
Analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise - the most important management tool

Analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise - the most important management tool
Analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise - the most important management tool

Video: Internal Analysis 2024, July

Video: Internal Analysis 2024, July

In order to understand what is happening at the enterprise, it is necessary to analyze not only its interaction with contractors, regulatory authorities and competitors, but also analyze the processes occurring within the organization - its organizational structure, subordinate relationships, individual processes and procedures. The set of research procedures for processes occurring within the company, is designated by most scientists as an analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise. We will talk about him in today's article.

A strategic analysis of the internal environment of the organization is necessary - this statement has long been an axiom, and millions of examples of externally successful organizations that once held excellent market positions, but collapsed due to instability within the company, confirm this. That is why it is necessary to analyze the processes occurring in the company both at the very beginning of its work, and throughout the entire period of its activity. Analysis of the internal environment of the company involves a detailed consideration of the following aspects:

  • The management organization system at the company - the organizational structure of management is considered, “boss-subordinate” relationships are established both between employees and between departments.

  • The study of individual processes occurring in the organization. As a rule, the activities of most firms are standardized, and from year to year the same people perform the same tasks. That is why it is impossible to study business processes without taking into account those who execute them.

  • The identification of both formal and informal structures and the leaders of these structures - as practice shows, most often the problems for the company begin at the moment when informal leaders appear on the company. An analysis of the internal environment should identify these leaders, after which the leadership must decide either to transfer them to the status of formal leaders (say, by appointing them to senior positions), or to reduce their influence up to dismissal (this is fraught with a strong negative response from the team). It is important to remember one thing: a strong personality can always dramatically change the course of the history of the whole company, and only in the direction depends on which direction acceleration will be given.

Methods of analysis of the internal environment is a set of techniques that can be used to collect information about the processes occurring in the enterprise and systematize it. These may include:

  • Questioning - employees can anonymously answer questions regarding whether there are any factors in the internal environment of the company that prevent them from performing their work efficiently;

  • A study of the documentation, such as the charter of the enterprise, orders and orders of managers, will help to find out the official organizational structure of the enterprise.

  • After completing the first two points, based on the information received, it is advisable to conduct a SWOT analysis, but only in the part of SW, modifying it to SNW - that is, highlight the strengths, neutral and weak. Thus we obtain the most complete and detailed picture of the internal environment of the company.

After the analysis of the internal environment of the company is completed, you can begin to take immediate measures to eliminate weaknesses, give neutral a positive connotation and preserve and increase strengths. Regular repetition of the analysis procedure will help to ensure that each employee within the enterprise works as efficiently as possible, and there are no obstacles for the company to work at its full potential, bringing maximum benefit to its owners. Successful analysis of the internal environment, dear business leaders!