Sergey Bezrukov’s creativity know that the actor gladly agrees to the roles of real characters. Among his most striking works of this nature are the images of Sergei Yesenin, Alexander Pushkin, Vasily Stalin, Vladimir Vysotsky, etc. Moreover, until the picture about the famous Soviet bard appeared on the screen, its creators kept the intrigue for a long time, hiding who was hiding behind a magnificent make-up. Many thought that this time some kind of mystery was connected with the film.


Let's dot the "i"

The end to the debate was put by Sergey Bezrukov himself. In an interview with KP radio, he literally said: "The image does not have a prototype, it is a collective character."

Some saw Mikhail Baryshnikov in the hero of Bezrukov. However, the creators of the film, in particular director Anna Matison, argue that the biography of Alexei Temnikov was invented from beginning to end.


What is the movie about: the plot

The creators of the picture “After You” begin to acquaint the viewer with the biography of Alexei Temnikov from the period of his life, when the dancer’s career is at its peak.

A gifted dancer is constantly in sight of the media. In their articles, journalists give the highest marks to his skill and call him a rising star. Delighted with success, Alexey expects even more, especially since he will have a tour in the USA during which he hopes to conquer the American public.

However, the dancer's dreams are not destined to come true. The creators of the picture do not directly disclose the reason why the artist Alexei Temnikov (biography fictional from beginning to end) received an injury that put an end to his career. In only one scene does the viewer see that the dancer is drunk before entering the stage. So the star Temnikova fades, not having time to flare up in full force.

But Alex is not one of those who give up. He returns to his native provincial town and opens a ballet school. The success of this enterprise helps him a big name, which the viewer has not forgotten.

20 years later

Then the creators of the picture “After You” leave the viewer in ignorance of how the further biography of Alexei Temnikov has developed over the next two decades.

It immediately becomes clear that nothing interesting happened to the hero during this time. The consequences of the injury could not be eliminated, so even the former dancer is forced to drive a car from home to work, which can be easily overcome on foot. The ballet school is booming, with Temnikov not having to work hard. The institution has an excellent reputation, and parents are happy to bring their children there, secretly hoping that someday they will become stars of the first magnitude ballet. The only thing Alexey would be happy to refuse, but cannot for various reasons, is classes with a VIP group. The rest of the time, Temnikov tries not to leave the office and communicate less with people.


Unexpected fatherhood

Nowadays, it is ridiculous to hope to spend your century a hermit, without passions and emotions. Sooner or later, fate will throw some kind of surprise, and often more than one, and destroy the safe, quiet little world that you are so used to.

So, once in the office of the former ballet dancer Alexei Temnikov ("biography" in his youth is presented above), Maria penetrates. She tells him that she is pregnant and it is too late to do anything. Alexey this message is not particularly touching. He simply promises Mary to support her and their unborn child financially. But does this really want a girl who is expecting a baby and dreams of a happy family life?

The surprises do not end there. It turns out that the hermit has been the father of a charming girl named Chiara for 12 years. This was reported to Alexei by her mother Nick. Like the previous visit, a visit to the ex-girlfriend does not make any impression on Temnikov. Nevertheless, he does not refuse the offer to spend the day with the girl. Chiara was an unusually calm and obedient girl. Alexei almost did not feel her presence. The same cannot be said of Chiara, who was closely following her father, trying to understand what kind of person he was. As a child of the digital age, Chiara searches the Internet for information about Temnikov and finds out that he was a man with a heavy character, with many enemies.


The last countdown has begun

Suddenly, the hero becomes ill. He and the girl are going to the capital to a friend's doctor. They talk along the way, and he realizes that for many years he has not talked with anyone for so long.

The doctor reports that soon Temnikov will not be able to walk at all. The reason is an old injury. Alexei suddenly realizes that he can no longer postpone the realization of his old dream - the production of a modern ballet about the creation of the world, starting from the Big Space Bang until the advent of life.

Directly from the hospital, Temnikov hurries to the theater, where Martynov, the artistic director of the ballet, talks about his idea. He has long disliked Alexei and, although the idea seems interesting to him, refuses his support.

Broken Temnikov returns home. He is gnawing at the question of what he will leave behind. Alexey cannot find an answer to it, so he does not want to see anyone. The next few days he spends locked in his apartment. However, the flood that happened in his home forces Temnikov to temporarily move to his office.


Wrong choice

Returning to work has a beneficial effect on Alexey. He decides to do the transformations in his school and find a student who can be trusted to dance a new ballet. Unfortunately, such a young man is not in the studio. Then Temnikov decides to work with his former graduate Roma, especially since the young man himself came to Alexei with a request to put a number for him to participate in a dance show on one of the TV channels.

The former dancer enthusiastically takes up the matter. Rehearsals follow one after another. However, when Roma after his performance informs the jury who the author of the number is, his members vote against the novice dancer. Moreover, experts speak negatively about Temnikov, since at one time the former star had conflicts with almost all of her colleagues.

a swan song

Dancer Temnikov Aleksey, whose biography was invented by the creators of the film "After You", understands that the matter is not in the number, but in the performer. He talks about this to his daughter, with whom he has become very close lately.

Analyzing his life, Temnikov comes to the conclusion that not everything is lost. After all, he has Chiara and soon another baby will be born. Alexei makes an offer to Mary, having frankly talked about his illness, and introduces her to her parents. It would seem that everything is getting better in the life of the former star, but a bell rings from the theater. His leadership decided to entrust the production of the ballet Symphony in 3 Movements to Alexei.

The call becomes fatal. Temnikov forgets everything in the world and hurries to the theater. Work begins on the play. Alex does not spare himself. Finally, everything is almost done. On the 40th anniversary of Temnikov, he was invited to a talk show. There, one of the guests accuses him of failing Roma's number on a dance show. Alex begins to defend his work and, in proof of his innocence, decides to dance himself. Temnikov’s performance amazes the audience, and then he makes the last jump …

The picture is interrupted and a short documentary about the artist is shown. It concludes with a dedication to the memory of Alexei Germanovich Temnikov, whose biography is tragic from beginning to end.
