
Alternative reality is The concept, definition, possibility of existence, hypothesis, assumption and theory

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Alternative reality is The concept, definition, possibility of existence, hypothesis, assumption and theory
Alternative reality is The concept, definition, possibility of existence, hypothesis, assumption and theory

Video: Lesson 4- Definitions, Assumptions and Hypothesis 2024, June

Video: Lesson 4- Definitions, Assumptions and Hypothesis 2024, June

Reflections on the topic of alternative reality - this is what prevented even the philosophers of ancient times from sleeping at night. The Romans and Hellenes in ancient treatises can find confirmation of this. After all, they, like us, were always interested in thinking about whether their doubles exist in worlds parallel to ours?

Moreover, thanks to the thoughts of the ancient sages, a special section of physics was created devoted to the riddles associated with time, as well as other inexplicable phenomena. And now, armed with the knowledge accumulated over the centuries, scientists are on the verge of a possible discovery that can turn our whole idea of ​​the world upside down.

The development of the theory of parallel worlds

To the masses, such reasoning was first advanced by such famous science fiction writers of the 19th century as Herbert Wales and Jules Verne. But more closely, the possibility of an alternative reality began to be considered by scientists only after 1905. And this is not surprising, because it was then that in the "Special Theory of Relativity" (SRT) such a concept as a four-dimensional continuum appeared.


This mathematical term indicates that the concept of space does not have three parameters, but four. It:

  1. Length.
  2. Width.
  3. Height.
  4. Time.

True, some scientists were distrustful of the fourth parameter, since time cannot be constant. Many physicists were already wondering what life is in alternative reality, and whether it exists at all. But, alas, attempts to find out were unsuccessful. In theory, scientists, of course, agreed that time travel is possible. What you just need to understand is how to build a time machine correctly - and everything will work out. However, they also understood that the probability that this could be realized was zero, since the laws of causality would be violated (for example, the “paradox of a dead butterfly”).

UFO problem

Everything would be fine, but in the 47th year of the 20th century, the first references to “Unidentified flying objects” appeared, and many great minds began to associate this with an alternative reality. True, some scientists believed that the appearance of UFOs is associated with such reasons as:

  • Hallucinations due to schizophrenia.
  • Traveling alien guests to Earth.
  • The emergence of the latest aircraft from the greatest military powers.


But soon even the most skeptical atheist fell silent, reflecting on the fact that the existence of parallel worlds is quite possible. Because to all other evidence of the theory of curvature of temporary space, information was added about such mysterious creatures as Yeti, Loch Ness monster, Chupacabra and other very “cute” characters that pop up in the media. In general, in order to prove that time does not have constancy, scientists put forward the hypothesis of parallel worlds. And after some time, David Oxford and several of his associates proved that alternative reality is a layer of chronos that goes along with our reality. And when it is proved that it is multidimensional, the greatest minds of mankind will be able to build a time machine.

Modern view of the possibility of existence

Alternative reality … Does it really exist? The question is subtle, because opinions are divided, and the theory of parallel worlds has both supporters and opponents. To date, there is no officially established definition for other worlds, but the term "alternative reality" is most often used. This implies that in time we are not moving alone and sometimes even “fail” in a parallel dimension.

How many worlds are there?

Unfortunately, precisely confirmed data are not available, therefore science fiction writers and scientists give different answers to this question. A very famous writer A.P. Kazantsev suggested that in addition to our (main) world, there are two parallel:

  1. Slightly "running" forward in time. From which, perhaps, amazing aircraft fly to us, or, more simply, UFOs.
  2. Slightly "behind" from our reality. It is from there that yeti, dinosaurs and mammoths visit us.

But other world science fiction creators have indicated that there are dozens and even thousands of alternative realities. Moreover, in recent years there has been a tendency that parallel worlds are numbered infinity, since any act of each of us that we did or just thought to implement is the creation of an alternative reality. And the conclusions are that time is not constant. This was also confirmed by the scientists of Standford, putting forward a hypothesis that around our dimension there are 10 in 1 010 000 000 degrees of parallel worlds.

How to get into an alternative reality?

The laws of our universe are quite accurate, but this does not mean a complete absence of errors. After all, any clockwork mechanism can malfunction in the course of time, therefore cosmic rhythms can disrupt their measured flow. And shifts, in turn, can provoke changes in our reality. Although the worlds parallel to each other are hidden from the eyes of their inhabitants, they still have common ground, and this has a definite effect on them.

Having compiled a map of the Earth and marking on it those places where UFOs were seen, you can see that it was there that various paranormal phenomena, disappearances of people, the appearance of strange creatures and many other mysterious incidents were recorded. Moreover, all these cases are full of mysteries and coincidences, shrouded in a veil of secrecy. Paranormal phenomena are always concentrated in the zone of a particular geolocation (that is, they happen only at certain points), and it is there that one should look for gates to alternative worlds.


Here is a list of places that are ideal for describing abnormal areas that should not be visited:

  • Mountain of the Dead (Sverdlovsk Region of Russia) - people die there under mysterious circumstances.
  • Windy Enikov (Czech Republic) - famous for frequent accidents.
  • Mount Bo-Jausa (Russia) - air crashes occur.
  • Long Pass (USA) - people disappear.
  • Valley of Black Bamboo (China) - famous for the disappearances of people.

There are also many more mysterious places, among which the Bermuda Triangle is especially famous.

Differences between our and other worlds

Life in another dimension may differ very slightly from our reality, but it also happens that the changes are absolute. In an alternate reality, you may have others:

  • friends parents, children, lovers;
  • important events in life;
  • incidents
  • diseases
  • geographical position;
  • historical chronology;
  • political situation.


Assuming that the slightest act or action creates a new reality, it is not difficult to imagine a world with a completely different story. Therefore, the idea that somewhere in the "library of time and space" the USSR still flourishes is quite normal, as is the fact that slavery still exists in one dimension. And if humanity did not come up with nuclear weapons that could dust more than one state, the Caribbean crisis would not be resolved, and Hitler would conquer the whole world. What would our life be like? Of course, everything would have turned out differently.

Many philosophers have suggested that heaven can exist in one reality, hell in another, and purgatory in the third. Others believe that they may not have gravity, and indeed the laws of physics will work differently. Moreover, there is the scientific term “Anti-World”, which reflects the whole opposite of our reality.


The astral world is described in ancient manuscripts as a certain subtle substance, invisible to ordinary mortals. Mages travel there in search of answers, with the help of meditation or other methods of penetration, which are hidden in mystery. Of course, not everyone believes in the existence of magic, ghosts, witchcraft, obsession with the devil, demons and other paranormal phenomena and concepts, but why then do all religions tell us that the soul is immortal and “leaves” to another world? Why, when official medicine turns away from a terminally ill person, some grandmother from a remote village literally pulls him out of the world? Isn't that a miracle ?!


Without a doubt, some stories are only the fruit of someone else's fantasy - a fairy tale, but also throughout the history of mankind there are always eyewitnesses who confirm that they saw the same thing in different parts of the world. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will now believe that lightning is the chariot of Zeus, Perun, or another deity, since scientists have long discovered that this is an electric discharge. But after all, can not thousands of people from different countries observing UFOs be under the influence of hypnosis? How can you not believe them?

According to the findings of parapsychologists, in the astral world there are creatures (or entities) that reach us through the "craters" that open in abnormal places. For example, in the Bermuda Triangle, ships and aircraft flying over it often disappear. And this is a clear indicator that electromagnetic and temporary anomalies are raging there, and enough stories have accumulated about this. In addition, you should not "play with fire", independently carrying out black book rituals and conspiracies from magic books or web pages, as this is fraught with very serious consequences!

Regardless of whether we believe in something or not - it has a right to exist and can both help and harm. An alternative reality is the astral worlds that are closely intertwined with our world, which have common points and intersect in places with electromagnetic anomalies. Being there is life-threatening, but sometimes we get there in our dreams, which then come true. Many of us also know the phenomenon of “deja vu, ” in which we feel that this event has already occurred, or we know the place, although you came there for the first time.


Those who wish can find the entrance to another world and try to start life in an alternative reality from scratch through special magical practices and meditation. But sometimes this happens by chance, due to mysterious events that take place from time to time. For example, it happens that an adult man goes to another city and does not remember anything about his former life, so he starts it all over again.