
Andrey Doronin: biography, creativity, books, reviews and reviews

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Andrey Doronin: biography, creativity, books, reviews and reviews
Andrey Doronin: biography, creativity, books, reviews and reviews

Not so long ago, books were the only source of information. Today, more and more people are scooping up the information they need from the Internet, without bothering themselves with the search for suitable print media. However, there are such “pen sharks” that simply force many network lovers to return to libraries and bookstores. This is exactly what journalist and writer Andrei Doronin is.


About Andrew in a nutshell

Andrei is a very interesting and creative person, whose biography is almost unknown. And the thing is that for a long time he was in the shadow of his "star" wife - Olga Marquez. She is a successful businesswoman, vocalist of the music group Alai Oli, as well as the owner of a network of fitness clubs Sekta and the organizer of a distance learning school in the field of healthy eating and training.

The couple signed in 2012, and exactly one year later the son of Jerzy was born to the young couple.

Drug problems

Long before the official painting with Olga, Andrei Doronin had the imprudence to try drugs. At first he used them simply out of boredom, since his wife was often away. Then they enthralled him so much that he simply could not do without them. However, he managed to stop in time and stop doing this. By the way, the wife of a journalist had similar problems earlier, but she also managed to overcome her craving for addictive chemistry.


The first steps in creativity

When Olga was on tour, Andrei often wrote letters to her. In them, he shared real stories that happened at one time or another with him and other people. At one point, Olga had the idea to publish part of the letters, as they seemed to her funny, touching and thought-provoking. And since the singer studied at the faculty of journalism in the past, Doronin, without thinking twice, agreed.

Young spouses sent the first batch of manuscripts to LJ. The user reaction impressed them. According to Andrei, inquisitive subscribers liked the meaning and custom writing style of the author. They decided to continue, but already using social networks and a personal site.

And so began his career as a writer Andrei Doronin. The biography of this peculiar author is rather modest and cannot be found in the public domain. And the thing is that Andrei focuses on his works and does not at all strive to become famous. It is only known that the childhood of the young author was spent in Norilsk. There he first wrote a note for a local newspaper, although it is not known for certain whether it passed the approval of the editor or not. He also had several criminal records and loved to write poetry.


What does the author say about himself?

Doronin is primarily an ordinary person with the unenviable experience of an addict, a faithful husband and a loving father, and only then a writer. He does not pursue fame and is rather known in a narrow circle of people. The author himself speaks very modestly of his own literary successes and considers himself to be an amateur rather than a professional master of the epistolary genre.

What is Andrei writing about?

At the moment, Andrei Doronin has written books from the already sensational Transsiberian Back2Black series. These are two parts made in the form of a kind of collection of letters to a beloved woman.

In them he shares his own story about drug addiction, talks about the endless internal struggle with himself, with his weaknesses, talks about the most unpleasant moments of childhood, adolescence and adulthood. And, of course, in them there is love and romantic notes, sadness, hopelessness and, in some places, humor.

“There is my personal paradise and hell existing in a single copy, ” - this is exactly what Andrei Doronin says about his books.


What does Olga Marquez say about the author?

Olga speaks of her wife as a wonderful person. According to her, Andrei is a closed, not too talkative, but very talented person with a complex character. They are united by a difficult fate, the fight against drug addiction, and now they have a beloved son.

Briefly about Olga and her role in the work of the author

They met by chance, but this meeting became fateful for both. Olga became a generator of ideas for the author. She is the wife, mother and his muse. In addition, the soloist Alai Oli not only gave the idea to write a book based on Andrei’s letters, but also took care of its editing, design and other organizational aspects. Thanks to Olga, her husband took up the “feather”. Now Andrei Doronin is a writer.


Transsiberian Back2Black: story twists and turns

The very first book, which actually brought some fame to the author, is Transsiberian Back2Black. It was published in 2013 and is based on real events that happened with the writer himself and other people with similar narcotic problems.

In the center of the plot is a man who is about 23-25 ​​years old. From the first chapters, he talks about himself and his own double life: on the one hand, he is a sophisticated and creative person engaged in rather stormy activities; on the other, a complete loser addict suffering from loneliness, all kinds of phobias and depression. The only way to forget about all this is the stupefying taste of drugs that Andrei Doronin himself actually faced.

The whole life of the hero goes in search of a new dose and money. However, despite the predominantly pessimistic plot, the main character still manages to recover from addiction and tell others about it.


Transsiberian Back2Black: Part Two

The second part of Transsiberian Back2Black is the same collection of letters and the continuation of the first part. The subject of drug addiction is also traced here, although it is not so pronounced. However, this is still the same Andrei Doronin. Books, reviews, reviews on the works of this writer, or rather, information about them can be found in our article.

In the second part, the protagonist already known to us is still struggling with his fears, boredom and problems, using unconventional methods. In it you can find many interesting mystical stories related to changes in the worldview of people "sitting on the needle." By and large, here you can see all those materials that were not included in the previous part of the collection.

All books (Andrey Doronin): features of writing

The style and manner of writing the author is significantly different from others. From the first lines of the work, the simplicity of the transfer of material is striking. Here you will not find complex literary turns or artistic images in descriptions of nature. In Transsiberian Back2Black, everything is simple and realistic, just like in life.

Interestingly, when writing Transsiberian Back2Black, the author, without hesitation, used profanity. And most importantly, it does not harm, but rather gives its collections a peculiar zest. The author’s task was to transmit information “without cuts”, and not to deliberately embellish it. Therefore, the topic of drug addiction in the books of Doronin is revealed in the vile and terrible form in which it is. And everyone can draw conclusions from everything read for himself.


What versions of collections are available to the reader?

Currently, several versions of the writer’s books are available: in print and electronic versions. Also, everyone can download an audiobook. In the near future, according to the author, it is planned to make an hour-long sampling of Transsiberian Back2Black, which will go into a kind of audio collection. According to preliminary information, it will be a cycle of great stories with real video and scale.