
Alina Kryukova: biography, career, personal life

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Alina Kryukova: biography, career, personal life
Alina Kryukova: biography, career, personal life

Video: Anna Vladimirova-Kryukova "The right to be forgotten..." 2024, July

Video: Anna Vladimirova-Kryukova "The right to be forgotten..." 2024, July

Each self-respecting actor at least once resorted to the services of a PR manager. The Russian show business has cruel rules, and who doesn’t know them, as the closest assistant to the star. Alina Kryukova is a vivid example of a person who, with the help of her love of work, was able to achieve great success in her career and build her family happiness.


Alina Kryukova: biography and parents

A young careerist was born on a bright holiday - January 1, 1985. Parents from childhood instilled in Alina a love of work. The family did not live well, but relatives tried to give everything necessary to their daughter. Alina Kryukova graduated from the Law Institute, but to this day it is not known whether she worked in her specialty. She does not like to shine in front of cameras and tell about herself, but the work and status of the wife of a famous actor are obligated.